Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 807 No Comments

Lin Qiran nodded, and did not object to Li Jinyi's proposal. Originally, he wanted to ask these questions, but it was just a matter of order, and there was no serious problem.

"First of all, Ye Anan's disappearance happened at Ember's celebration banquet. This matter is now deliberately arranged by someone. Judging from the evidence, this matter was planned by Su Ruxin. Her original purpose was to make everything disappear. Pushing it to Su Rumeng, trying to frame Su Rumeng, but when the matter developed later, Su Ruxin realized that this matter was no longer under her control, so Su Ruxin was just a planner on the surface. Who else changed Su Ruxin's plan behind this, and used Su Ruxin to do this thing this time, and what kind of purpose this person is for, I don't have a clue yet."

This sentence should be the longest sentence Li Jinzhen has said in front of outsiders so far, but it is also a very brief summary of what happened that night.

Lin Qiran frowned, faintly feeling that something was wrong, but she still didn't interrupt Li Jinhou's words, letting Li Jinhou continue talking.

"When Su Ruxin contacted the kidnappers, he found that the kidnappers put Su Rumeng and Haoxuan on one pier, and Ye Anan and Nan Nan on another pier. The distance between the two piers is very far, there is no way At the same time to save people on both sides, so Ye An'an and Hao Xuan were separated when they were first kidnapped."

Speaking of this matter, Li Jinzhen still felt uncomfortable. It had been a long time since he was forced to make a choice by others.

"Then you sent someone to rescue Su Rumeng and Haoxuan, and when you arrived at An An's side, An An had already disappeared, and Nannan should have disappeared with An An, right?" Lin Qiran He was very clever in guessing how things would develop, and he didn't find it strange at all that Li Jinzhen would make such a choice.

This choice is not a multiple-choice question for the Li family at all. One side is the young wife and the young master of the Li family, and the other side is just an unrelated child and a nanny who used to work in the Li family. A smart person knows what to do. What a choice.

Li Jinzhen had no way to refute Lin Qiran's words, nor was he willing to explain that he had gone to save Ye An'an, but he didn't catch up with this matter, allowing Lin Qiran to misunderstand him.

"What was the situation when you arrived? Is it possible for An An and Nan Nan to survive?" When Lin Qiran asked this question, she couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly. That's what he wants to know the most today. Compared with these reasons, he just wants to know what the final result will be.

"When I arrived, the boat Ye Anan was on was on fire, and the rescue team arrived soon. I went to the boat to take a look, and the people I found from the boat were all burnt and scorched. I can't see their faces clearly, but I didn't see women or children among those people, and there was a kayak not far from the boat, and an earring was found on the kayak, which should be Ye An'an, so."

Li Jinzhen paused for a moment, and then added: "Although there is this possibility, the captain of the search and rescue team also said that the kayak was full of debris splashed out when the boat exploded, and only Ye Anan could be seen. It is very likely that when it exploded, the impact knocked the two people off the kayak and their bodies sank into the sea."

"An'an can't swim."

Even though Li Jinzhen had said this to this point, he was still thinking that Ye An'an might have avoided the storm in the water and swam to the nearest shore with Nan Nan, but Lin Qiran's words hit her Cut off his idea.

"Even if the body sinks into the sea, it will float up one day. If I don't see the body, I will not admit that An An died. Who knows if someone will rescue An An."

Lin Qiran refused to accept this fact no matter what he said, and was persistent about the possibility of Ye Anan's return, but the three people in the waiting room should all have the same idea, but he showed it, and Li Jinzhen chose to hide her emotions.

"Then it's back to the first question now. How is Haoxuan now after you rescued him? Is he injured?" Ye An'an's whereabouts are unknown now, so Lin Qiran naturally took care of the little bun for her.

"Haoxuan has some problems with his head. Now he has forgotten all about Ye Anan. He has gone back to Li's house to have a good rest. You'd better not give him any stimulation. His current state is not good. Very stable." When mentioning the little bun, Li Jinzhen's attitude was obviously softening.

Lin Qiran's face darkened, he knew that there must have been something else that he didn't know about, but he didn't expect that the reason why Xiao Baozi didn't come home was because he had completely forgotten about Ye Anan. "Except for An'an, does he remember everything? Isn't it a coincidence that this amnesiac lost his memory?"

"Yes, as long as it's about getting involved with Ye An'an, Hao Xuan has completely forgotten about it, and the probability of selective memory is very small. Believe it or not, the matter has become like this It's so bad, I have no reason to keep this matter from you." Li Jinzhen spread his hands, he couldn't believe this matter, but the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help it if he didn't believe it.

Lin Qiran hid this matter in his heart and didn't delve into it any further. No matter how much he doubted about medical matters, there was nothing he could do. After calmly analyzing what Li Jinzhen said before, he realized what he felt was wrong. is where.

"Wait a minute, when you analyzed this matter before, you said that this matter was designed by Su Ruxin, and you wanted to frame Su Rumeng? You mean that Su Ruxin and Su Rumeng will not deal with each other? But aren't the two of them sisters? They have a very good relationship in front of people, how could such a thing happen?"

Although the things in the wealthy family have always been outrageous, and all things may happen, but this incident between Su Ruxin and Su Rumeng is too unbelievable.

But after thinking about it, these two people are not sisters of the same father and mother, and it is inevitable to have disputes. Besides, it can be seen from Su Ruxin's dealing with Ye Anan before that Su Ruxin's jealousy is very strong Well, Su Rumeng has always been the darling of the Su family, so it's not unusual for Su Ruxin to design her.

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