
It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the evening that the old lady finally finished watching the show and felt that she had enjoyed enough, but she finally got up because her body couldn't bear it any longer.

While lamenting that his youth was long gone, he slowly left Fanhua with the help of his servants.

"No wonder young people like it, it's really good. If I was a few decades younger, I would often want to come."

Mrs. Tulip got into the car and laughed beside her, "You don't have to be just a few decades younger, at least you have to be seven or eighty years younger."

"Indeed. I will be one hundred and one next year."

The old lady couldn't help sighing a few more words. After all, at her age, Dimak would not be as peaceful as she is now when she was 30 or [-] years old.

At that time, there was war in a large part of the world, and it also affected Dimak.

When she was young, she was a female general who had been on the battlefield.

Otherwise, he would not be so respected until now.

"Hey, I'm a little tired."

"Old lady, please lean on the side and take a rest, you will be home soon."

The old lady's nanny car seats are all dedicated, and even allow her to lie down and have a good sleep.

But she persisted.

I just looked at the night scene outside the car window with some nostalgia.

"Dimark is getting better every year. The building hasn't been repaired a few years ago, but now it looks like there are still many lights on in the middle of the night."

"Someone must be working overtime. The entire building is an office building. Young people nowadays work very hard. I heard many people say that they often have to work late into the night."

Mrs. Tulip talked to the old lady for a while.

There is actually very little communication between the two of them, and it is actually rare to see such peace and harmony as today.

Only Dai Gaoli, who was sitting on the other side, didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

Like an outsider, she kept her head down and looked at her phone.

With headphones in my ears, I don't know what I'm thinking.

There was a little more silence in the air.

The car drove very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive at Tulip Castle.

When the group got out of the car, the old lady was so tired that she couldn't stand still, and she needed help to walk in.

"It's better to sit in a wheelchair, I'll push you away." The servant was familiar with her temperament, and said tactfully, "Everyone should also save some time, so we don't want to tire them out in the middle of the night."

"it is good."

The old lady reluctantly agreed, got into the wheelchair, and let the servants push her upstairs.

And Mrs. Tulip, who was walking behind, looked back at the dazed Dai Gaoli, and said coldly, "What are you doing? Hurry up and keep up."


Dai Gaoli had no complaints.

She was just thinking about things and thinking about it.

The two returned to the residence together, the room of Dai Gaoli who arrived first.

"Sister, I'll go back to sleep first, good night."

Ben said it casually, but after he finished speaking, he found that Mrs. Tulip had no intention of leaving at all.

He even pushed open the door and walked in.

He also scolded her coldly.

"Close the door."

Dai Gaoli's complexion suddenly became very bad.

She sat on the sofa and loosened the corset of her dress a little.

It was this action that seemed to hit Mrs. Tulip's nerves at that moment.

"Look what you're doing now!"

Mrs. Tulip became annoyed.

Her eyes widened, staring closely at Dai Gaoli in front of her, her facial features became stiff.

"Doing such indecent movements when you come back, are you still a lady! How have I taught you for so many years?"

Mrs. Tulip almost cursed.

At that moment, the atmosphere in the room dropped to freezing point.

There was a bit of coldness in the air, and Dai Gaoli's face changed slightly, and he turned and looked to the side.

After a long while, he finally pinched his palm tightly with his fingers, trying to ease the emotional changes on his face.

And finally speak.

"I'm just too tired, so when I come back and sit down, I just give you a belt. Sister, there are no outsiders here."

"Can you relax without outsiders?" Mrs. Tulip said angrily.

"Don't forget how you behaved when the flowers were blooming today! It's so speechless! In front of the old lady, it's okay to act like you haven't seen the world, but you even took the initiative to interact with those male models! What kind of people are those, and their behavior is even more inappropriate when they wear revealing clothes. How can you do such an outrageous thing like a socialite and lady!"

Dai Gaoli took a deep breath.

"I didn't do anything, sister. They came down to interact with each other. I just followed their wishes. It's just a touch. It's not too much. Besides, if you really want to say too much, this time the matter itself It's gone too far."

As an old lady, she took them to watch Fanhua's large-scale performances.

Once known by outsiders.

That influence is not acceptable to ordinary people.

The incident of "Dai Gaoli went to Fanhua" last night has already been on the headlines for a day.

Tomorrow, if it is the old lady of the Tulip family, she will take all the female members of the Tulip family to Fanhua to watch the performance, and even book the show.

What was written in the news was probably even more unsightly.


The old lady is always cautious in doing things, and will not fall into the trap of others.

"You still dare to talk back?" Mrs. Tulip looked at her incredulously, looking up and down the expression on her face.

"How dare you talk back about this matter now? How embarrassing it is today, don't you know it yourself! Even after the Duke arrived at the scene, you still couldn't stop the charming look on your face. It's really embarrassing to throw it at home gone."

Dai Gaoli did not speak again.

She just lowered her head, as if she had some rebellious emotions hidden in her heart, but in the end when she faced Mrs. Tulip, she still didn't say a word.

Instead he smiled.

"It's good to know that you are wrong. I taught you carefully for 20 years, not to make you go out to shame, but to make you a real lady, marry the most honorable husband, and bring glory to our family."


Dai Gaoli suddenly smiled.

"What is honor?"

With a smile on her face, she raised her head.

When he looked at Mrs. Tulip, his face was full of sarcasm.

"Yes. I'm quite ignorant."

Dai Gaoli smiled, "But sister, have you ever thought about it, since you have taught me carefully for 20 years, why do I have no experience? If you really educated me with your heart and what you taught me is really useful, how could I Don't know?"

