Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 71 He Just Wants to Hit Someone

"You said Wang Yuan was in a coma in the hospital?"

Early in the morning, Lin Xiaoxiao was shocked by this explosive news.

Everyone was unconscious, indicating that the accident was serious.But it's only morning, hasn't Li Hao gone to the hospital yet?

Now that Lin Xiaoxiao knew that Li Hao had not escaped the fate of having to work overtime after get off work, she mourned in silence for him.

"I will let Li Hao pay attention to the follow-up matters, you don't have to worry."

"Did the doctor say when she would wake up?"

There are different degrees of coma, so I don't know which kind of situation Wang Yuan belongs to.

Ye Fanyu: "If you can't wake up today, the chance of waking up is very small."

Immediately, Lin Xiaoxiao was a little happy in her heart, this is the wicked man's reward.

I thought that Wang Yuan's matter was somewhat difficult, but I didn't expect that there was a turning point in the matter.Lin Xiaoxiao would not ask who was the other party in the car accident. For her, Wang Yuan's accident was the most trouble-free way.

Ye Fanyu picked up Lin Xiaoxiao, but the car belonged to Lin Xiaoxiao, so they went to Ye's Group first.Lin Xiaoxiao watched Ye Fanyu walk into the gate before she drove away.

On the way, An Zinan sent a message, asking when she would arrive at the store, he was starving to death.

Lin Xiaoxiao would arrive as soon as she replied, so she concentrated on driving.

She didn't want to have the same accident as Wang Yuan, so she had to concentrate on driving.

In the flower shop, An Zinan and Zhai Junyi were waiting for Lin Xiaoxiao's bento, and Lin Xiaoxiao had nothing to do with them after they got the bento.Lin Xiaoxiao didn't care either, she started to work on her own.

Busy until noon, Lin Xiaoxiao ordered takeaway.In the afternoon, she told the two of them that they would settle the dinner by themselves and that she was going to the concert.

Zhai Junyi and An Zinan heard about the concert for a day, and their ears were almost callused, so Lin Xiaoxiao was pushed out of the flower shop by the two before she could finish speaking.

Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head to give the two of them a little color, but she saw Wang Jun on the side of the road.

Wang Jun noticed that Lin Xiaoxiao had seen him, so he walked towards her.

"Hi, I'm Wang Jun, Wang Yuan's older brother. We've met before."

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't guess the reason why Wang Jun would find her. They didn't seem to have any intersection.

Wang Jun didn't want to find Lin Xiaoxiao, but he was desperate, "Can I ask you a favor?"

"To be honest, we don't know each other well. If you suddenly come to me for help, I can reject you right now."

There was some room for Lin Xiaoxiao's words, because she wanted to know what help he wanted from her.

Wang Jun was embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Lin Xiaoxiao, "My sister had a car accident last night, I know she offended you, so can you not let someone stay in the ward, our family is a little scared."

"Wait, I have people guarding the ward? Why do I have people guarding there? It's not like I'm fine if I'm full."

Wang Jun suddenly raised his head, "Didn't you let someone guard my sister?"

"Why do you think I'm the one who made someone guard your sister?"

"They say my sister has offended their employer, and I know my sister has offended you."

Lin Xiaoxiao seriously suspects that Wang Jun's IQ is problematic, should she suggest that he go to the hospital for a look?

"There's nothing wrong with your logic. Your sister offended me, so when they say it, you think it's me, right? But! Have you ever thought that your sister offended not only me, but also others?"

Wang Jun had obviously thought of this, he muttered to himself, "Who could it be?"

"Since it's not me, then I can't help you. Please make way for me to get in the car."

Wang Jun's station happened to be next to the car door, and Lin Xiaoxiao had to let him go if he wanted to get in the car.

Wang Jun took a step to the side. Lin Xiaoxiao just opened the car door when he grabbed the door. She turned to look at him, "Is there anything else I can do?"

"Can you ask for me, who has my sister offended?"

Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to laugh, she didn't know where Wang Jun got his courage, this man's brain was a little tricky.

"I'm sorry, I'm ruthless and innocent with you. It's her business who she offends. I don't need to help you with this. Please let go, I'm leaving."

"I beg you, I really don't know what to do."

As Wang Jun said that, he knelt down directly, and Lin Xiaoxiao was so frightened that he stuck to the frame and dared not move.

Zhai Junyi and An Zinan hurried out when they saw the situation outside, one grabbed Wang Jun who was kneeling on the ground, and the other stood in front of Lin Xiaoxiao to protect her.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, do you want to call the police?"

"No, he probably didn't stand firm before he knelt down. I'll go first."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't care what happened to Wang Jun, she got in the car and went to Xianning Club to pick him up.

In the Xianning clubhouse, Ning Qiuxian sat on a chair with Alice in his arms and listened to Gu Changnian's long-winded instructions. He had already told Gu Changnian not to worry, but obviously his words did not reassure Gu Changnian.

"If someone bumps into you, don't be afraid, Xiaoxiao will protect you."

"I'm a man, she's a woman, it's only right for me to protect her."

"Yes, yes, you will protect Xiaoxiao, but you must protect yourself first."

Lin Xiaoxiao just heard Gu Changnian's words when she entered the door. She walked up to them and showed Gu Changnian a look that you haven't figured it out yet?
Gu Changnian replied with the expression of a child who is difficult to deal with and is still in education.

