The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2096 Master, please forgive me

The people around were stunned.

"I didn't expect it to be true."

"It seems that our general manager also has two brushes!"

Seeing that this group of people really wanted to turn the tide, Qian Luyong immediately said, "The noble who collected this bottle of wine is a viscount named Atlanta. He is a well-known red wine collector. He once bought The reason why this batch of red wine was cut off was to raise prices. The reason why this bottle of wine flowed into the market was because the viscount was deprived of his title and sold off. The market price should be in the six figures."

That makes it very clear!

Someone said softly, "Mr. Qian, this is your fault. How can you tell so much information directly? Why do you ask our general manager to say later?"

"Yes, yes, this is not embarrassing our general manager. He knows that he is not as clear as you..." It is clear that he is Qian Luyong's dog.

Gu Longwu winked at Lao Zhang.

In such a situation, it is fine to play by the wind, or it is fine to take no positions on both sides.

But those who help Qian Luyong openly are either confidantes or idiots.

Either way, there is no need to stay in the company anymore.

"General manager, you should speak quickly."

Gu Longwu smiled, and finally raised his head and poured the glass of wine down his throat.

"If I remember correctly, the brewing method of this bottle of wine is different from that of most red wines. The grapes they use have higher sugar content, which is the reason for the sweet taste. In addition, the company that produces this red wine, in this batch of red wine Half a year after the end of production, it went bankrupt due to raw material problems.”

"I don't need to mention the name of the company, do I?"

Gu Longwu only said one piece of information, except for introducing the sugar content, he didn't say a word.

Qian Luyong suddenly felt bored.

Just wave your hand and ask the waiter to get it again.

"Make something strange! What's the point of doing this?"


How dare the waiter refuse to obey.

But they open wine, it is not easy to open.

Either the guest specified it, or the price allowed by the guest was known.

Every bottle of Emperor Jue's wine is worth a lot, and the six-figure price is already not low.

He hurried out to get it from the wine cellar.

He ran into a soft and waxy body head-on.

"Little Master!"

The waiter looked like a pig, and lowered his head very nervously, "I'm sorry, young master, I didn't see you coming, I accidentally bumped into you, I'm sorry!"

Mo Xiaobao let out an "oh", raised his hand to signal him to go to the side, and poked his head out to look in, "Tsk tsk, it's these two people. What kind of wine do they want?"

"It's strange..." The waiter didn't dare not answer, so he briefly explained the situation just now.

"So it's like this. Isn't it easy to get something special? Come with me." Mo Xiaobao's eyes lit up, and suddenly he became interested, so he changed the direction and walked towards the wine cellar.

The waiter could only silently follow behind him.

To the wine cellar.

But Mo Xiaobao waved his hand and let the administrators bring the keys.

"Open the A3 warehouse."

"Yes." The person who took the key should be very straightforward, but it made the waiter stunned.

You know, the wine in the wine cellar is also divided into grades.

In the area of ​​red wine alone, there are generally thousands to hundreds of thousands of wines, all of which are on the outermost floor, and many people open them every day on weekdays.

On the left side, you need to apply for a signature before you can take it away.

With his authority, the only ones who can apply for themselves just now are those of that type.

But the A3 warehouse he opened now is not something he can come across casually.

"Young master, is this..." He wanted to ask if it was too expensive.

Because that Mr. Qian, although he was very generous every time he came, he brought many people over.

It seems like a real nouveau riche.

But in fact, there are not many bills.

Most of the time, besides the box fee, they eat and drink fruit and beer for free.

After all, Dijue's unpacking fee is there.

As for the high-end red wine, special cocktails, etc. that are consumed separately, they are rarely opened.

According to his past consumption level, the six-figure wine is already the most high-end wine he has ever opened.

But Mo Xiaobao suddenly stopped the person in front of him.

"Forget it. Don't take the A3."

The waiter breathed a sigh of relief.

A bottle of A3's wine is about 50 yuan. Although the customer asked him to come and pick it up, if the other party can't pay the bill in the end and insists on pushing the responsibility to him, he will be very troublesome.

Mo Xiaobao pointed to the door on the far left, "Take the A1 directly."


Young master, you can be yourself!

Mo Xiaobao looked at the person who was still standing beside him, "Why are you in a daze? Just go get it and find the rarest one, the one that no one will recognize."

"Hurry up!!"

He stomped his feet, really disliked him Moji.

As a gesture, you have to go in and get it yourself.

The managers were taken aback.

"You still don't move, I will take it and I will take it."

The temperature in the wine cellar is constant.

There are also many valuable wines that need to be kept in an incubator separately.

My young master is so sloppy, it's fine to go in and take a look, but if he really broke two bottles, he can't afford it!
After a while, he walked out carefully holding one.

"Young master, can you see this branch?"

Mo Xiaobao didn't even look at it, he just waved his hand and called the waiter over, "Give it to them, remember, if they all know the information, you don't have to do it."


The waiters were about to cry.

What is this.

He is simply a disaster.

The responsible manager smiled and took the initiative to take over, "Young master, let me send it over. With his level, he probably can't touch A1, and he doesn't know the information in it. How to judge whether it's right or wrong?"

"That's true. Then you go. I only see the result."

Mo Xiaobao doesn't care about these at all, it's just for fun to scare him.

"Okay, I'll send it right away."

The manager wore white gloves and walked with exceptional poise.

He walked through the passageway with no one there, and quickly knocked on the box.

"Hi everyone, I'm the person in charge of wine at Dijue. I'm responsible for taking care of red wine. This is a good thing from Dijue's bottom of the box. If the two of you are making a bet, this is perfect."

"Do you need to open it?"

He is a genius!

Don't say the price in advance at all.

Just kidding, as far as the price of this wine is concerned, how many people in Ningcheng can afford it.

According to the general manager, it's not necessarily just waiting to be sold, but it's also okay to show off.

Or host a specific VIP.

After all, when the value of the cooperation plan is hundreds of millions or billions, a million-level wine is nothing.

Gu Longwu didn't speak, but raised his eyebrows and looked at Qian Luyong beside him.

The latter seemed to be afraid of being underestimated, so he yelled directly with the strength of alcohol, "Why are you waiting in a daze after you brought it all, just drive it! Today I will tell the winner with our general manager!"

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