The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2488 Xiaobao extra 70, must follow

Two days passed.

The scars on Demi's face had already scabbed over, taking advantage of the gap between eating breakfast, Mo Chengan sized her up for a while.

The few red marks on the cheeks fell on the fair cheeks, which were still obvious in the morning light.

When Mo Chengan looked over, she turned her head to the side almost reflexively, not daring to face those eyes.

"I will go to Tulip Castle next week, and the communication is almost done now."

"Congratulations, Young Master Mo." Demi stood obediently by the side, her cheeks, which had gradually recovered, looked clean and clear again.

The room was exceptionally quiet.

Mo Chengan leaned to one side, holding the materials translated during this period of time in his hand, and saluted her, "You have helped me a lot recently, so you can make a request, and I will help you."

"No need."

"No matter what the request is, I can do it." Mo Chengan repeated, his tone became a lot more serious, just to tell her that no matter what she wanted, he would do it.

But Demi still shook her head, "I really don't need to. I'm fine here now."

If someone else had said similar things to her before, she would definitely ask the other party to help her resolve the grudge against Prince Cairns.

But the person standing in front of her now is Young Master Mo.

When he helped her so many times without complaining, Demi didn't feel that she should ask.

Even now that Prince Cairns is still jealous of Young Master Mo, she has already made her feel guilty.

"Knock knock" knocked on the door.

Demi quickly reacted, "I'll go and answer the door."

"Lord Glens."

The earl's smiling face appeared outside the door, and Demi was stunned for a moment, and then saw him walk in directly.

"Let me say a few words to Xiaobao. You go and make a cup of coffee."

"Okay." Demi nodded, and quickly went out to make coffee.

And there were only Earl Glens and Mo Chengan left in the huge room.

Holding hands with a smile, the whole body is full of enthusiasm, "Xiaobao, your uncle, I came to look for you, in fact, I have an unfeeling invitation."

Mo Chengan nodded, "Say it."

"That's right. I heard from the servant that you are going to leave home to go to the Tulip Castle in a few days. There are still twenty days before the succession ceremony. Are you in such a hurry?"

"Well. I want to get familiar with the environment in advance."

Seeing his resolute words, Earl Glenns could only sigh, and finally organized his words, and said directly, "Then uncle didn't talk to you about anything else, so he just got straight to the point. You told Nana... "

"I have always regarded Nana as my younger sister. Of course, her temper was much better than Mo Weitian's when she was a child. The little one in my family used to be naughty."

"No. I saw Tiantian when she was a child, but she is a clever little girl."

"Well, I just like climbing trees and roofs." When mentioning his beloved sister, Mo Chengan had a rare smile from his heart.

Earl Glens couldn't laugh, "Nana hasn't been like this all the time. It's all because of the chaos in the family, so I neglected to discipline her. In addition, the relationship with her mother is not very good, so I also affects the children."

Mo Chengan didn't take this to heart.

"Don't worry, uncle. If you need help in the future, you can still find me."

He knew what Earl Glens cared about.

Now the title of the Glens family can't be kept, and the family's property is gradually dying. It looks like a big family, but in fact they all know that it is an empty shell.

Earl Glens could only thank you again and again, "Uncle is very grateful for Xiaobao's heart. But you still need someone to take care of you when you go there. Why don't you take Demi there? See how she takes care of you on weekdays." You are used to your daily life, so if you go over there to change people, it may not be convenient."

He came this time and made two plans.

One of them is of course to mention Nana's matter, if there is room for redemption, that's great, but it doesn't matter if you can't.

The second is to find a way to continue sending Demi to him.

As long as the two of them stay together, there will always be a chance for Demi to sneak in.

On the contrary, this suggestion really made Mo Chengan stunned.

He looked at Earl Glens with a half-smile, "Is uncle joking or..."

"How could it be a joke. You know the identity of Demi. Now that the lady has not returned, she can live in peace in the castle. But the lady will come back after a while, and Nana also loves her. If there is dissatisfaction, I am afraid that her life will be difficult."

Mo Chengan smiled, feeling helpless, "Unfortunately, she doesn't want to go with me."

"I've actually discussed it with her and it was turned down."

"How could it be?" Earl Glens couldn't believe it.

Just in time, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Demi walked in with two cups of coffee, just in time to meet the sharp eyes of Earl Glens.

"Demi, you rejected Xiaobao?"

