The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2489 Xiaobao Extra 71, the mysterious girl

Go back to the room.

Mo Chengan was reading the email.

Since he came to Dimark, except for the first few days, every day after that seems to be very busy.

Phone calls, video conferences, and all kinds of emails at work can't stop day by day.

And he's always been able to handle it all with ease.

"I'm back." Mo Chengan just raised his head and glanced at her quietly, before returning his attention to the computer screen.

Demi silently walked to his side, looked at the almost empty coffee cup, and said, "If you finish drinking, I'll change it."

"Need not."

Mo Chengan pointed to the seat next to him, "Sit down first, I need your help with something."


There was a thick stack of materials before, and she was asked to help translate them.

This time it was simpler and ruder.

"See the photos above? They are all from the Tulip family, but many of them haven't shown up for many years, and I see that they all look alike. I can't tell them apart at once. Help me in these photos Mark the name of the person on it, I need some time to remember it slowly."

There are many photos.

And it seems that it has been collected from various sources and has not been sorted out.

Appears disorganized.

But Demi responded, "Okay."

"Just write it on it."

She took a pen and looked at the first photo in her hand, "Does the Duchess Tulip want to mark it too?"


Demi seemed puzzled, "There should be no other female relatives in the Tulip Castle, only the Duchess, who is easy to identify."

The man shook his head and pursed his thin lips, "You don't know about that. I thought that there were no other female relatives in Tulip Castle, but after I checked it out, there were none in this generation, which doesn't mean that there were none in the previous generation. "

"You look behind."

Following what he said, Demi flipped through the photos one by one.

Sure enough, after a few photos, I saw a woman again.

And this is a photo that looks a bit old, because the background environment is very different from the current decoration, and even the clothes and makeup are very retro.

"This one seems to be that old lady Tulip when she was young."

"Yes. Elizabeth III."

It's just that the old lady has gone to other places to recuperate now, and rarely appears in front of the public.

"The one standing next to the old lady should be the former Duke Tulip, and the child next to her is probably the previous Duke. But there is a little girl in the lower left corner..." Demi was a little puzzled.

Because although the little girl's face was blurred, she somehow felt familiar.

And judging from the appearance, it should not be the pure blood of the Tulip family, but seems to be mixed with Dongfang.

"Who is this?"

She was puzzled.

Mo Chengan pointed to the stack of materials attached to it, "Look for yourself. I'll write it down after I'm done."


Demi opened the file suspiciously.

Flipping down page by page, I finally saw the relevant records in the middle.

"In [-], the Duke of Tulip entertained guests in the castle. This is a guest from the Duchess's natal family. The castle has been prepared for a long time in advance, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves."

A friend from her natal family?
There are some related records later.

Probably wrote the identity of the other party.

It seems to be the daughter of the old lady's sister.

He was about five or six years old at the time.

Demi couldn't find the address of the other party, and only the words "Miss Cousin" were used on it.

She also marked these words, knowing very well in her heart that there is a high probability that these old photos will not be used.

Except for the old lady with a long standby time, the people in the photo may not be alive now.

But when I continued to look at the past, I realized that this person seemed to have appeared more than once.

Soon after, she will be a regular presence at Tulip family gatherings.

Moreover, the little girl in the photo grew up gradually, and her facial features became clearer.

It was so clear that Demi even had the illusion that she had seen this mixed-race "cousin" somewhere before.

But how is it possible?
Miss Biao was already five years old at that time, and I am afraid that she is close to eighty now.She had no reason to see it.

But... just familiarity.

"What's wrong?" Mo Chengan seemed to realize that something was wrong with her, and asked proactively.

Demi hesitated for a moment, but still shook her head and said nothing, "It's nothing, I'll keep flipping through it."

Also very strange.

The appearance of this cousin will disappear after the next Duke Tulip inherits the title.

It seemed that the Duke behind didn't like her, and the contact gradually decreased.

And if the other party is really the cousin, the Duke after that should be her cousin?
Some people in the future, most of them have detailed records in the materials, and they can already be seated.

And Demi didn't bother with the little girl any more, just shook her head and pushed the strange thoughts to the back of her mind.

After all the photos were marked, he finally stood up, "Master Mo, I've done it all."

"Well, put it there." Mo Chengan raised his head to look at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, then looked at the time on his watch, and then ordered, "Let the people below prepare dinner."

"Master Mo, the Earl has ordered you to dine with him in the restaurant tonight."

"Okay. Then I'll go there later."

The customs on Dimak's side are preserved from the Middle Ages.

The distinguished guests at home do not need to eat every meal with the host, but have the right to enjoy it alone in the room.

And Mo Xiaobao doesn't like those complicated procedures, and prefers to be alone.

For a long time, the Earl never asked again.

"Why would he suddenly ask me to have dinner together when he's so good? What did Earl Glens say to you today?" Mo Chengan closed the computer, rubbed his sore neck, and raised his head to talk to Demi, There was conviction in the voice.

He didn't need to guess, it was almost certain.

Earl Glens must have told Demi something.


"Don't lie in front of me." Mo Chengan said casually, it sounded mild and clean, but it was enough to make Demi nervous.

She lifted her lips and could only find her own voice as soon as possible.

"That's, that's the matter. Earl Glens knows that you are leaving the castle, and wants to find another chance to get closer to you."

"Nothing else?" Mo Chengan obviously didn't believe it.

Demi remembered what the earl had told him during the day, saying that this time he would make arrangements for her.

How will it be arranged?

She subconsciously shook her head, "I don't know anything else."

This sentence is not a lie.

Demi really didn't know how Earl Glens wanted to arrange and what he would do.

Just because she thought of this incident, when she looked at Mo Chengan again, she struggled a little more.

Obviously he is such a good person to her, but he wants to force him to do something he doesn't want.

Demi sighed heavily in her heart. With Master Mo's temper, forcing him to have sex with a woman he doesn't like should make him feel very uncomfortable...

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