The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1859 Acute rash in children

"Most of them have no prodromal symptoms but suddenly develop high fever, with a body temperature of 39°C to 40°C, and may be accompanied by convulsions at the initial stage of high fever. Except for lack of appetite, the general mental state of the children has no obvious change, but there are also a few children with nausea, vomiting, Cough, scleritis, swelling around the mouth and hematuria, drowsiness, convulsions, etc. in rare cases, mild congestion of the pharynx and tonsils, mild swelling of the head, neck, and occipital lymph nodes, manifested as high fever and mild symptoms and signs commensurate."

When the slightly immature voice read these words, it always seemed very inappropriate.

But everyone present listened very carefully.

Sometimes they have to admit that a group of adults really don't know as much as a child in this regard.

Fortunately, thanks to Mo Xiaobao's conclusion, the grown-ups who were still in panic just now knew what to do.

Mo Junzhe ordered directly, "Prepare the car and go to the hospital."

Bai Xiran held Xiaofen Duanzi in her arms, asked Mrs. Wang to prepare some things, and hurried into the car.

With her mother in her arms, Mo Weitian was much quieter, but her face was still flushed, and the uncomfortable feeling did not ease.

Those fleshy little hands were grabbing Bai Xidy's clothes, pulling them back and forth on her body every now and then.

"She wants to drink milk." Bai Xiran looked helplessly at the man beside him, "Let's talk about it in the hospital."


Bai Xiran was anxious in his heart, seeing that Mo Weitian's fever was getting higher and higher, he was extremely anxious.

And Mo Junzhe was on the phone.

"Yes, arrange for someone from the pediatrics department to come over. For the time being, it is judged to be acute rash."

"Okay. Please take your temperature every 10 minutes and make a record." The people over there were obviously very professional and quickly gave the best solution.

Not long after, the car stopped firmly outside the hospital.

People from the pediatrics department and the emergency department are already waiting.

"Mr. Mo, Madam, please come this way."

This is a private hospital, exclusive VIP service, open to everyone in Ningcheng.

As long as you have money, you can buy all kinds of services.

And Mo Junzhe was obviously a VIP among VIPs.

Because this hospital is the property of the Mo Group.

The green passage along the way, doctors and nurses have been prepared in advance.

At this time, Mo Junzhe couldn't help but thank the old man for his original decision.

He said that since people are in Ningcheng and want to take root for a long time, it is necessary to make full preparations in terms of basic necessities of life.

This is for the convenience of oneself, and also for the convenience of future generations.

Later, Mo Xiaobao was born until he was one year old and stayed in the hospital for a whole year.

Today's Mo Weitian can truly enjoy these services.

If the little princess of the Mo family is sick, it is natural that everything should be the best and most professional.

They don't have to worry about everything when they arrive at the hospital.

Bai Xiran finally had time to stop for a while.

He sat on the chair next to him, quietly leaning against his side, and slightly closed his eyes.

The man came over and saw this scene, "Ma'am, are you tired?"

She didn't open her eyes, but she could tell that Mo Junzhe was standing beside her through her breath.

Mo Junzhe's tall body was covered with a layer of shadow, and his facial features against the light could not be seen clearly, but he could vaguely detect the faint heartache in his black eyes.

A thick palm stretched out and landed on the girl's calm cheek.

"My daughter is fine. There are special people in the hospital to take care of her. If my wife is tired, go back first. I'm here."

His voice is gentle and clean, which can make people feel at ease in a quiet hospital.

Bai Xiran smiled slightly, her eyes full of helplessness.

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