At this moment, Cen Yan almost shouted out with all his strength.

"Gu Longwu!"

She ran desperately toward the water.

But I just drowned just now, and now I don't even have the strength to stand up.

The members of the Lieyang team supported her, but they could barely make her stand up.

As for running over, there is no physical strength at all.

"People have been rescued, don't get too excited!"

"Ayang, let the plane come down and take him directly to the hospital!" Someone shouted over there.

Then I saw two other people carrying Gu Longwu to the shore.

Cen Yan's pupils dilated, watching this scene in disbelief.

Because Gu Longwu was carefully placed on the shore by them.

And in his heart, there is a knife!


She couldn't speak, she could only let out a difficult roar, clasping her hands together, wishing she could crawl over now.

"Send you to the hospital first." The captain of the Lieyang team gave the order directly.

The plane has also found a place nearby and reluctantly stopped.

"Send the wounded up, escorted by camels and stones. The moon stays with me to deal with the aftermath."


Those two people directly carried Gu Longwu up, and the moon next to him directly carried Cen Yan on his back, and quickly ran towards the plane.

"Send it to the nearest hospital, hurry up!"

The pilot nodded and quickly flew up.

Cen Yan was still breathing deeply.

Her lungs were choked with water, and she was actually in danger of infection, but now she didn't care about it at all, she just tried to stretch out her hand to help him press the wound.

"The knife hasn't been drawn yet, the position is not very good, and the risk is too great. But fortunately, there is not much bleeding in the wound if the knife is not drawn, and the aorta may not be injured."

"Shitou, now is not the time to analyze these things. You hold her down to calm her down, and she will be examined by her own doctor in the hospital later."

"Yes." The man called Stone immediately fell silent, only looked at Cen Yan, then at Gu Longwu who was lying beside him, hesitant to speak.

"If you have any ideas, I will mention them after they recover."


This sound was a little reluctant.

But there is no way, both of them are wounded, and the lying one may even be sacrificed just like that, it is really not a good time for him to chase stars.

Airplanes are fast.

"This is Ningcheng First Hospital."

The voice of the hospital came through the aircraft communication, and the pilot immediately replied, "The dagger was inserted into the edge of the heart, and there is no excessive blood loss for the time being."

"The other is a drowning person."

"Please park in the designated area, our first responders will arrive immediately."

In fact, first responders had already arrived early.

Now the roof of Ningcheng No. [-] Hospital is full of people in white coats.

Next to them are two stretchers.

The plane stopped and immediately stepped forward to lift the wounded up.

Someone is going to pick up Cen Yan.

She said directly, "I'm fine, save him first."

"Lie down first."

She was directly pressed down by the medical staff.

And Gu Longwu had already been carried away in advance.

Only then did Cen Yan feel relieved, but his gaze still followed Gu Longwu.

"We will do our best to treat your friend, please rest assured."

She is very worried.

Cen Yan lifted his lips, thinking in his heart.

Gu Longwu could have had nothing to do, but was stabbed by Ross because of him.

If something happened to him in the end, then she probably wouldn't be able to survive...

"You can rest first, we will conduct a comprehensive inspection."

Most of the drowning people can be rescued in time if they just choke on a little bit of water.

But if the time is too long, the lungs will choke with too much water, which may cause infection.

The medical staff put on the drip for her, "Taking an X-ray of the lungs."


Cen Yan only heard these two sentences, and couldn't hear a word after that.

She fell into a coma.


This time, Cen Yan had a long, long dream.

The dream was a continuation of today's situation. He followed the traces of the car all the way to the suburbs, and saw them arresting Cen Ruchang.

With no choice but to replace Cen Ruchang by himself.

At the moment of the substitution, Cen Yan had actually already planned to die together.

Especially when they saw that they were going to leave by water.

Most of Gers is a desert, and the people living there are not very good at water.

Kayaks are easily damaged.

Even if her hands are tied, she still has a chance.

I just waited for a long time, but never got the chance.

The kayak drove farther and farther, and finally entered a foggy place.

She can't see anything.

At that moment, Cen Yan knew that the best opportunity had arrived!

While both of them were concentrating on identifying the course in the fog, she ran towards Alan with all her strength.

"Damn woman, what are you doing?"

Allen cursed.

But because of weight issues, the two have now fallen into the water.

Even kayaks have to flip over...

Ross hurriedly tried to pull the man up.

But Cen Yan was unwilling.

Her hands were trapped, so she bit Alan's arm tightly with her teeth, insisting on dragging him down together.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The only thing in my head is their exaggerated cursing.

After that, Cen Yan could no longer hear clearly.

Her memory began to blur, and she gradually didn't know where she was.

Just when she thought she was going to lose consciousness, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

There is one more person next to him.

At this time, who else will come to rescue her?
Cen Yan didn't understand, let alone come to a conclusion.

But suddenly he saw the enlarged face in front of him.

The man's facial features are so familiar that he can recognize them at a glance.

"Gu Longwu."

How did you come here?

She wanted to ask why Gu Longwu appeared here.

Obviously already in the river.



Cen Yan suddenly remembered.

She remembered that the real situation was that she was overtaken by Gu Longwu on the shore.

But after he jumped into the river, Gu Longwu also jumped in, and was stabbed by Ross in order to save her.

She still remembered the water stained red with blood.


"The patient is awake."

There was a burst of noise from the side.

Cen Yan struggled to open his eyes, and could only see a large pale ceiling in front of him, and the pungent smell of disinfectant around him.

Here is the hospital.

"She's awake, Doctor!"

It was the nurse's voice.

Cen Yan can still judge this point.

But when she looked around now, she didn't see anyone else.

After more than ten seconds, I finally heard the sound of messy and hasty footsteps, and saw a figure in a white coat walking in from outside.

The other party hurried over and began to check.

"It's good when you wake up, it's good when you wake up." The doctor came over to check the heart rate and blood oxygen saturation, then stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Cen Yan's eyes, and approached her to ask.

"Cen Yan. Cen Yan. Can you hear me calling your name?"

"Can you see me?"

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