Things settled down quickly.

During the two days when Lu Diandian was still recuperating at home, wave after wave of people came.

The Duke and Duchess of Orlando are the most positive.

The elegant and beautiful Grand Duchess appeared in the Mo residence on time every day.

"Xiran, don't worry, our accompanying doctor has arrived. She will monitor your physical condition every day, and there will be no mistakes in keeping it."

Bai Xiran was "ordered" to wait for the news obediently at home. Apart from taking some time to deal with the company's affairs, she stayed at home most of the time.

"Also, I have arranged for your daily necessities, clothing and all kinds of necessary things to be prepared in advance. All expenses are the same as ours."

"Thank you ma'am."

The Grand Duchess clapped her hands and smiled more kindly, "I was worried that you would be a difficult person to get along with, but I didn't expect you to have a good temper and be kind. No wonder my husband insisted on finding an heir in the Mo family..."

"Of course you don't need to feel pressure about this matter, and we won't force Xiaobao either."

She sighed softly, "It's all because of my poor health. I never had a child after that."

Bai Xiran softly comforted her, "Maybe there will be a chance in the future."

The Grand Duchess is actually only in her fifties.

"Well, we've been trying. It's just a slim chance."

The two are chatting everyday...

Bai Xiran was used to this gentle and kind Grand Duchess talking with him.

until there was a sound from outside.

Someone opened the door and came in.

"Mr. Mo is back." The Grand Duchess stood up immediately, "Then I should go back too, Xi Ran, take good care of your body and try to... recover sooner."

Bai Xiran smiled politely at her, "I will."

When the person left, he tilted his head and looked at the tall and tall body.

Then he pointed to his lower abdomen, "Master Mo, take a look, have you grown a little in the past two days?"

The man walked over directly.

The thick palm fell on her lower abdomen, and the palm could feel a little swelling and a little warmth.

Mo Junzhe raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smile on his lips, "The doctor said, it won't grow until four or five months later."

Less than three months, probably an illusion.

Bai Xiran let out an "oh" and blinked regretfully, "Then you send me over there, you won't be able to see how the baby grows up."

These words hit the deepest part of the man's heart.

Mo Junzhe's face darkened, and he couldn't bear to move his palm away for a while.

"So... can you come here once every half a month?"

Bai Xiran held his hand, her voice was soft and waxy, almost acting like a baby.

She really couldn't bear to leave Uncle Mo.

It's hard to imagine that the attachment and habits to this man have been soaked into the bones since I don't know when.

I'm used to it on weekdays, but now just thinking about being separated for several months, I feel very uncomfortable.

"Okay." Mo Junzhe readily agreed.

The long arms stretched out and fell behind her waist, directly pulling the little wife into her arms.

He could smell the faint fragrance of her body, and the skin that had become more radiant due to the hard work of recuperation was almost torn apart.

Mo Junzhe leaned over and pressed a kiss on her face.

Lips down, and then paste.

The door was closed.

The little guy bounced back from the outside, and saw this scene when he was about to come in.

Covering her face with her small hands, she turned around obediently.

Dad is kissing Ranran.


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