The news that Bai Xiran was going abroad for training soon spread.

In fact, Feng Tianyou had already learned about the situation without his initiative.

With the help of old man Mo, he called Bai Xiran once.

It was about bringing up old things again, and paying attention to her wounds.

"You should know that I don't want to hurt you." The voice on the phone was very old, with a hint of helplessness and depression.

It's hard for Bai Xiran to imagine a centenarian suddenly losing confidence in life.

I can only discuss the matter as it stands, "I can ask the Mo family to mobilize their power to help you find other illegitimate children, or find a way to let Fengyuan do the test tube. As for other requests, I'm sorry that I really can't agree."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

That's all for this.

If Feng Tianyou is still stubborn, she has no other choice.


And the Lin family.

After hearing the news, Lin Yan was the happiest.

"The back cover to Orlando is good! It's also close to our home."

The old lady next to her said, "???"

"you sure?"

Lin Yan snorted coldly, "In the first place, it's just across the strait!"

"There are still thousands of kilometers away from the sea, Lin Yan, you are a fool who opens his eyes and talks nonsense!"

"It's none of your business, I'd like to get close to my granddaughter..."

The two quarreled again.

Bai Xiran chose to remain silent.

After a while, seeing that they didn't seem to want to stop, they silently hung up the phone.


It was not until the fetus was completely stabilized that Mo Junzhe arranged a date to leave.

The special plane has already been prepared in advance and is on standby at any time.

The crew had a full three sets.

The captain even specially selected a retired pilot with rich experience.

The smiles on the faces of the Duke and Duchess of Orlando could hardly be concealed. One took care of Bai Xiran, and the other took care of Xiaobao.

The division of labor is clear and there has never been any neglect.

"Xi Ran, don't worry, when we get there, everything will be arranged, and there will be nothing wrong."

"After the past, take care of your health and get rid of the jet lag. If you want to rest, you can rest for a few days. Wherever you want to go, I will accompany you in person."

"On the land of Orlando, the people are simple and warm, and you will love it."

It was obvious that Bai Xiran was not in the mood, and Mrs. Orlando tried her best to reassure her.

As for the little guy next to him, he basically didn't have to worry about it.

From leaving Mo Zhai to boarding the plane, he was humming and chatting all the way, happier than these two.

"Ranran, if you feel uncomfortable, tell Xiaobao, Xiaobao has read a lot of medical books recently, it's super reliable!"

He patted his chest in reassurance.

Bai Xiran smiled, and patted his little head, "Okay, okay, I got it."

"Hmm! Ranran, you should be happy. The book says that if you are unhappy, the baby in your stomach will feel it too, and he will be sad with you too."

Just like Xiaobao.

"Okay." Bai Xiran tried to pull himself together.

It's just a period of time of separation, but I don't know if it's affected by the pregnancy or what. Recently, I've always been sentimental, and I'm even more ignorant than a child.

Mrs. Orlando chuckled, "Xiao Bao is happy."

"Of don't have to go to school, you don't have to train at home and study every day, and you can play like crazy every day. Can he not be happy." Bai Xiran was helpless, the little guy was probably the most excited one on the plane.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard these words, he immediately came over, "Yes, yes, Orlando is a paradise! Xiaobao can be alone with Ranran, and he doesn't have to be scolded by his bad father every day..."

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