The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2301 I mean, I can't accompany you

The girl is chasing after him.

Gu Longwu's face was gloomy, and only then did he finally stop and turn around to look at her.

"You don't know what kind of person I am, and you don't know my character. You don't know my private life, don't follow me, don't build a support club."

His tone was cold, "I don't need it at all!"

It hurts.

The little girl is probably one of the few people in this group of media who are still on his side and have always supported him.

But when he heard this sentence, he could only stand there holding the microphone, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Did you say it? This man is ruthless and unlucky, and you still have a crush on him? I really don't understand the little girl nowadays, and I don't know which muscle is wrong in my mind."

The little girl squatted on the ground, her eyes were full of injuries.

The person with a good cause silently took a picture of this scene and put it on the entry of Gu Longwu's heinous crime.Added evidence to him again.

As for Gu Longwu, he went directly to the road.

A black car just drove over and stopped right next to him at the exact spot!

The car window rolled down, revealing an all-too-familiar face.

Gu Longwu was startled, and immediately opened the car door and sat in it.

When looking at the person in the driver's seat, he was surprised and delighted, "Ah Yan, why did you come to pick me up?"

Cen Yan only looked at the person following him in the rearview mirror, and did not answer his question directly, but accelerated all the way forward.

"Sit tight!"

As soon as the words fell, she stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and accelerated to turn the corner, directly throwing the car behind for a long distance.

The bodywork is black, and the model is also common on the road.

But to be cautious, Cen Yan turned several corners along the way, and finally made sure that there was no one behind.

"Go find something to eat, you haven't had dinner yet."

Gu Longwu nodded, watched her randomly find a quiet restaurant on the side of the road, and then followed her down.

After a while.

Only then did he finally find a chance to speak, "Ah Yan, you haven't said why you came here."

Cen Yan found a seat beside him and sat down, raised his head and glanced at him, "Uncle Gu called me and asked me to come over."


"My Father?"


At first, he thought it was impossible, but considering the old man's recent behavior, plus he knew that Cen Yan was a girl, and he was deeply in love with her.Isn't it time to seize the opportunity and bring the two of them together?

Gu Longwu smiled, feeling helpless, "I thought..."

"You thought I came here by myself? How is that possible." Cen Yan poured tea by himself, and looked aside coldly.

It is impossible for her to come to him by herself.

Gu Longwu nodded, "Yes, I know all about it."

He was always quick to recognize reality.

"Anyway, I'm very grateful that you can come. I'll treat you to this meal." Gu Longwu said a few words politely, and called the waiter over to order the food.

But Cen Yan just took a sip of tea and laughed in a low voice, "It's as generous as ever. It's just that if the current situation continues, are you sure you can live a normal life in the future?"

We must know that although the Gu family is in Ningcheng, although it is not as good as the Mo family in the first echelon, it is also the leader of the wealthy family.

Gu Longwu can be regarded as the second generation of the golden rich.

"You know it all?"

"There's a lot of news outside, and it's being played on a loop in the news. Now the streets and alleys are full of news about you and your escape from marriage. Oh yes... and the fact that you are a heartbreaker, everyone knows."

Gu Longwu, "..."

He scratches his head.

I didn't care at all.

But now sitting in front of Ah Yan, he suddenly felt a kind of embarrassment that he didn't know how to explain.

He could only speak in a low voice, "You should know me, I'm not that kind of person."

"Escaping marriage is a fact."

Gu Longwu, "Ah, it's the truth."

That's right.

"Since you escaped in public at the wedding, no matter what the reason is, the public is right to say that you are a heartless person."


Gu Longwu simply did not defend himself.

He has nothing to argue with either.

"However... I do know that there is a deal between you and He Momo. It's just that outsiders don't know about it." Cen Yan paused, then looked at him with a smile, "Why, are you considering making this deal public directly? ?”

"Not very good." Gu Longwu shook his head, with a rare look of seriousness on his face, "In the final analysis, He Momo is also a victim of this incident. No matter what decision his father made in the end, he should not take her involved."

"If people know that this is a deal, it will hurt her twice."

Now the people of the He family don't know all this.

They stand on the moral high ground.

But if they knew that the original agreement between the two was to announce the divorce within one month after marriage, they would only be a couple in name only for that month.

Then the public will blame He Momo.

Some people would say that she cheated on the marriage.

Said that she was not reconciled after her failure, and joined forces with her father to exert pressure.

Gu Longwu shook his head, "Forget about this matter, the most urgent thing is to find an investment fund to overcome the current difficulties."

"How much is it?"

Cen Yan shouldn't have asked that question.

Because although her income is not low, it is still far from such a wealthy family.

But finally asked the exit.

One dares to ask, and the other dares to answer.

"More than one billion." Gu Longwu took a deep breath and poured her a drink. "Several projects are involved, most of which are led by us. In addition to the launch of new products, the predictable dismal returns..."

New arrivals.

Cen Yan pondered a few words slowly.

"Your new product this time is a mobile phone, right?"


Gu Longwu directly took one out of his pocket, "This is it."

A pink back shell, looks very delicate and beautiful mobile phone.

"It was originally intended to be given to you. You have always been interested in these."


Cen Yan's only two pleasures are writing programs and researching digital products.

She was idle and bored, and she did a few assessments.

There are a lot of various digital products at home.

"Then I'll take this one."

"Okay." Gu Longwu trusted her completely, and never thought that sending out samples before going public would be an act of leaking secrets.

Cen Yan looked at the phone in his hand, but suddenly thought of something.

"When will your new product be launched?"

"The third day of next month. There are still ten days left."

Cen Yan nodded, then put the phone away, "Got it."

As long as the quality is excellent, it is not completely helpless.

"Ah Yan, I have to go back immediately after dinner. I have to meet a guest tonight. If we can negotiate, this huge amount of money can solve part of the problem."

"Okay, I'll take you back home."

Cen Yan thought it was inconvenient for him to go home.

But Gu Longwu just smiled helplessly, "I mean, I can't accompany you anymore."

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