Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 808 Press Conference

"This matter involves many aspects, and there are also some things that happened many years ago. It's not convenient to tell you now. You should talk about the arrangements for the press conference later, so that I can cooperate with you." Ember said Those words and Su Rumeng's own words are still not enough for Li Jinzhen to fully believe. Li Jinzhen only believes in what he has investigated, so now is not the time to spread this matter.

"A press conference? I don't have any preparations, so I just tell the facts. I'm not that interested in participating in the matter of your Li family. If you want to say something later, you can just make up your own words. I will talk about An An's matter, and I will not participate in the rest."

Lin Qiran made things very clear, he only cared about Ye An'an's affairs, what they did with other matters and how to deal with public relations was out of his consideration. When Ember called him before, he said the same thing , even if he knows what happened now, he has no intention of getting involved.

"You guys should have already discussed it, right? The reporters are all here, so let's go out. If they're made to wait for a long time, we won't have any problems." Ember knocked on the door, saw no one answered, opened the door and came in He said, when Lin Qiran came, he went out, and it is more appropriate for Li Jinzun to discuss some things with Lin Qiran.

Lin Qiran and Lin Ran glanced at each other, followed Li Jinzhen and walked out, both of them knew that it would be a tough battle to fight, this group of reporters were not vegetarians, and the reporters waiting outside at the moment were familiar with everyone It has already been discussed. After all, what happened last night can be regarded as an accident, but no one will let people leave in the middle of the celebration party.

"You said what happened last night. Didn't it be good? Why did you let us all leave suddenly?"

"Who knows, but something terrible must have happened, otherwise there should have been more or less rumors last night, but I asked several people in the hotel, and they didn't know what happened. After we were cleared, not long after, they were all cleared away, leaving only the crew of Dai Chu and those from the Li family and the Su family."

"Then I'm afraid this matter is really not small, but I don't know if the situation in our Yucheng will change."

"What you think is beauty, so how could there be any changes? Needless to say, the Li family is doing well. The eldest lady of the Su family gave birth to the young master of the Li family. No one can shake this position." , even the status of her mother's Su family will not change, if you want to talk about Ye An'an and President Li, I think it's just a rumor."

"I don't think so. Ye An'an is also the goddaughter of the Quan family, and he and the Li family are well-connected, right? How can we understand the thoughts of such a rich man? We can't tell when Ye An'an will change suddenly. , has become the new young lady of the Li family."

"Farewell, all of you are very courageous. You dare to discuss the affairs between these two wealthy people here. Do you think your magazine is too stable? Stop talking, people are here .”

Ember walked in the front. As soon as Ember appeared at the press conference, the reporters fell silent except for the sound of the camera. Li Jinxun, Lin Qiran, and Lin Ran all followed Ember. Seeing this lineup, in the All the reporters involved involved what happened yesterday with Ye Anan. No one knew that Lin Qiran didn't care about anything except Ye Anan's affairs. He was present, which meant that what happened last night was also related to Ye Anan. .

"Okay, first of all, I would like to welcome you all to our press conference. There was a poor reception last night. Please forgive me. We will answer each one of what happened last night. I will give you a time to ask questions, so during our answering time, please keep quiet, and if you have any questions, please save them until the last questioning time, thank you for your cooperation."

Ember came to the stage, and exchanged pleasantries as usual, and the reporters below were also very cooperative with him, nodding with a smile, and he didn't greet reporters like this for a long time, and directly got into the topic.

"Everyone is probably curious about why we made a fuss last night to clear the venue and let everyone leave. In fact, the matter is very simple, that is, our Miss Ye Anan was kidnapped, and our Mrs. Li was also kidnapped. There were too many people, and the scene was chaotic, we were all in a hurry at the time, so there was an arrangement to clear the scene."

Those who pay attention to this rhetoric will find that Ember puts the emphasis on Ye Anan and only mentions Su Rumeng, but the reporters present are only concerned about such a big news, and did not notice such a small thing about Ember. Details vary.

Mrs. Li and Ye An'an, one is from the Li family, and the other is a very topical star. No matter which one of them disappears, it will be a great enthusiasm, let alone the two disappear together.

However, the reporters were quite sensible. They didn't interrupt Ember. They just wrote down the questions they wanted to ask in the notebook they carried with them. They planned to ask questions together. If Ember had an answer to this matter, they would write it down. In case you forget about it when you finish finishing.

"After we cleared the venue, our President Li investigated the matter immediately, but the results of the investigation have not yet come out. It is very likely that it is due to a commercial struggle. As for who came up with this A way to fight is still unknown."

"Although the person has not been investigated yet, we have already searched for the kidnapper's information, and we have already rescued him as soon as possible. Mrs. Li and the young master of the Li family are recuperating at home now, because they were frightened. , so I did not attend this press conference this time, and as for Ms. Ye, her whereabouts are still unknown."

"That's what happened. I've already told you everything I know. This time I also invited Ms. Ye's manager and Mr. Li. If you have any questions, you can start asking questions." .”

After Ember explained the matter according to their original plan, they hurriedly asked them to ask questions, and told all the things together with the others. It would be better to let the reporters ask questions by themselves to satisfy their curiosity. , end this press conference as early as possible.

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