Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 313 It's Really Not Me

The first possibility is that Mommy was stimulated by Daddy's answer at that time, and she felt lost and embarrassed, and didn't want him to see it. The second possibility was that Mommy was going to do something that she didn't want him to see. The third possibility...

The third possibility is that Mummy made up her mind to leave Daddy, so she ran away, and because of Daddy's words, Mummy made a decision in her heart.

But it's not right, Mommy is pregnant with her younger sister, and she is not in good health, so it is impossible for her to walk around the manor. Besides, how could Mommy be willing to leave her alone.

Little Xingxing thought about these things in his mind, but the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out.

If Mommy didn't leave by herself, she would have to be taken away.


It is very likely that it is a combination of the first possibility. Mommy was stimulated by Daddy's answer and felt embarrassed and lost, so she wanted to be alone for a while. Once he left, it just gave people a chance, and then some bad guys took Mommy away. .

However, this is Daddy's birthday party, so Daddy must have done a good job in the security system.

Little Xingxing raised his face when he thought of this, and looked at Xing Chenyou with bright eyes.

"Daddy, quickly call out the surveillance camera." He took Xing Chenyou's hand and left.

Xing Chenyou had already ordered Lake to adjust the surveillance, his face was somber and ugly, today was his first event after the Xing family accident, someone dared to kidnap Hawthorne on such an occasion today.

That's breaking ground on Tai Sui's head, I don't want to live anymore!

"What did you think of?" Xing Chenyou looked down at his son's expression, his eyes were amazingly bright, he bent down and picked up his son.

"Mummy must have been taken away, but who could it be? Daddy, why is there no bodyguard on this road? Why can someone come and go freely at Daddy's birthday party? By the way, there is also Daddy, that Why did the scumbag pass out outside, why are there so many reporters there?"

Little Xingxing's baby voice is very cute, but at the same time, she is not calm like a person of this age.

Xing Chenyou couldn't answer the first few questions, but he could answer the last one.

"Someone sent a text message to the group of reporters, telling them that your mommy and Gu Ting are together now, and those reporters went to film the news of their togetherness, but when they passed by, they only saw Gu Ting lying on the ground."

His voice was cold and deep, but when facing Little Xingxing, it was very soft.

Little Xingxing clapped his hands, "That text message can't be empty words, which means that when the text message was sent, Mommy must have been with Gu Ting, but Mommy is disgusted with that scumbag now, so it must be It was the scumbag who held Mummy hostage, but Mummy is pregnant now, so she can't struggle violently, which is not good for her sister, so she must be pretending to cooperate with the scumbag."

Hearing Little Xingxing said that Hawthorne cooperated with the scumbag, Xing Chenyou's face darkened a little.

But at the same time, he took another look at Little Xingxing, who surprised him with his quick thinking.

These guesses were also clear to him when he saw the text message.

Little Xingxing's words continued, "However, the scumbag passed out later. With Mommy's current body, it is definitely not possible to knock him out. Even if Mommy is not pregnant, there is a difference in strength between men and women. It's hard to knock the scumbag out when there's nothing, so—"

He looked at his daddy, and met his daddy's gaze.

"So, a third person knocked out Gu Ting and took (your) mommy away."

The father and son said in unison, the mature voice and the immature voice echoed back into one voice at this moment.

Xing Chenyou took out the reporter's mobile phone and handed it to Xiao Xingxing. He knew his son's ability.

Little Xingxing frowned, with a serious face, and the chubby hand quickly pressed on the phone screen.

At this time, Xing Chenyou had already carried Huo Sang to the monitoring room.

"Okay, I've found it." Little Xingxing's subordinates also paused, and returned the phone to Xing Chenyou, "Daddy, according to the photos, videos, and various live broadcast software I have shown on the phone, this person It's that internet celebrity little white moon."

Xing Chenyou narrowed his eyes, "Go and bring Xiao Baiyue here."

His face was ugly and gloomy.

Little Xingxing thought for a while, "I guess this little Baiyue just wanted to design Mommy and the scumbag, so that Daddy would misunderstand. The fact that Mommy was really kidnapped later on should have nothing to do with her. After all, she was there just now."

It was this little Baiyue who called people here just now with a scream. She probably didn't even think that Mummy was gone.

Huo Jiao originally wanted to leave this manor, and she also greeted the boss who brought her here, but unfortunately, this manor is now blocked, and no one can leave.

Ever since she knew she couldn't leave, her heart has been pounding and she was very uneasy. She felt that sooner or later Xing Chenyou would find out that it was her who sent the text message. What should she do?
How to get out?

Hand over An Qingsi?
No, that woman knew that she was Huo Jiao. If she handed over that woman, she might not be able to keep the secret that she was Huo Jiao. At that time, she would face more dangers than now.

so what should I do now?
Huo Jiao bit her lip.

Before she could think of what to do, Lake's people came over, "Miss Bai, please come with us."

The bodyguard in black looked serious and stern, and the eyes that swept Huo Jiao up and down made Huo Jiao feel frightened.

"Excuse me, what happened?" Huo Jiao asked with a smile, still trying to keep calm.

The bodyguard didn't answer her at all, and took her away directly, Huo Jiao's face was pale.

She was taken directly to the surveillance room.

In the monitoring room, the scene of Gu Ting walking with Huo Sang in his arms, and her following behind, came into view all of a sudden. When she came over, she happened to see this scene.

Xing Chenyou glanced at her condescendingly, just one glance, as if his eyes were stained by looking at him more, the aura around him was cold and lingering, Huo Jiao felt like he couldn't breathe when he stood in front of him.

"You'd better explain what's going on." His extremely cold voice made Huo Jiao tremble.

Little Xingxing added later, "If something happens to my mommy, my dad and I will make your life worse than death."

It was obviously the sound of milk's voice, but it made Huo Jiao feel cold in his heart.

She bit her lip when she saw that the pair looked a lot like father and son.

"... I was jealous of Mrs. Xing's good life, so when I saw Young Master Gu coming to her, I felt revengeful, so I sent a text message to ask reporters to come over, wanting to film their scandal and let Mrs. Xing drown in saliva, but there was no Thinking that when I went out to the lawn, I found that Mrs. Xing was gone, but Gu Shao passed out on the ground, so I screamed."

Huo Jiao said in a trembling voice, then looked at Xing Chenyou with tears in his eyes, "Mr. Xing, I really don't know how Mrs. Xing disappeared."

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