Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 132 Crossing the Line of Fire

Tang Chen pulled Luo Qingqing into his arms again, and said with a smile, "Mrs. Tang, you are right. I just said that I don't want you to have my baby!"

Luo Qingqing's eyes turned red suddenly, and she pushed him desperately: "Tang Chen, get out!"

Tang Chen laughed, but hugged Luo Qingqing even tighter, and said: "My wife is beautiful and graceful, and I am reluctant to let a brat ruin it! So let him hang around in outer space for a few years first, When we need him, it's not too late to call him!"

Luo Qingqing was amused by him, but she still pouted and said, "You just want a son? You value sons over daughters!"

Tang Chen nodded: "Well, a little bit. If you give birth to a brat, there will be one more person to protect you. If you give birth to a daughter, I will definitely be very precious, and I am afraid that you will be jealous. So, we will give birth to a son in the future. That's enough, save me from being distracted!"

Luo Qingqing was thoroughly amused by Tang Chen, but her heart was inexplicably sour.

He described another beautiful dream to her, but she didn't know if this dream could come true.

Tang Chen put her on his lap, and gently loosened the gauze on her arm.

The scratches are almost healed, and it's a little itchy.

Tang Chen got out of bed, brought the medicine kit, and reapplied the medicine on her, only wrapping it loosely with gauze.

"Tomorrow, it should be fine."

Thinking that he was leaving tomorrow, Luo Qingqing's heart sank again.

"What time do you leave tomorrow?" She asked him.

"The plane at ten o'clock in the morning, there is no rush."

"Then you have to go to the airport at eight o'clock, go to bed early."

As she spoke, she moved aside, picked up the script again, and wanted to see tomorrow's scene.

Tang Chen felt her alienation, so he leaned over again and said, "I took a nap this afternoon and I'm still not sleepy. Let's play a game?"

"what game?"

Tang Chen took his mobile phone and said, "Come on, there's a very popular game called Jedi Assault recently, and I'll show you how to play it."

As he spoke, he turned on his phone and clicked on the game interface.

Luo Qingqing hasn't played a game for a long time, and she doesn't even have this game on her phone.She found the phone app, downloaded it, and logged in with her original game name.

Her name in the game is Beauty Benqing.

Tang Chen also used the name of the game "Zhen Da Jiang Shan for You". He applied to Luo Qingqing to add friends, and then formed a two-person team.

"How do you play this? I haven't played it before." Luo Qingqing looked at the brand new game, feeling a little dazed.

Tang Chen said: "This game is easier than what you played last time. We have to take a plane and then parachute in the air. We can land in the areas marked on the game map. However, these areas are not safe, there are minefields , there are biochemical areas, poisonous areas, and there may be enemies ambushing, so we have to keep picking up equipment and running until all the enemies are eliminated. When the game reaches a certain level, the system will also reward equipment, But the number of uses is limited."

Luo Qingqing widened her eyes: "You are taking me to war!"

Tang Chen smiled: "Well, after all, I'm good at this!"

Luo Qingqing: ...She's not good at it, okay?

But Tang Chen couldn't help saying that he had already dragged her onto the plane, and then quickly jumped out of the sky.

Two parachutes, one blue and one red, are floating in the air, like two huge flowers, and the vision is quite beautiful.

It's just that it was beautiful for a few seconds, and as soon as my feet touched the ground, I heard a whoosh.

Tang Chen hugged Luo Qingqing and rolled on the spot, a bullet flew past Luo Qingqing's ear.

"I'm going, it's so thrilling! This is the rhythm of falling into boxes!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

As Tang Chen said, he clicked on his treasure bag, and gave Luo Qingqing a super body armor and a super helmet. These are the rewards he got from playing the game alone.

He wasn't a game fan at all, but after Luo Qingqing left, he didn't feel at ease, and when he was free, he played games.

"Follow me!" Tang Chen pulled Luo Qingqing forward.Run into a big house, there are guns scattered on the ground.

As soon as Tang Chen ran over to get it, a gun muzzle and a head popped out of the window.

Tang Chen quickly pushed Luo Qingqing into the corner, then rolled a few times, got the gun on the ground, and raised his hand to shoot.The person at the window was headshot, and blood spurted out.

Tang Chen jumped out of the window, picked up the man's equipment, jumped back, handed Luo Qingqing a pistol, and then pulled her to continue walking.

They ran forward all the way, encountering obstacles constantly, but they were all wiped out by Tang Chen with quick eyesight and hands.

Luo Qingqing became a special picker, and she didn't know if it was useful or not, so she stuffed it into her backpack.

Tang Chen said with a smile: "The ones that are too low-level, and those we already have, don't pick them up."

While talking, Tang Chen noticed that there was fog around him, so he carried her on his back and ran away without saying a word.

Luo Qingqing watched the man in the game carrying the woman on his back and running like a cheetah, and she was a little excited, as if he was really running behind her back.

But unfortunately, bombers came from the sky, and countless bombs fell on them.

Luo Qingqing exclaimed for a while: "God, it's over, we are going to die together!"

Tang Chen smiled: "Don't worry!"

He took the steps of the devil, dodged left and right, and managed to get rid of the bomb.

There was a car ahead, Tang Chen jumped into the car with Luo Qingqing on his back, kicked the gas pedal, and blasted out, leaving the bomber behind.

Seeing that they were not killed, the bombers flew away to bomb others.

Luo Qingqing patted her chest: "It's so dangerous. Are you also so dangerous when you are performing missions?"

Tang Chen said: "It's not the same. When we go out on a mission, there is rarely such a big movement, unless we encounter terrorists."

"Then have you ever met?"

Tang Chen glanced at Luo Qingqing and nodded, "Yes, but they were all wiped out in the end!"

Tang Chen drove the car, galloping in the mountains, but accidentally entered an ambush circle of a team.

Tang Chen stepped on the brakes vigilantly, and said to Luo Qingqing, "Lie down under the car and don't move!"

With the gun in his hand, he jumped out of the car and opened fire with the other party.

Through the car window, Luo Qingqing saw Tang Chen's tall body hidden in the grass, as if he saw him fighting bloody battles on the battlefield.

During the years of separation, she never dared to think about Tang Chen, or how he lived.But this game allowed her to see the epitome of his seven years of life.

Her heart trembled violently, and her eye circles were red.

Tang Chen felt her emotions, turned to look at him, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Are you scared? This is just a game!"

Luo Qingqing threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly: "Thank you Tang Chen, thank you for coming back to me properly!"

Tang Chen smiled, rubbed the top of her head with his big hands, and said with a smile: "You idiot, it's all over! I will never leave you again!"

Luo Qingqing raised her head and asked him: "Why did you come back? Are you willing to give up the business empire that you built by yourself?"

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