The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2400 Please protect yourself


Cen Yan nodded, with a big and faint smile on his face, as if he suddenly remembered something very interesting.

"Those mobile phones are used for evaluation, they are the first batch of prototypes. The performance is very good. But it is useless to keep them after the evaluation now."

Cen Ruchang didn't quite understand the meaning of the word "assessment", but again, these were not important to him.Just give him a cell phone.

"Then what do you want to eat? The doctor said that you can only eat very light food. Millet porridge or something."

He did his family's work conscientiously, remembered the doctor's orders, and imitated how those people next door took care of the patients.

"Or, would you like some fruit?"

Cen Yan couldn't help laughing, "Can you cut it?"

"I can't learn it!"

He was not convinced.

It wouldn't be a normal thing now.

After all, the child has grown to such an age, and has always been a baby at home.

Mom has always taken good care of him.

Thinking of this, Cen Ruchang felt a little wronged again.

If his mother is still there, where does he need to learn these skills, and he doesn't need to learn how to do what an adult should do.

"Well, or, I'll give you a try." Cen Yan explained with a smile, "My sword skills are quite good."

The way she said it casually.

Cen Ruchang actually didn't take it to heart.

But he still took the initiative to get up, "Then I'll go buy some fruit."

"it is good."


As soon as Cen Ruchang went out here, another visitor came outside the door.


"Miss Cen, someone from the Lieyang team is here. They said they did some investigations and wanted to tell you something."

"Please come in."

The person who walked over was the one who had appeared that day.

"Hello, I'm Tianyu, the captain of the Lieyang team. Are you feeling better?"

"It has recovered a lot. Rose and Allen asked if they came out."

Tianyu shook his head, "Ross was injured in the water that day, and he died on the spot before he could be treated. Allen was shot and is still under supervision in the hospital. He just woke up yesterday for a while and asked a few questions without revealing much information. It's just that The people who say they are Gels, the purpose is you."

"Well. I believe he is not lying about this. They are members of the Gravel organization. Now that the Gravel is falling apart, it is understandable that they want to kill me and go back to be the leader. But the most important point is that the country is strictly guarded. What channel did they use? Sneaked in. And can find my location quietly."

"This is still Ningcheng."

Ningcheng is one of the largest cities in the country, so it is unreasonable for people to sneak in at will.

Even if it's from Gers.

"This is exactly why I came to you. We have checked some channels, and there are only a few possible ones...but they are all relatively important."

After Tianyu finished speaking, he paused, "You should be able to understand what I mean."

"Well. I don't have any special requirements. It's just that I have a child by my side. There are relatives and friends in Anning County. In addition, Gu Longwu is injured and unconscious. If the other party's status is greatly affected and cannot be resolved immediately, please send someone to guarantee our Safety."

"Someone has been sent over there."

Cen Yan stared at him with a pair of almond eyes, "No, what I need is not ordinary people. It is people like you to protect them. The people of Gers are extremely vicious, and they can carry weapons with them, which means that they have not accepted People who have undergone super-intensive training, there is a high probability that they will not be their opponents."

"The same thing, I don't want to happen a second time."

When Cen Ruchang went downstairs just now, she made sure that someone followed her all the way.

Otherwise, Cen Yan couldn't rest assured at all.

Tianyu thought about it carefully, and finally nodded after a while, "Perhaps our judgment on Geers' strength is still low. Based on your experience, if the other party can still send people in, how many can you bring?"

"The important thing about the people of Gers is not the number of people. Even their personal force may not necessarily be better than yours. But each of them has a lot of lives in their hands. It is basically impossible to sneak into the country at the risk of their lives. With the ultimate intention of not going back. That is to say, everyone you face comes here with the idea of ​​fighting one by one."

"There are too many people in Ningcheng. They can find hostages anywhere within reach. Even if they don't threaten my relatives and friends, they are ordinary people. Their suicide attacks are also extremely serious consequences."

Tianyu was completely silent.

"Gers is really... so scary."

"The area of ​​Gers is only the size of a city in the country, and the population is only about 500 million on the surface, but the weapons sent here every year are the combat readiness of a small country for a year. There are large and small turmoil every day, and people die every day." There are no fewer than a hundred people. The population has not changed much over the years.”

"Do you know why?"

Tianyu shook his head, not daring to express his guess.

"In war-torn areas, don't care. There is no strong force to suppress everything. It is most suitable for those who are desperate. It is also most suitable for... fugitives."

In addition to the local residents of Gers, a small part of the outsiders are personnel sent by various countries, and the other part are fugitives.

Tianyu's face became more serious.

"Sorry, we made a mistake in our judgment. Several of our team members admire you very much. This time, our support failed to catch up. It is a pity that it caused the two of you to be injured."

"It's good to catch up. Thank you."

She is sincerely grateful.

If they don't come.

What I see now is not the two injured people, but maybe two corpses directly.

She would not allow herself to be taken to Gers as a bargaining chip.

If they are taken away, they will only die in Ningcheng.

"You have a good rest. I will report the things I just said right away. If it is fast, I can arrange someone to go there tonight. Please rest assured."

"Okay, hard work."

After Cen Yan explained all this, he finally felt relieved.

He didn't ask them too much about the final situation after they found out, but he already had a vague idea in his heart.

It's just that the relationship is very important, and it can't be said indiscriminately before the conclusion is reached.

"When there is a result, let me know."

"Okay." Tianyu had already walked to the door, only to hear her order, and immediately nodded heavily.

He could naturally understand what Cen Yan meant by these words.

Only when everything is settled can we truly rest assured.

After going out, he looked directly at the person guarding the door, "We will send a team member over here later, please ensure her safety."

The man paid more attention to it, and immediately stood up straight.

They also now know that those lying inside are not ordinary people, but heroes who really defend against the enemy.


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