Cen Yan was stunned, and for a long time just quietly looked at the man in front of him, with a very faint smile on that delicate face.

The face was extremely casual, "It doesn't matter."

She thought that she was not important enough to require Gu Longwu to put aside her business and accompany her.

After that, for a long time, I just ate what I had in my hands in silence, and would ask a few words from time to time, "If you need my help, just ask, don't feel embarrassed."

Gu Longwu looked up, but he never mentioned it.

"I'll fix it as soon as possible."

It's about a man's bravado.

Even now, Gu Longwu has never really lowered his head in front of her.

Even if she simply asked her for help, it was useless after knowing that she was a girl.

Sometimes Cen Yan also feels that because she is a daughter, it seems that suddenly, everyone can no longer treat her as a good brother like before.

Even the captain called yesterday to ask what happened, and they all spoke softly.

Cen Yan laughed, shook his head and suddenly felt that such a change was very interesting.

Halfway through the meal, Gu Longwu's phone rang again.

He only picked it up and glanced at it, then connected without hesitation.

"what's up."

"General manager, why don't you come back quickly and take a look. Mr. He has sued us!"


Gu Longwu was taken aback.

"What terms did he sue? This time he unilaterally tore up the contract. We sue him if we want to sue."

"Yes...but he found a loophole. Come over and have a look." Lao Zhang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"Hurry up, deal with urgent matters first." The smile on Cen Yan's face was clean and comfortable as usual.

This made Gu Longwu feel even more sorry.

"Then I'll go back first. The media should have almost left by now. I'll go in through the back door. You go back and pay attention to safety."

"Understood, no one can hurt me in Ningcheng." Cen Yan only thought his exhortation was funny.

It seems that she really regards herself as a weak woman.

Gu Longwu paused, and after taking a few casual bites, he hurriedly left the restaurant.

He didn't drive Cen Yan's car, and after hailing a taxi on the side of the road, he got into the car straight away.

And Cen Yan just sat quietly beside him and finished the meal after he left.

After getting in the car, I finally started to make calls.

"It's me. Do me a favor."

Gu Longwu said that the new product launch this time is actually very risky, but the announcement has already been made early in the morning, and there is no way to delay it.This technology is currently owned by the company, but if it is delayed, other companies will also develop it, and the loss will be even greater.

When the mind is confused, the person has already arrived at the company.

The entire Gu Group is now brightly lit.

During the day, Mr. He announced that the divestment would start, and the phone calls from the PR department were ringing off the hook.

The people who dealt with these projects are now so busy that they can only deal with the mess in a hurry.

When he appeared, the company's overtime employees subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"General manager!"

"Everyone has worked hard, I ordered supper, and I will eat something to rest later." Gu Longwu only said a simple sentence, but these few words are enough to calm down such a panic-stricken heart.

After Gu Longwu greeted him, he went straight to the office.

Old Zhang was already waiting for him inside.

"What's the specific situation?"

"Mr. He didn't sue us according to the terms of the contract. He sued us for defamation."

Gu Longwu frowned, puzzled, "What does his right to reputation have to do with us?"

"Because of your escape from marriage, many people on the Internet attacked and said that Ms. He had a bad style and messed with men and women when she was abroad. That's why you chose to run away at the wedding, just to give her a bad reputation."


"How could there be such rumors?" Gu Longwu was really confused.

Lao Zhang sighed, "Why don't you say this is strange, as if people are still making trouble behind the scenes. Now Mr. He feels that we spread these rumors, so he sued directly."

Suing the right of reputation... Even if it fails in the end, what he paid is just the money for the lawsuit.

However, this indictment was another devastating blow to the reputation of the Gu Corporation.

Gu Longwu was silent for a long time without speaking.

"Go and find out where the IDs that spread these rumors come from. Mr. He dares to sue with such a big fanfare, it is impossible to have no evidence in hand."

If you have to talk about evidence, it is very likely that these accounts are indeed related to Gu.

And now Gu Longwu can think of the only person who can do these things that make things worse.

"You mean? Mr. Qian?"

"Let's check first, find the evidence and then talk."


Lao Zhang immediately started to do it.

Gu Longwu pressed his aching temple and sat quietly behind the computer screen.

After a while, he dialed the internal number and called someone from the public relations department to come in.

"Write a statement and send it."

"Writing in my name, it means that He Momo and I have not become a real couple in this engagement, the legal meaning and other meanings are the same. For me, commercial marriage can't pass the hurdle in my heart, so I finally gave up. I apologize for all the influence caused by this and the bad remarks to Ms. He Momo. At the same time, I will not let go of those who spread rumors. It probably means this, let’s write it up.”

"General manager, although it may be true. But the rumors are very confusing now. In fact, some people are defending you. They say that because of your character, they think there should be other secrets. Mr. He's lawsuit is a lawsuit Yes, but he hasn’t produced evidence for the time being. The current public opinion may actually be beneficial to us.”

The implication is that such a statement would only admit that it was all his fault, and after the rumors were clarified, the Gu Group would be completely unable to clear up the matter.

But Gu Longwu still shook his head, "Do as I say."


He had no reason to involve He Momo again.

As far as he is concerned, the two of them are mostly even, without too many grievances and entanglements, and there will be no entanglement or apology in his heart.

Just strangers.


As soon as the statement came out, public opinion once again became one-sided.

"This guy admitted it directly. He just became irresponsible and became a scumbag. The person who originally talked about it and then went to the wedding scene regretted the marriage himself! It's really funny. Could it be said that it is a commercial marriage that can be whitewashed?" No?"

"Laughing. Isn't commercial marriage a marriage contract? Commercial marriage can be regretted? Be a man."

"You guys have so many excuses! Get out of here, scumbag! I will never touch any of your products again!" There was an argument at the bottom of this comment.

"Please don't engage in confrontation between men and women. We also boycott his products."

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