The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2097 Let's see who is more sure

So finally opened the red wine.

At that moment, everyone's eyes widened and they looked over, just because they had already discovered the difference.

This is definitely not an ordinary bottle of wine!

The man smiled and bent slightly to help them both pour the wine, "My surname is Rong, you two can call me Manager Rong. No one in the whole Dijue knows more about these red wines than me. So you can boldly say .”

Gu Longwu raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the red liquid poured out of the wine glass, paused for a while, and didn't speak for a long time.

He only narrowed his eyes and stared at the liquor industry, and after a while he raised his hand and shook it, not knowing what he was thinking.

Manager Rong didn't miss this scene.

"It's all good, who will come first?"

Tasting first, talking first.

It depends on who is more sure.

But in fact, based on the shape of the wine bottle and the liquid, this time, there are basically no clues.

It can be recognized in the first two rounds, nothing more than the brand name has been engraved on the bottle, so it is easy to guess a little.

Gu Longwu looked to the side, Qian Luyong didn't speak, just stared at the bottle with frowns, not knowing what he was thinking.

"In my opinion, my cousin will come first."

Qian Luyong still asked Gu Longwu to speak first this time.

But to him, the meaning was different.

In the first two rounds, he was confident.

This round, because there was no clue, Qian Luyong didn't speak for a long time.

He wanted to wait for Gu Longwu to speak first!
In other words, he directly threw this problem to Gu Longwu.

But after waiting for a long time, Gu Longwu suddenly smiled, and said in a deep voice, "Not to mention this wine, I have heard a little about why the wine is thicker than normal. It is because of the brewing concentration, and the production Time and light always affect. Is it? The year when this wine was produced, the air moisture content should be relatively low.”

"There is more light, and the water in the grapes is evaporated, so shouldn't it be thinner?"

"Right? Why does this become thicker instead?"

Several people around looked at each other, and they could all see the puzzlement in each other's eyes.

They have never studied this aspect of knowledge, so naturally they don't understand it.

After waiting for a long time, Gu Longwu still did not explain.

He didn't need to explain to others, he just looked up at Manager Rong, "Am I right?"

"That's right."

Manager Rong didn't see a friendly smile on his face, "I don't know what you all know. When the sugar content in the grapes is high, it will affect the ratio of other ingredients when making wine. This is the reason that affects the thickness of the wine."

"But this information is not specific enough. After all, most of the thicker wines may be the reason."

Manager Rong is fairly fair.

And when he said it himself, Qian Luyong let out a long sigh of relief.

In this way, he didn't have to continue to question Gu Longwu, it seemed that he was very unmannered.

Gu Longwu nodded, "Then let me guess the year."

"1986. Right?"

He spoke directly.

He said he was guessing, but his tone was very calm.

The year was mentioned, but Manager Rong was a little stunned, and then smiled happily, "That's right, it's this year. Then next, Mr. Qian will be here."

Qian Luyong is a frequent visitor of Dijue, and Manager Rong has also met some times before.

Although I am not familiar with it, I still know the name.

Mr. Qian Luyong's complexion was not pretty.

The red wine produced in 1986, how can there be any expensive wine?It's not the end of the year, so it shouldn't be particularly expensive.

Gu Longwu just lowered his head and kept sipping his small glass of wine.

For a long time he did not speak.

It wasn't until the glass of wine was almost finished that it suddenly occurred to him that Qian Luyong hadn't spoken.

"Vice President Qian?" Lao Zhang still urged, "It's been three minutes, look... say something."

Qian Luyong's face turned blue and white.

He had some guesses in his heart, but he wasn't sure at all.

If this is comfortable, I will be the one who takes the big risk later!And in front of this group of Gu's employees who I called over, it would be a shame!

"What Mr. Qian thinks in his heart, he should boldly say it." It was Manager Rong who made a point.

Only then did Qian Luyong say "OK".

"In my opinion, this bottle of wine is expensive. It is several times more expensive than the previous two bottles, and the place of production is not in France, but in Italy."

After he finished speaking, he was actually uneasy.

Is it Italy?

Gu Longwu frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Manager Rong still nodded, "It's Italy."

Qian Luyong breathed a sigh of relief.

How did he know!
There are only a few places where these red wines can be produced.There are even fewer who can get the grade.

Britain, France, Italy and other countries are just guessing.

But if there is another round, he must know nothing!

When he arrived at Gu Longwu, he hesitated for a moment, and said slowly, "If the place of production is Italy, then the manufacturer should still be there. It's just that the scale has never been large. They are a brand that only makes high-end red wine, and each bottle is extremely expensive. But it won't be mass-produced."

Manager Rong raised his eyebrows in surprise, and was about to nod.

But suddenly found that Qian Luyong had been winking at him.

This is?

"Why, isn't it right?" Gu Longwu was not sure in his heart, but if it was Italy, he should be right.

That's right.

Manager Rong gave the answer in his heart.

He didn't expect that someone could recognize such a rare wine.

It can be called everyone in this area.

It's just that now he has understood Qian Luyong's eyes.

The latter said directly, "I opened this wine. In fact, no matter whether I win or lose today, I will treat you. Manager Rong boldly said that the result will be!"

Is this not clear enough?

If he loses, he might be unwilling when he goes to pay the bill...

Manager Rong is actually not afraid of this threat.

But today he still broke the rules and shook his head.


"How could it be wrong?" Gu Longwu was taken aback.

Picking up the glass of wine that was poured just now, he quietly put it together, "The taste is sweet, thick and mellow, which is the unique characteristic of a certain Italian brand."

"Other brands also have this." Manager Rong smiled, "Unfortunately, Mr. Gu, you lost."

"Wow! I didn't expect that our money is always better."

"That's right. Compared with President Qian, General Manager Gu is still a little tender."

"That's not the only aspect. In the company, Mr. Qian is also an experienced senior."

These people are all Qian Luyong's dogs.

Gu Longwu didn't mind.

He was willing to gamble and admit defeat.

On the contrary, Lao Zhang couldn't hear it, and said coldly, "Vice President Qian has won such a thing, so there is nothing to be proud of, right?"

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