The conversation between the two floated from the river to Gu Longwu's ears through the wind.

He was on guard all over.

The eyes staring at those people are particularly sharp.

"Let her go now, and I can let you go!"

"What are you thinking? Either take her away or kill her, or we will die here together." Allen was very arrogant.

He has now held Cen Yan.

As long as the people are brought back, the plan can go smoothly.

Gu Longwu is actually not sure now.

He didn't know how long it would take for the people behind him to come over, and there was only one person standing in front of them now.

Cen Yan's hands were handcuffed, and Rose was staring at him behind him, which meant that he had no fighting power.

Gu Longwu couldn't pin all his hopes on the support team.

"It's useless to talk too much, either chase after him, or just wait there." Alan looked at the time and knew that he couldn't delay any longer, so he grabbed Cen Yan onto the boat and left.

For a long time, both of them had only a deep gloomy look on their faces.

Cen Yan wanted to struggle, but Rose directly hit her leg bone hard.

It hurts!

"Don't hurt her!" Gu Longwu's voice came from the shore.

He is running desperately towards the river.

But Ross and Allen moved faster, and in less than a minute, the boat was about to head towards the middle of the river.

"Gu Longwu, go back!" Cen Yan suddenly shouted.

Gu Longwu didn't realize until now that the two of them had...

There are guns!

"Kill the white eagle and bring back the vulture. This time we will have made great achievements."

"It's more perfect than the plan." Allen squinted his eyes to aim, and directly pulled the trigger on Gu Longwu.

"Bang" sound.

The gunshot broke the silence in the forest!

Gu Longwu got down reflexively.

But there was no pain on his body.

He raised his head, only to see that the people on the boat were already wrestling.

Cen Yan just ran into Alan directly. The hovercraft was too small and wobbly.

Now, he took the opportunity to jump directly from the boat.

"Damn it, grab her!" Allen yelled frantically, "Ross, jump down and grab her."

With her hands tied, she could only use her feet to step on the water desperately so that she could surface in front of her.

And after Rose jumped off the boat, Cen Yan didn't even think about it, he just gave up struggling and let himself sink to the bottom of the water.

"Ah Yan!"

Gu Longwu didn't care that Alan was still aiming at him, found a cover, and wanted to jump into the water.

A normal person can stay in the water for no more than 5 minutes. Ah Yan has no fighting power now, if he takes a step slower, it may be too late.

"Bai Ying, you guys are really touching."

Allen retargeted him.

This time, after no one stopped him, he hit Gu Longwu with almost no effort.

But at that moment.

Suddenly there was the sound of a plane roaring in the distance.

Gu Longwu couldn't hear other sounds.

But he could see the blood flower suddenly blooming on Allen's body.

It's a sniper rifle.

Still muffled.

Allen raised his head and looked up, only to see a small plane approaching, and three people who slid directly off the plane.


They sent professional snipers to support them so quickly.

At this moment, Gu Longwu couldn't care less about other things, he didn't have time to take a second look, so he plunged into the water.


People underwater are struggling.

Rose knew that they wanted to bring back as many alive as possible.

But things have come to this, and if you waste time, let alone bring people back to Gers, they won't be able to leave by themselves!

Then he became ruthless and took out the military dagger on his body.

It doesn't matter if you get hurt first.

As long as there is one breath left!

A decision was made immediately, and the sharp knife stabbed fiercely at Cen Yan...

Cen Yan's eyes widened. Under the water, his hands were bound again, and there was no time to resist.

When Rose stabbed the knife, he realized that there was a figure behind him.

It's the white eagle!
He actually appeared underwater.

This means that Alan with a gun can't stop him.

Did something happen?
At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Rose's mind, and then he finally made up his mind and took out his knife to fight Gu Longwu.

The worst result is that Alan has already had an accident, so they have no choice but to deal with the vulture here!
damn it.

Gu Longwu was stopping him.

Rose knew that something must have happened to Allen, so he couldn't come down to support.

If you are the only one left, even if you change your life, you must replace the culprit who killed the leader!
But Gu Longwu didn't care about him at all.

All his attention was focused on Cen Yan, watching her gradually lose her strength to struggle, sinking more and more to the bottom of the water.

Immediately swim directly towards her.

Rose wanted to stop him, so he kicked him away.

If you delay, Homura will die.

Once this idea was formed in his mind, Gu Longwu's eyes turned cold again.

His eyes were red, he didn't care to stop Rose, but directly grabbed Cen Yan, desperately trying to drag her up.

"go to hell!"

Rose grabbed his foot hard.

I can't live, and I can't kill them.

But as long as you hold on, you can exchange for two in the water!

Gu Longwu even saw the ferocity and coldness in his eyes, and the next moment he pushed Cen Yan up with all his strength without hesitation.

People can already be seen vaguely above.

They will rescue Yan.

As for Ross.

If you don't want to go, then don't go!

Gu Longwu rushed towards him without any hesitation, Ross stabbed him with a knife, and he took it with his hands.

There will be errors in the movement angle in the water.

But Gu Longwu didn't intend to hide at all, which made Ross startled.

He didn't react at all at that moment!

what happened.

Why doesn't the white eagle hide?
Ross couldn't understand.

He watched as his dagger pierced into Gu Longwu's body, but he didn't know if he hit a vital point.

The waves at the bottom of the water gradually deepened, but he saw a knife stuck in his heart!


Cen Yan almost fell into a coma.

After she was pushed up by Gu Longwu, she soon felt a force on the water surface that pulled her up.

"Go ashore for inspection!"

Someone shouted.

Then someone on the bank patted her cheek, "Can you hear me?"

She could hear it, but her stomach was full of water and she couldn't breathe now.

Fortunately, that person was very professional and pressed it for her.

Cen Yan spat out the water with difficulty, "Gu..."

"We are the Lieyang team. We have been notified to come to support you. Two terrorists, one of whom has been knocked down, and the other is fighting underwater. The others have already gone down to help."

"Gu Longwu." Cen Yan breathed heavily, and now he could finally speak a few words properly.

She tried desperately to get up, but in the end she just sat up.

Then he opened his eyes and saw that the calm water surface was gradually being stained red with blood...

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