The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2059 A big man, but also spend

Which also take into account the other.

It's a shame that he not only has to change the itinerary, but also has a lot of chores waiting to be dealt with.

The most important thing is to coax Gu Longwu back to deal with the follow-up!

"By the way, Ah Yan, you really want to go abroad in the future. Are you really not living in Ningcheng?"

Just as Cen Yan mixed the coffee, he casually handed a cup to Gu Longwu.

He looked at the jet-black surface, feeling a little displeased, "It's not pretty, Ah Yan, why don't you make a flower."

Do you want to pull flowers?

"A big man..."

Cen Yan complained in a low voice, but still helped him with a few beautiful scratches.


"Why are there just a few? How about making a flower? Small animals are also fine, it has to be more complicated and more beautiful."

"Why are you so long-winded?" Cen Yan really couldn't stand it, and his eyes became much more complicated.

But there is no way.

Someone just won't pick up.

The 1.9-meter tall man just stood in front of her, staring at her eagerly, insisting that she make the flower painting on it look good.

It wasn't until a beautiful sunflower was properly outlined that Gu Longwu was finally relieved.

"Hey. Ah Yan's craftsmanship is really good."

"You haven't had a drink yet."

"I mean, the latte art is good." Gu Longwu took a sip from the coffee cup, and after savoring the taste, he said, "The taste is good too! Ah Yan, it's you."

Cen Yan was indifferent to his praise from beginning to end.

She even just raised her head and glanced to the side, and then restrained all her emotions.

He took a cup of coffee and sat down on the sofa.

"Why are you standing there, come and sit down." Cen Yan greeted, and imported the contents of the phone into the computer.

"Are you sure you want to study and figure this out?"

"of course."

Cen Yan choked for a moment.

She glanced subconsciously, and saw the information that someone just sent over.

This is something related to the third young master of the Song family.

"In the past two months, I have had very little itinerary in Ningcheng, and I live in seclusion. When there is a need for official business, most of the time I send people to the other courtyard on the outskirts of the Song family."

"But I went to the hematology department of the hospital several times three months ago, and appeared at the Four Seasons Hotel two months ago."

Four Seasons Hotel?
Gu Longwu also saw this.

"This hotel is not that day..."

It was the place where he and Cen Yan stayed that time, and it was also the same day that he and Tang Yao had sex.

What a coincidence!
Gu Longwu frowned, even with his rough nerves, he felt something was wrong.

"It's a bit of a coincidence. This hotel is located in the south. We went to live last time because it was too late and we couldn't come back. It's also convenient there. Although Song Sanshao's other courtyard is far away, it's still not far from this hotel." Good. Half an hour's drive, there is no reason to live here."

"Maybe to meet friends." Cen Yan casually said.

Naturally, she would not go deeper into the analysis.

It's just that a prototype has begun to form in my mind.

"Or, you should have asked Tang Yao, why did she go to the hotel that night?"

Gu Longwu froze for a moment, still a little confused.

But he also gradually realized that something was wrong, blinked his eyes, "How about I ask now?"

Cen Yan didn't speak.

Gu Longwu took it as his acquiescence.

Hastily called Tang Yao.


"Gu, Mr. Gu?" Tang Yao on the other end of the phone was a little flustered. Ever since she heard Gu Longwu's voice, she had been flustered.

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