"Everyone thinks that you are sad because of the sudden death of the Duke. But in fact? In fact, you are not sad at all, and you have no feelings for the old Duke at all! Because you caused his sudden death!"

After the voice fell, the whole room was extremely cold and silent.

Mrs. Tulip has been sitting on the sofa.

She already had an ugly face, but when she heard this, she slowly raised her face.

Just staring at Dai Gaoli like this.

"Is there any evidence? You said you've seen me with a doctor, and that's fine. But if such a thing gets out, it's nothing more than a romantic scandal. A woman like me who has been alone for 20 years, even if she has a little relationship with a man." What, it is not unacceptable in today's society. Everyone is nothing more than talking about it after dinner."

She changed her voice.

"But if you say that I killed the old duke, that's slander. Who dares to accept such a crime?"

Dai Gaoli's face changed slightly.

But stabilize quickly.

Bite your lips.

"I have evidence."

She said the words word for word.

Then he took a deep breath, "My sister, who has evidence, didn't show it because we are on the same front, and there is no need to get into a stalemate over this kind of thing. I also don't want to do anything that will harm the interests of the family."

The eyes of the two met in the air.

It seems that they are testing each other.

Mrs. Tulip wonders if she has any proof at all.

Dai Gaoli, on the other hand, looked calmly, thinking about whether he should speak out.

Can you bear the consequences of speaking out.

"If you have evidence, show it."

Mrs. Tulip smiled.

During the temptation of the two sisters, she certainly saw Dai Gaoli's lack of confidence.

As my younger sister, she was raised by her since she was a child, and she couldn't be more clear about her temperament and thoughts.

"More than 20 years ago, the old Duke was recuperating at home because of his illness. Your teacher was the attending doctor at the time, and you, as a student of the teacher, also came to take care of him. This care gave rise to feelings. After a while, the old Duke became ill. Gradually getting better, I proposed to marry you, which was opposed by many people, including the old lady. But in the end, because the old Duke's condition was unstable, they were afraid that he would be stimulated, so they agreed."

"You just get a marriage certificate. Similarly, the old duke who was above you at that time didn't even do a property notarization. Fortunately, most of the assets of the Tulip family are in the hands of the old lady, so it can be accepted by the Tulip family. .but……"

Dai Gaoli paused.

"Shortly after your marriage, the old Duke's condition took a turn for the worse. He passed away soon after, and the cause of death seems to be due to complications."

"Yes. There are records of how the old Duke died. All the medical records have been checked by many people, and there is no problem. Why, my good sister, you are now using these unfounded things to slander me gone?"

Dai Gaoli shook his head.

Just standing there like this, watching the smug look on Mrs. Tulip's face.

The air is so quiet.

In the castle late at night, there was almost no noise.

She slowly parted her lips, revealing a delicate arc, and while smiling slightly, she spoke delicately and gently, "From that day on, your teacher has severed relations with you. No more contact."

Mrs. Tulip was startled.

Then he quickly reacted and said with a smile, "What can this prove? Teacher, because the old Duke was not cured, which affected his reputation, so he blamed me. This is just venting anger, something that many people know. It's over. After so many years, they are reconciled now."

"It's not that the reconciliation is as good as before. It's because he asked for your help for some things, so he has to maintain the harmony on the surface?"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Tulip's complexion finally changed.

She narrowed her eyes and stared at Dai Gaoli dangerously.

"What else do you know?"

"If it wasn't for seeing the transaction between you and your teacher, I wouldn't think of it. If it wasn't for the association, I wouldn't have checked the original medical records. Although there seems to be no problem on the surface, if you think about it carefully It will be discovered that the old Duke's condition took a turn for the worse three months after he married you, and because of the sudden onset of the disease, there was no time for treatment."

"That doesn't prove anything."

"You were responsible for taking care of him from the beginning to the end, and you wrote the medication records. The old lady also suspected you at the time, but she couldn't find any evidence, so she didn't pursue it further. But I...found it."

Mrs. Tulip laughed out loud.

"Just you?"

"Yes. Because the evidence will not be left in the castle by you, nor will you take it with you. In other words, as long as it is evidence you can think of, it will be destroyed. But in the same way, someone will keep you in order to threaten you. Download something related."

"for example?"

Mrs. Tulip smiled at her, but relaxed.

I don't believe that Dai Gaoli will really have evidence.

Unexpectedly, Dai Gaoli spit out a few words lightly.

"Sleeping pills."

The air instantly fell into a cold silence.

At that moment, Mrs. Tulip's face darkened.

She narrowed her eyes and stared at Dai Gaoli dangerously.

The fingers placed next to him slowly retracted and squeezed tightly.

"What did you say?"

"There is something wrong with the composition of sleeping pills. And that laboratory report has always been in the hands of my uncle. So for the past 20 years, it's not that you want to stay in Tulip Castle, it's not that you want to live this lonely life, but that uncle Take out your handle and threaten you to do this."

"To shut up!"

Being right, Mrs. Tulip stood up directly.

He stared at her fiercely.

"Shut your mouth for me!"

"Yes. Sister, I have already said that we are grasshoppers on the same rope. If something happens to you, I will not be happy. So even if I know so many secrets about you, I have kept my mouth shut and listened to you for many years. You're Dimak's lady. But—"

"You have lost the power in your hands now, and the actual control of the Tulip family is not in your hands. Since I have no ability to arrange everything for me, why should I continue to listen to you, why not try it on my own."

"What do you want to do?"

"I just want to control my own destiny. Since I can't marry the Duke of Tulip, at least I have to work hard to marry someone I am willing to marry. Instead of being your puppet all the time, being the next low-profile version of Mrs. Tulip. "

After Dai Gaoli finished speaking, Mrs. Tulip was completely lost.

Her face was pale, and she muttered a few words in her mouth.

But when he looked up at Dai Gaoli's cold gaze, he didn't say a word in the end.

The girl in front of her was so unfamiliar that she didn't know her at all.

The little girl who was by my side when I was young, called my sister sweetly every day, and refused to sleep without her at night, now looks at me with such indifferent eyes.

Mrs. Tulip couldn't believe it.

She lowered her eyes and smiled bitterly.

"Since when did you know these things?"

"I bumped into you with the doctor when I was eight years old. The rest came later, mostly when we went back from my mother's 60th birthday party."

Dai Gaoli didn't hide it from her either.

But this made the planning and IQ that Mrs. Tulip had always been proud of dissipated in that instant.

She stood by, unable to utter a word for a long time.

He just raised his head and looked at the strange Dai Gaoli.

"anything else?"

"Besides...what else."

Dai Gaoli frowned and shook his head.

"My sister still wants me to know something? Why don't you tell me now."

Ha ha.

It turned out that there were so many more that she didn't know.

Mrs. Tulip smiled, her smile was bitter and cold.

"It turned out to be like this, you will know what you should know, and no one will reveal what you shouldn't know."

It turned out to be such a coincidence.

At that moment, Mrs. Tulip figured it out.

It's not that I showed my feet, but some people wanted Dai Gaoli to know something.

I want Dai Gaoli to be different from myself, and I can also take this opportunity to make Dai Gaoli the "helper" who takes care of me.

She stood up slowly and staggered towards the door.

That beautiful face is now gray and white.

The good parents who sucked her blood all her life, and the elder brother who kept saying that she would love her, it turned out that in this life, she was just thinking about how to handle her...

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