The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1858 Someone Became Furious

At the time of sending the message, they were eating, so naturally they would not reply.

Then after more than an hour, a series of sendings began again.

"I've arrived at the airport and I'm flying right away. Mo Junzhe, you wait for me. If something happens to her, I will tear you apart!"

"How did I help you chase after my sister-in-law back then? I cooperated with the tool man wingman in every possible way, and worked hard! Now you are treating me like this..."

The news stops here.

Mo Junzhe took a while to finish watching, but he just turned off the screen of his phone without any response.

Bai Xiran was stunned by the side.

"Is this possible?"

On her side, Shen Qian didn't answer the phone either.

"Not necessarily for others. For Li Ze'an, it's feasible."

There was a smile in Mo Junzhe's eyes, and in the slightly cool night, his voice was also a little cool.

Then he directly held her hand, "Let's go, go home."

It's already ten o'clock.

It's time to go home.

Everything in the house was quiet.

They came all the way, driving from the busy road to the residential area, and then back to the yard.

Everything is calm.

But when the two got out of the car and stood outside looking at the bright lights in the room and the crying sound that soared into the sky.

Suddenly froze.

"Sir, madam, you are back."

"What happened?" Bai Xiran could hear it directly, the crying came from Mo Weitian.

At this moment, my heart, which was still calm, was already tightened.

She hurried upstairs, "Why are you crying so hard?"

Aunt Wang heard the sound, and quickly came down from upstairs with Mo Weitian in her arms.

She is a little impatient.

"Ma'am, Miss has a high fever."

There is still a fever-reducing sticker on the forehead of Xiaofentuanzi.

But his face was still flushed red.

Just wailing and crying.

It can be seen that she must be uncomfortable all over, and can only vent by crying.

Everyone in the room was worried, and everyone circled around the little powder dumpling, wishing that all the pain and discomfort could be transferred to themselves.

Bai Xiran hurried over to hug him.

He touched his little cheek.

"It's hot."

"How much is it now?"

"There is still 38 degrees seven."

It is a high fever, especially for such a young child, it is easy to have problems.

Mo Junzhe glanced aside, compared to her panic, he was still able to remain calm.

"Where's the doctor?"

"I'm on my way here. The young lady called me when she just had a fever. I didn't expect the question to rise so quickly."

The doctor lives a little far away.

Sister-in-law Wang was in a hurry, "Miss should not suddenly have such a high fever at her age. It's really worrying..."

"Ma'am, coax her to see if she can stop crying less."

"it is good."

Upstairs, Mo Xiaobao also hurried down with a book in his arms.

"Xiaobao called his godfather to ask about it. The book also said so. It may be... Hey, Ranran, you guys are back."

Before he could finish his muttering, he raised his head and saw Bai Xiran standing beside him, so he immediately stopped and obediently stopped.

Just as Mo Junzhe was about to make a call, he saw Mo Xiaobao approaching and asked in a low voice, "What is it, explain it clearly."

"Toddler rash."

The little guy is sure.

"Sudden high fever, which lasts for three to five days. It is usually caused by infection with human herpesvirus 6 and 7."

They are not very clear about these lessons.

Holding the medical book in his hand, Mo Xiaobao began to read it seriously.

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