"Yes. They were distributed uniformly. After eating, she said that she was not feeling well. After a while, the doctor said that she was dying and had to be sent to the hospital. Then it was sent."

Mo Junzhe lowered his eyes slightly.

A few days ago, he specially asked someone to give Feng Yinyin a full body checkup, just to prevent such things.


In the case of acute renal failure, Lin Fengyu would rather be willing.


seven in the morning.

Bai Xiran had already woken up.

Walking down the stairs in the morning light, I saw a chubby figure sitting on the sofa, eating breakfast and watching cartoons, feeling very comfortable.

"Xiaobao." She called softly, and the little guy immediately raised his head and shouted happily, "Ranran, you're awake!"

"It's so early today! Do you feel tired, is there any discomfort?"

"Nothing. Once you see Xiaobao, everything is fine." Bai Xiran picked up the little guy who jumped over, and kissed him directly on the forehead.

"That's good. I took a long flight last night. Fortunately, Ranran didn't feel uncomfortable with you."

Bai Xiran listened to him muttering in a low voice, probably saying that his father was in a hurry when he came back, and he didn't have a good rest.

Then he looked around, "Where's your father?"

"He went out very early, before dawn."

so early?
Bai Xiran was slightly taken aback.

But then I thought about it, probably because I have accumulated too many official affairs to deal with. This master has always been busy with everything, and he was delayed for two days. He thought that the documents that needed to be processed in the company had piled up like a mountain.

He finished his breakfast and hurried to send Xiaobao to the kindergarten before heading to Fanlin.


The car just arrived at the downstairs of Fanlin.

There was already some confusion outside.

"Ma'am, it seems that something has happened. Shall I go down and find out?" The driver was a little cautious.

Bai Xiran looked at it from a distance, as if someone was causing trouble.

But the apparently onlookers seem to be used to it, and they don't respond at all.

He got out of the car and walked over...

"Sister Xiran!" Before reaching the door, Xiao Qiong who happened to come from behind called out to stop her.

She carefully pulled him to the corner, "Sister Xiran, why did you come to work today."

"Huh?" Bai Xiran was a little depressed, "Why, you don't want to see me?"

"No, no. Someone wants to see you too much!" Xiaoqiong pointed to the gate of the company.

From where he was standing now, Bai Xiran finally saw who the troublemaker was.

"Little Mei?"

"That's right, it's her! It's not in line with the process to insist that you abolish her. From that day on, I've been making noises at the door every day, and I insist on an explanation."

Xiao Qiong couldn't help frowning, "What can I say? Everyone knows about the shitty things she did... Take a step back and say, the company really wants to lay off someone. What can she say?"

Bai Xiran listened carefully, and looked at Xiao Mei who was gradually being surrounded by people from the building to take pictures, her small face wrinkled.

"What about the security department?"

Xiao Qiong spread her hands, "I've been there a few times, she was driven away and came again. There is really no other way, I can only let her go."

"And...she insisted on seeing you."

Bai Xiran narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Xiao Mei who dressed herself up beautifully and cleanly, and then looked at the "appeal" written on her sign, her eyes became colder.

Then go straight forward.

"Sister Xiran?"

Bai Xiran stepped on her high-heeled shoes, taking each step resonantly, "Since she wants to see me, then let's meet her!"

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