The endless resentment hidden in her heart burst out at this moment.

"Yes! I am a noble lady raised in Tulip's family, and I am Dimak's No.1 lady. But in fact, only I know that I am nothing but this hypocritical name! Those people in the small circle They look down on me, they never ask me out when they go out to play, even if they mention it, they just do it casually."

"Does sister know why this is?"

Mrs. Tulip smiled.

"The wolves are all alone, and only the weak will stick together."

"Are they weak? I don't think they are all rich and powerful daughters. In terms of status, they are much higher than mine. Our natal family is not prominent. It is nothing more than sister, you married well and entered the door of the Tulip family." , became the current Mrs. Tulip. That's why other people think highly of me because of you."

"It's good that you know." Mrs. Tulip said quietly, placing her long fingernails on the table, tapping them repeatedly.

It took a long time to speak slowly.

"Since it is very clear that our family's current glory is maintained only because I married into the Tulip family. Then you should inherit this tradition and choose a noble husband for yourself. In this way, our family Take it a step further."

"Why should I?"

Dai Gaoli laughed.

There was disbelief on her face.

Now when I look at Mrs. Tulip, I just feel that my sister is already in a daze.

Otherwise, how can such remarks of sacrificing oneself to complete the family be so fresh and refined?

There was a cold look on everyone's face.

Both of them are so familiar with each other that now, looking at each other's faces, they already know what she is thinking in her heart.

"My sister actually regrets it in her heart, doesn't she? For 20 years, she stayed in such a boring place. She didn't leave the door without leaving the door. It was for the sake of your personality, in order to be respected by everyone, and to keep you It's about family glory."

Dai Gaoli walked to the window and pointed to the brilliant lights below.

"Look for yourself. It's been the same lights for 20 years, don't you get tired of it?"

"Nonsense! This is my home, how can I get bored?"

"Our home is far away on the other side of the island. It's still far away from Dimak. When my sister got married, the family was very happy, and I felt that I had climbed a high branch. I didn't expect the Duke to die soon. This Let parents worry and rejoice. Fortunately, you have already married and can inherit part of the inheritance. The worry is that you can't stay, and you will just abandon everything and leave. So parents brainwash you again and again, so that you can live here In a cold castle, stay forever."

"No!" Mrs. Tulip denied it loudly, and raised her finger to point at her, "Dai Gaoli, you have really grown up now, and you are hard-pressed. How dare you talk to me like this! In the past 20 years, our family has grown from a dilapidated What is the reason for the family to become what it is now, and even be able to enter the high society? Isn't it because of me! If I can do it, you must too!"

Ha ha.

Dai Gaoli smiled.

She suddenly felt that her sister was so sad.

"You said that you can be pure-hearted and ascetic, and abandon all personal feelings for the glory of the family. You also want me to live a miserable and terrible life like you. This is after being PUA, but you still have to PUA others. Because if I and If you are different, it will appear that you were extra cowardly. Cowardly, without any resistance, you directly agreed to everything arranged by your parents."

"It's not an arrangement! I married the Duke voluntarily."

"Voluntary?" Dai Gaoli looked her up and down, "Sister, the way you are deceiving yourself now is really ridiculous."

"Do you really think I don't know anything? If it was voluntary, why did you deliberately hasten the death of the old duke?"

Mrs. Tulip's eyes widened when she heard this, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Is it nonsense, my sister knows better than me."

Dai Gaoli turned her face to the side, "Don't think that I have grown up to be your puppet all the time, and I still don't understand anything. I know all your secrets."

"Dai Gaoli! You are really against the sky!"

How could she know these things?Where did she know about it?
Is it possible that other than her already knew about it?

Countless thoughts flashed through Mrs. Tulip's mind, and finally they all came together in her field of vision, staring sharply at Dai Gaoli in front of her.

"Who told you that!"

"No one, I discovered it myself."

Compared with Mrs. Tulip's excitement, Dai Gaoli at this moment is extraordinarily calm.

She just looked sideways.

He turned around and sat down directly.

Now that everything has been clarified, there is no need to continue pretending.

"A long time ago, my sister was already with that doctor, right? The monthly physical examination is called a treatment for psychological problems, but what is it actually? What can I do in the room for a long time? Since I said that I saw it when I was a child, I really saw it. My sister is always lonely and cold on weekdays, but she is also in the arms of a man. ?”


Lady Tulip screamed.

She walked over almost immediately, stepped on high heels and stood directly in front of Dai Gaoli, covering her mouth with her hand.

"To shut up!"

Ha ha.

How could it be possible to shut up.

Dai Gaoli pushed her away easily, and said with a smile, "My sister's voice and posture left a deep impression on my effective mind, so much so that I still remember that scene."

"You forgot about me!"

"I can't forget it, and I won't forget it. But my sister doesn't have to worry too much. I won't say it. After all, once outsiders know about it, my sister can't continue to use the name of Mrs. Tulip to maintain the dignity of our family, right? Although I I don't care if the family is decent or not, but my life cannot be affected by these private matters."

"Of course. And some other—"

When Dai Gaoli said this, he paused.

Looking at Mrs. Tulip's pale face, a sense of pride surged up in her heart.

Very strange.

It's that feeling that keeps lingering in my mind.

"By the way, sister doesn't know yet. In fact, I also know some other secrets of yours. For example, because of Duke Tulip's death, you couldn't get sick after organizing his funeral. In the end, the doctor was helpless. It allowed you to go back home to recuperate for half a year. When you come back half a year later, your face is rosy and your body has recovered very well, but you still don’t see people very much, and you stayed in the castle for another two years before slowly coming out.”

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