The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2058 Yan, I can't bear it

Cen Yan rarely saw such a serious expression on Gu Longwu's face.

So serious that she didn't speak for a long time.

He really can't say it now.

All the emotions are spreading in the heart, and there is a faint struggle in the heart.

Until the end, he pushed his hand away.

"Ah Yan..."

Cen Yan's calm tone and indifferent expression on her face made her look extraordinarily alienated and unkind.

Then he stood by the side, his eyebrows raised without any emotional ups and downs.

"You also heard today that he went in to help others take the blame, so the premise of everything is that he is willing to come out. As long as he is not willing, no one can help him."

"But..." Gu Longwu was always not good at words.

In the face of these, he is actually not able to explain clearly.

But suddenly he thought of something, and his eyes lit up, "Yes! The woman related to Jiang Ping is Tang Lin. Tang Lin's sister, Tang Yao, is going to be engaged to me. From then on, Tang Lin will be my sister-in-law, right? Sister-in-law How can you be meddling in your own business?"

Cen Yan was stunned.

She really didn't expect such a fallacy.

But for a while, I didn't think of a reason to refute.

She could only lift her lips and stare at him in bewilderment.

"As far as I know, Tang Yao and sisters don't have a good relationship."

"What's wrong? It's all on the surface. In fact, they are sisters who love each other deeply and help each other." Gu Longwu opened his mouth to talk nonsense, and didn't care about these at all.

He has only one purpose now, and that is to let himself stay here.

The reason for now is the best!

"In short, I have to take care of this matter, and not only have to take care of it, but also to the end! I have to figure out what's going on? If that Tang Lin really has such bad conduct, I have to persuade my fiancée to stay away from her in the future .”

He has one fiancée at a time.

In order to reduce their own purpose.

As long as I say that, Ah Yan has no reason to object!
But the moment he finished speaking, Gu Longwu suddenly noticed that the expression in A Yan's eyes changed immediately.

It seemed that suddenly, in the dark eyes, there was still a sense of loss.

"Ah Yan, you..."

Why are you lost?

Cen Yan lifted his lips, but did not speak for a long time.

She just stood quietly by her side, her face was sad and cold, and there was a very faint curve on her red lips.

"What's the matter? I can't refuse the reason you are using now. But you said just now that you are going abroad for a business trip. Don't you need to go?"

Gu Longwu rubbed his eyes, and found that her face was full of smiles at this moment.

There was nothing wrong with that relaxed look.

So just now... did I make a mistake?
Then he shook his head, "If the fact of business trip is not enough, I can change people, and I didn't have to go."

Where does he want to go abroad?

It was nothing more than feeling that he could not stay in Ningcheng any longer, and he had no face to face Cen Yan, so he wanted to escape.

But now everyone has seen it, and no one seems to mention what happened that night.

The two of them tacitly acted as if they had forgotten about it...

That's great!

"So is there any other information that I need to check? I can help, and I'm idle now anyway."

Idle is also idle?

If Lao Zhang hears this, he will definitely overturn the table in anger.

Just kidding not.

Because Cen Yanren appeared outside the gate of the detention center, Gu Longwu was afraid that something might happen to her, so he ran over in a hurry, and all the planned itineraries were abandoned.

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