"What?" She was confused, she didn't understand at all, and could only look at Mo Chengan as if asking for help.

Mo Chengan's thin lips lifted up slightly, lightly tasting the coffee she brought over, and there was still a faint smile on Jun's face.

"Uncle said, let you follow me to Tulip Castle."

The formulaic smile on Demi's face froze instantly.

She subconsciously looked at Earl Glens, and found that the latter looked at her with a hint of warning.

He bit his lip immediately, and stepped back a little.

"I just don't think it's very convenient. After all, it's Tulip Castle. The rules inside may be different from here. I don't know anything about it. Maybe instead of being helpful, it might even cause you trouble."

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, before finally nodding his head, "There is indeed a possibility."

"That's it. In addition, the matter of Prince Cairns has not been resolved, and he will definitely appear in Tulip Castle in the future. If I go again, I am afraid that there will be side effects."

I have to say that Demi is still very thoughtful.

Earl Glens has nothing to refute now.

He could only say "hmm" and forced his smile away, "It still depends on what Xiaobao thinks."

There was a slight pause, and after a moment of silence, he smiled faintly, "If she doesn't want to go, then she won't go."

It's not that it's really like what Demi worried about, fearing that she won't understand the rules and hurt herself.

Instead, I just feel that the Tulip side is probably more dangerous than in Glens Castle.

After all, even I will face some open and dark arrows. As a servant, Demi is afraid that she will encounter more embarrassments.

It might be life-threatening.

After thinking about it, he didn't want to let her follow him anymore.

"After the succession ceremony, I should come back to live for a while, and I will naturally have to take care of her. During this time, uncle should not send her to do other things."

"This is no problem. I will definitely arrange it properly." Earl Glens made a promise.

The face that had been gloomy just now suddenly became brighter because of Mo Chengan's exhortation.

It turned out that Xiaobao really cared about Demi, otherwise he wouldn't have told himself that he would have Demi to serve him after he came back.

This is also a disguised beating, to ensure Demi's safety during his absence.

"Since you have already made up your mind, I won't say any more. Demi, come out and I have something to explain to you."


Demi walked out behind Earl Glens, folded her hands in front of her, lowered her head slightly, with a respectful attitude.

"Let me ask you, how is the matter that I told you going?"

She replied respectfully, "During this time, I have done my best to take care of Young Master Mo."

"Don't talk nonsense here, you know that's not what I'm asking!" Earl Glens lowered his voice, but still couldn't restrain his anger.

If he hadn't been counting on Demi now, he wouldn't have restrained himself at all.

"I'm warning you, your mother's ashes are still in my hands. If you don't do things properly, believe it or not, I'll just throw it away."

Demi's petite body was slightly taken aback.

She froze, "I didn't find a chance."

Earl Glenn's face suddenly sank, and his whole body was full of dissatisfaction, "You live in this room now, and you get along day and night, why can't you find a chance!"

"Master Mo doesn't like me, it's hard for me..."

"There is no man in the world who will not be seduced by a woman! Not to mention that he is offered for nothing." Earl Glens almost shouted, "Didn't your mother teach you how to seduce a man? The way she seduced me back then, you don't know at all." Didn't you learn?"

This is too much to say.

Demi's face was already stiff.

She pinched her fingers so hard that her palms were bleeding from the nails.

"My mother has passed away for many years. There is no proof of her death. I hope the Earl will not ruin the old man's reputation."

"Oh. What kind of reputation does she have? Didn't she climb into my bed knowing that I was married? Isn't it just for my glory and wealth."

Earl Glens complained a few words, but he also saw her ugly face.

In the end, let's not mention these for the time being.

"In short, I want you to do this, climb onto Xiaobao's bed and conceive his child before he leaves! Otherwise, you know the consequences."

Demi lifted her lips, and all the words of protest were finally withdrawn.

That little face was indifferent and indifferent, only a trace of grievance could be vaguely seen in the drooping eyes.

But this trace of emotion was well hidden by her.

She said "um", as well-behaved as ever before, "Got it."

"It's good to know." Earl Glens saw that her attitude had improved, and his tone relaxed a lot, and he reached out and patted Demi's shoulder.

"Hehe. Don't worry. After all, you are also a girl. It is always difficult to take the initiative to do this kind of thing. So I will help you tonight and create the best opportunity for you."

Demi nodded.

Only then did Earl Glens leave contentedly.

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