Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 131 Look at me, I can get pregnant

After Tang Chen received his mother's call, he refused.But he had just founded his own company at that time, and just received a big project, so he didn't tell his mother in detail.He thought, after he won this project, he would go home and settle the matter between him and Su Zixi completely.

But that project was very difficult, and he was busy for more than two months.When he came back, he happened to see a video Su Zixi sent him, which was the video of Luo Qingqing and Ji Dongchen's engagement ceremony.

The girl he had been thinking of was engaged to another man, and that was the first fatal blow in his life!
He, a mountain-like man, fell to the floor of the office without any warning, and fell into a coma.

He was sent to the hospital in an emergency, but many experts have consulted together, and they couldn't find out the cause of his illness. He was just unconscious and had a weak sense of survival.

Experts gave various opinions, saying that Tang Chen's body may be overloaded these days, leading to dysfunction, so his life is in danger.But after a series of checks, his body functions are completely normal.

Some experts said that his survival awareness was weak, and he may have been strongly stimulated, which he could not accept and closed himself off.

But even Ye Bai, who has lived and worked with him for many years, doesn't know what kind of stimulation he has received.

Some experts said that he may have been infected with some kind of virus, which made his body function in a dormant state.However, his body functions did not show any signs of poisoning or symptoms.

Experts tried various methods to wake him up, but to no avail.

He was in a coma for more than 20 days, which alarmed Tang Tingjun.

Tang Tingjun sent him to the best hospital abroad for treatment, and contacted him with many famous doctors.But after more than a month of treatment, Tang Chen was still unconscious.

During that time, only Tang Tingjun knew about Tang Chen's illness from Zhou Ruoyun and Tang Meng.He often wiped tears by his hospital bed.Over a month later, Tang Tingjun's hair turned gray all of a sudden.

He also couldn't understand why his son was like this.

He called all the people who had dinner with Tang Chen that day, and asked them in detail what was unusual about Tang Chen before he fell into a coma.

Everyone said it was normal, and everyone was talking and laughing. Tang Chen also said that he wanted to take a few days off and go back to Tang City.

Ye Bai suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, he seemed to have seen a video that day, it seemed to be a video of an engagement ceremony."

"Who's engaged to whom?"

Ye Bai rubbed his head and said he didn't know, he saw Tang Chen staring at the video, his eyes were a little straight, and then he fell down.

Then Tang Tingjun asked Yebai to find that video, wanting to know whose engagement ceremony it was.

When Ye Bai told Tang Tingjun that it was Luo Qingqing and Ji Dongchen's engagement ceremony, Tang Tingjun understood everything.

Of course he knew his son and Luo Qingqing's childhood sweetheart, and his care for Luo Qingqing surpassed everything else.

But later, Tang Tingjun didn't know about Tang Chen and Su Zixi, Luo Qingqing and Ji Dongchen.

But it was obvious that the son was heartbroken and wanted to die.

But a dead horse has to be treated as a living horse doctor, so Tang Tingjun came up with a bad trick.

He recruited a few nurses to call Luo Qingqing by Tang Chen's bedside every day.

Not to mention that, he also found the movie "Twenty Loves" starring Luo Qingqing, and played it in the ward in turn.

The hero of the movie is named Qin Shichen.The heroine played by Luo Qingqing is also called Achen.

There is a line in the movie, which is said by the heroine when she sent the hero abroad: "Achen, when I have long hair, come back and marry me, okay?"

And this movie uses Luo Qingqing's original soundtrack.

Tang Tingjun immediately felt that this line was a life-saving straw.He asked someone to edit this sentence and played it in Tang Chen's ear every day.Every sentence, every sound, it was as if Luo Qingqing was in his ear, urging him to ask questions over and over again.

On the third day, Tang Chen sat up suddenly from the hospital bed, with a hoarse voice, tears streaming down his face, and said loudly, "Okay!"

That scene moved the little nurses to tears.But Tang Tingjun told them not to reveal the reason why Tang Chen woke up.

Tang Chen woke up, only to realize that it was a dream, there was no Luo Qingqing around him, only that sentence, and it was not a voice for him!

After waking up, he was so depressed that he was reprimanded by Tang Tingjun, who allowed him to sneak back to Tang City and take a sneak look at Luo Qingqing.

Tang Chen returned to Tangcheng, didn't even enter the house, only stayed with Luo Qingqing from a distance for a few days, knew that she had returned to school, knew what happened to her, thought, she and Ji Dongchen were engaged, it might be possible It was a last resort, and it was impossible for them to get married in a short period of time, so he returned to the foreign country again.

He secretly swore that he would return to Luo Qingqing's side before she graduated!
Everything is going according to his plan, but there is one more shadow, that is a time bomb!He didn't dare to risk Luo Qingqing!
However, back then, his mother Zhou Ruoyun had a car accident, and Luo Qingqing had an accident, and the difference was only one or two months.Is this a coincidence, or was it really done on purpose?
When the two returned to the hotel, Luo Qingqing went back to the bedroom in silence, took her pajamas, and took a simple shower.

After she came out, Tang Chen went to take a shower.

When he came out, Luo Qingqing was leaning on the bed and reading the script. There was no expression on her face.

Tang Chen leaned over, took the script from her hand, and said, "Don't look at this crap, look at me!"

Luo Qingqing despised him: "You can't eat or drink, so what's the use of you?"

Tang Chen took her into his arms and said with a smile, "Look at me, I can get pregnant!"

Luo Qingqing was not amused by him, but was stunned instead.

God, how did she forget such an important thing?
They've all done it several times with no protection at all.What would she do if she had a baby?

With a pale face, she hurriedly crawled under the bed.

Tang Chen quickly grabbed her: "What are you going to do?"

"Buy medicine!" Her voice trembled.

Tang Chen was taken aback: "What medicine to buy?"

"What if I have a baby? I'm not ready yet, so I'm so scared!" Luo Qingqing was so panicked that she was about to cry.She hated herself so much, why did she only seek temporary happiness, but ended up with such serious consequences?
Tang Chen's heart ached for a while, he pulled her into his arms, and said, "No, I have protection."

"Huh?" Luo Qingqing was surprised, why didn't she know?
Tang Chen opened the bedside table, there was a box inside, and there were only three or four unpacked small umbrellas inside.

Luo Qingqing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help blushing. She was so invested in it that she didn't realize it at all.

She suddenly pushed him away again: "You really planned it! Besides, you don't want me to have your baby, do you?"

Tang Chen: ...A woman turning her face is really faster than turning a book!

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