What a woman does out of jealousy is unreasonable in the first place. Huo Jiao felt that he couldn't find any loopholes in his rhetoric, and there was indeed a reason for this.

If it was someone else, if they heard her say that, they might believe it.

It's a pity that she was facing Xing Chenyou and Xiao Xingxing.

Criminal Minister You snorted coldly, looking at Huo Jiao with dangerous eyes.

"Hey, you can't even fool me with your words, and you still want to lie to my daddy? I advise you to be more honest." Little Xingxing also snorted twice, looking at Hawthorne with great disdain.

With that look, Huo Jiao felt that he was naked in front of their father and son.

Huo Jiao clenched her hands tightly, panicking in her heart, under the sharp and cold eyes of Xun Chenyou, her breathing became short of breath, and she couldn't control her nervousness.

"Boss Xing..." Huo Jiao lowered his head, bit his lips tightly, and then quickly raised his head to glance at him.

At that glance, there was a hesitant look in his eyes.

"Say what you have to say and fart, don't wink at my daddy, if my mommy gets hurt because of your ink stains, my daddy will want you to look good!" Little Xingxing's tone was not kind, very irritable.

Mommy is his reverse scale, if anyone bullies his mommy, they should all go to hell!
Whoever gets hurt, his mommy can't be hurt!

Huo Jiao's nails were about to dig into her palms, she looked down at Little Xingxing's concern for Huo Sang, and felt a kind of jealousy in her heart.

The best men in the world are all Hawthorne's husbands and sons.

Huo Jiao took a deep breath and said, "I really don't know who took Mrs. Xing away, but the person who asked me to come here and ruin Mrs. Xing's reputation is a man named Ming."

Ming Yi.

These two words flashed in Xing Chenyou's mind.

Only Ming Yi had this motive. In order to prevent Hawthorne from snatching his inheritance, she made her bad reputation even worse, intending to completely stink her reputation.

This is possible.

It is also impossible for Xiao Baiyue to know Ming Yi for no reason.

However, Xing Chenyou frowned, still feeling a little strange.

Why is it Xiaobaiyue? For such a thing, Ming Yi can find someone else, why is it Xiaobaiyue.

Xun Chenyou raised his eyes, staring at Huo Jiao with deep and deep eyes, as if he wanted to stare her out of a hole.

What Huo Jiao thought was that Ming Yi didn't care what she said. Anyway, as far as she knew, he, Xing Chenyou and Huo Sang were at odds, but An Qingsi was different. On the body, if she destroys An Qingsi's image in front of Xing Chenyou, she will definitely punish her to death.

Named Ming...

Little Xingxing immediately thought of Ming Yi, his former idol.

"Daddy!" Little Xingxing pulled Xing Chenyou's hand anxiously, "Didn't Mommy be the country A that was lured by this pervert last time?!"

Country A!
Something flashed in Xing Chenyou's mind, and he quickly caught the light.

Besides Ming Yi, there was also Sheng Rong.

That man is more perverted and unscrupulous than Ming Yi.

Criminal Minister You glanced at the nervous Huo Jiao, turned around and took Little Xingxing away, with Lake following behind.

"Go and find out what Mingyi is doing now."

Lake immediately said, "You don't need to check it out. I've been keeping an eye on his situation since Madam came back from Country A. After all, Madam was taken away by Sheng Rong and then by our people. Ming Yi It's already very strange that they didn't take advantage of the victory abroad. It's almost impossible when the Mingyi people are not in good health, but Mingyi's place is indeed very quiet, so I checked carefully at the time. That one is dying, and now he is hanging on his breath, so Ming Yi and Ming Yi have no time to pay attention to his wife, and they are all by his side."

After all, if that person passed away, according to the right of succession, someone below should inherit the throne.

This is the case in many foreign countries that preserve the royal family.

After hearing this, the criminal minister You paused.

So, not Ming Yi.

It's Sheng Rong.

Seeing Daddy stop suddenly, Little Xingxing turned to look at him curiously.

"That little Baiyue, really didn't find any problems?" Xing Chenyou held the little Xingxing, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his voice was deep and cold.

"No." Lake shook his head, thought for a while, and added, "I'll send someone to watch her to see what's wrong with her."

After checking that Xiao Baiyue was fine, he really didn't stare at her.

The birthday party here was controlled by Lake, Xing Chenyou didn't have any thoughts at all, and left directly back to Blue Heart Lake with Little Xingxing.

On the way back, the car was silent all the way, without saying anything. Little Xingxing actually had a lot of things he wanted to ask Daddy, for example, he wanted to know if Daddy knew who had kidnapped Mommy, did he It's already confirmed that it's not that Ming Yi.

But every time he saw his father's expression, he didn't know how to ask.

"Daddy is going out for a while. You are at home, don't go out. There will be bodyguards outside to protect you."

When he arrived at the Lanxin Lake Villa, Xing Chenyou didn't even enter the house, he directly took little Xingxing out of the car, and after leading him into the house quickly, he stood at the door and said to little Xingxing.

The sky outside was dark, only the street lights in the yard were dimly on, the halo fell behind her father, when Xiao Xingxing raised his face, he found that his father's face was hidden in the halo.

"Daddy, are you going to save Mommy?" Little Xingxing asked anxiously while holding Xing Chenyou's hand.

He really wanted to go with him, but he knew that Daddy would definitely not let him go, and he also knew that going at home might be a burden, who made him so young now, that when he meets people, he can be grabbed by them immediately The back collar was removed.

"Your mommy will be fine." Xing Chenyou patted Little Xingxing's head, his tone as gentle as possible.

Little Xingxing bit her lip, but did not let go of Xing Chenyou's hand.

He felt that Mommy was really miserable, and she was kidnapped again not long after she came back from country A.

"What's the matter?" Xing Chenyou saw that Xiao Xingxing was holding his hand and didn't let go, he seemed to be worried, he frowned, although his heart was cold, he still spoke to him with the softest tone in his life .

"Daddy, when that reporter asked you if you loved Mommy at the birthday party, why did you answer like that..."

This question was stuck in his heart, and he felt sorry for Mommy. He knew that Mommy would never ask Daddy why, but he must ask Mommy why Daddy answered that way.

Xing Chenyou frowned, "Is there any problem with this answer?"

little stars,"……"

"Daddy, you can either answer love or not, isn't there only these two answers to this question?"

He raised his face, looking very serious.

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