On the third day, Cen Yan was finally allowed to leave the hospital.

For various reasons, the hospital finally wanted to keep her in the hospital until she fully recovered.

"Miss Cen, what we mean here is that even if you are discharged from the hospital, we still have to protect you. So if possible, please live in the place we arranged."

"No, really."

She packed up her things.

In fact, in the past few days in the hospital, except for a set of clothes and a temporary purchase of toiletries, nothing was left behind.

Cen Yan clearly refused, but the man seemed to be very persistent.

"Even if you can guarantee your own safety, indeed, our anti-reconnaissance capabilities may not be as good as yours. But what about Cen Ruchang? He is only eight years old, and he must be busy with changing schools. Very good. If you want to go to a better school, you have to prepare for the exam now. You are also aware of the situation in Ningcheng. There are too many people in the urban area, so it is difficult to take precautions. How can you Make sure nothing goes wrong."

He just missed calling names directly.

Wasn't it just when people were in the hotel and opened the door before, the child was taken away.

And if the other party is fully prepared, they can even take people out of her sight without making a sound.


Cen Yan must also pay attention to this point.

"We promise we won't disturb your life, and we won't let Cen Ruchang notice the difference. But we ask that we must stay downstairs at your house 24 hours a day."

Cen Yan was stunned for a moment, but also saw their determination.

"Okay, I see."

"Follow me, but I think the most important purpose of those people may not be mine. Pay more attention to Gu Longwu's situation."

The other is in the hospital, still in a coma.

Easier to be attacked.

"Yes. Additional staff have been assigned from above."

The two sides had barely negotiated, and Cen Yan nodded to let them follow him at any time.

It's just that in this way, she will always be very inconvenient and feel a little uncomfortable.

But it doesn't matter.

"Chang'er." Cen Yan called out to him.

Cen Ruchang had just gone through the discharge procedures with others, and he just came back now.

After hearing Cen Yan's words, he trotted over immediately.

"Sister Ah Yan, it's done."

"After the reimbursement, I didn't spend much money. It's still pretty good."

Cen Yan touched his head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

For such a young child, the most important thing to think about every day is not studying or where to go to play, but how to save money.

"Then shall we go straight back?"

"No. You go with these uncles, and they will arrange for you to live in a new place."

"What about you?" Cen Ruchang prepared his schoolbag, looked at the suitcase beside him, and looked up at her, "Where are you going?"

"Go and see your Uncle Gu."

Cen Yan did not hide this from him.

It had been three days since the kidnapping happened, and these three days were enough for her to go from coma to waking up to recovery.

But for Gu Longwu, time seemed to have stopped on the day of the kidnapping case.

He hasn't woken up yet.

Cen Ruchang went to see it for the past two days, worried that those people would not give up and might attack in the hospital, Cen Yan didn't dare to let Cen Ruchang out of his sight for too long.

Now I feel much more at ease.

"Well, you go back with them to clean up the house first, and you can do me a favor."

Clean up the house?

Cen Ruchang scratched his head, "So it's your big idea. It's fine. But I'm not very good at housework either."

He used to help his mother with some things like cleaning the house, but most of them were just sweeping the floor and taking out the garbage.

Mom wouldn't really let her do anything.

After waiting for a long time, Cen Ruchang finally decided to leave with them.

Cen Yan took advantage of the situation and asked those people to take his luggage back.

"I'm busy with some things here, so I'll go back tonight."

"Okay, please be careful."

Cen Yan nodded, quickly got on the elevator, and went directly to Gu Longwu's ward.

Mr. Gu is not here today.

As usual, there are people guarding the door, and they will strictly check everyone who approaches, even doctors and nurses must take off their masks to see their faces clearly.

But when he saw Cen Yan, he immediately stepped aside.

"Miss Cen, have you been discharged from the hospital yet?"

She was no longer wearing a hospital gown.

"Yes, I'm almost fine. How is he?"

She was asking Gu Longwu.

The faces of the two people immediately returned to normal, a little helpless, "It's always been the same, it is said that they have passed the 72-hour dangerous period, but they still haven't woken up."

"May I go in and see him?"

"Of course, you can do whatever you want."

Only then did Cen Yan get disinfected and walked in slowly, and saw the person lying quietly inside.

The man who is always in a hurry on weekdays, the man who stood up and almost leaned against the door frame, is now lying on the bed, and his personnel is unknown.

"Gu Longwu."

After gently calling his name, Cen Yan slowly walked over.

But standing by the hospital bed like this, the man lying on the bed never responded.

The face under the oxygen mask now looked extraordinarily calm, without any ups and downs in expression.


It should be said that he could hardly even see his breathing.

His body was covered with gauze under the quilt.

The knife almost killed him.

But even so, she has been in a coma for three days now, and has no intention of waking up.

For a moment, Cen Yan even felt that people were in a trance.

She knew that her eye sockets must be red, and the tip of her nose was also full of soreness.

Just trying not to let the tears fall.

After a long while, he finally walked over and mustered up the courage to hold his hand, "Gu Longwu, I'm Ah Yan."

"Can you hear me?"

Naturally, the man on the bed would not have any reaction, nor would he even give her even the slightest response.

Even the hand she was holding, as long as she loosened the strength a little, would fall back on the bed weakly.

Cen Yan lowered her head, her disappointment was hidden in her brows, and she tried to hide it as much as possible.

She looked to the side, and all eyes were on Gu Longwu's face.

"I know what you want to hear. It's because I haven't told you. Long Wu, I care about you very much... No, I don't care about you in ordinary ways. It's like liking and deep love. I love you as you love me generally."

After smiling slowly, Cen Yan raised his hand to wipe away the tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

She tried to sound gentle in her tone.

"The doctor said that your wound is slowly recovering, and it may still hurt to breathe. But we are not afraid of pain, okay? Let's wake up first."

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