Ning Qiuxian stood up happily, Alice in his arms jumped to the floor, "Xiaoxiao, you are here, let's go."

"Eat first, you haven't eaten yet."

Gu Changnian grabbed Ning Qiuxian, how could his children go to the concert hungry.

Lin Xiaoxiao told Ning Qiuxian very cooperatively, "Let's eat first, we won't be able to cry out because we are hungry, we have to fill our stomachs before we start."

"But I'm not hungry yet."

Ning Qiuxian felt that he was still not hungry after eating so many snacks.

Lin Xiaoxiao shook her head resolutely, "No, you are hungry, you are as hungry as me."

"I'm really not hungry."

She's hungry, why is it so difficult for this kid to talk.

Lin Xiaoxiao let Gu Changnian handle it by herself, if not, she will eat first.

Gu Changnian put his arms around Ning Qiuxian, "Okay, you're not hungry, but Xiaoxiao is very hungry after a busy day, you can eat with her, or she'll be embarrassed."

"What's the matter with embarrassment, eat as much as you want." Ning Qiuxian pushed Gu Changnian away, and he pulled Lin Xiaoxiao up, "Come on, I'll take you to dinner, eat more when you're hungry, or you won't have the energy to eat at night Call."

Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head and smiled at Gu Changnian, then followed Ning Qiuxian's footsteps.

The time for the concert was eight o'clock in the evening, and Lin Xiaoxiao didn't dare to delay too long for dinner.After she and Ning Qiuxian ate briefly, the two finally left the Xianning clubhouse.

Sitting in Lin Xiaoxiao's car, Ning Qiuxian was already getting excited. He was not at all what Gu Changnian worried about, and Lin Xiaoxiao was relieved.

"I don't know what song Xingchen will sing tonight. I have prepared a lot of snacks for us for many years. After the concert starts, we will listen to the song while eating."

"Is your bag full of snacks?"

Ning Qiuxian was carrying a backpack. At first, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what was in it, but now that she knew, she could already imagine how happy they would be waiting.

"That's right. For many years, he said that the concert would take more than three hours. He was afraid that we would be hungry, so he prepared a whole day. I ate a lot in the afternoon, and it tasted very good."

Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to eat right away, even though she was just full.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Ning Qiuxian talked and laughed all the way to the gymnasium. Ning Qiuxian, who hadn't been too emotional, changed his expression after getting off the car.

"Qiu Xian, what are you doing standing there, come on, let's enter the arena."

Lin Xiaoxiao took the support light stick from the trunk, and when she closed the trunk, she saw Ning Qiuxian standing motionless beside the car, so she hurriedly called him.But he didn't respond even after calling a few times, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately ran over.

"Qiuxian, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't see Ning Qiuxian's face from behind, but when she saw it from the front, she realized that his face was a little pale.

Ning Qiuxian wanted to say that he was fine, but the phobia of the crowd made him speechless.

Just when he was about to call out to find Gu Changnian, he felt his hands fall into a pair of warm palms.

Lin Xiaoxiao followed Ning Qiuxian's method, she held Ning Qiuxian's hand tightly, and encouraged him with a smile, "Qiuxian, it's just that there are too many people, it's okay. Let's walk in slowly, you take your time." Take it easy, okay?"

"But a lot of people"

"Of course there are many people at the concert. If there is no one, wouldn't our stars be very pitiful?"

Ning Qiuxian pursed his lips, "I'm a little scared."

"Don't be afraid, follow me and we will walk in slowly. When the concert starts, you don't have to worry about how many people there are. When Xingchen opens his voice, you will be immersed in his singing."

Lin Xiaoxiao comforted him with the things Ning Qiuxian liked, and Ning Qiuxian slowly relaxed his expression, and the blood returned to his face.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go in slowly, don't leave me."

"I'm holding your arm, you can't get lost if you want to."

"Well, I can't get lost."

Ning Qiuxian did not back down, Lin Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief.If he was really scared, then tonight's ticket was really wasted.

The two slowly merged into the crowd. At first Ning Qiuxian was still nervous, but after getting used to the crowd, he relaxed.

During the ticket check and security check, Lin Xiaoxiao was worried that Ning Qiuxian would be scared, but he didn't look scared at all, instead he smiled at the staff.

"Don't attract others, the concert is about to start, let's go to the seats and sit down."

Lin Xiaoxiao pulled Ning Qiuxian into the room. After they sat down, Lin Xiaoxiao took advantage of Ning Qiuxian's inattention and hurriedly returned a message to Gu Changnian.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't have time to read what Gu Changnian said, because Ning Qiuxian held her hand again with a nervous expression on his face.

"What's the matter, don't be afraid, there are just more people."

"No, look quickly, the miniature version of the stars is there!"

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Ning Qiuxian's finger, and was so excited that she wanted to rush over, "Oh my god, it's so cute!"

"Look, there are also over there."

Before the concert started, Ning Qiuxian was completely relaxed.After the concert started, Lin Xiaoxiao thought that even if she told him that it was Gu Changnian now, he wouldn't mind too much.

After the three-hour concert was over, Ning Qiuxian was still full of emotions, and Lin Xiaoxiao was not much better.Ye Fanyu and Gu Changnian were flamboyantly ignored after looking for them.

Ye Fanyu gasped, "You take your little friend away."

Gu Changnian was helpless, "It's just holding hands, don't be nervous."

He's not nervous, he just wants to hit someone.

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