People are not good, but no one knows exactly how it is not good.

The car quickly drove to Chang'an Hospital.

As soon as it stopped, someone came out to greet it.

"Mr. Mo, why did you visit so suddenly? If it weren't for the emergency department coming today, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to pick you up this early in the morning." The dean's hair was a little gray, but he treated Mo Junzhe with extra enthusiasm.

Chang'an Hospital is a private hospital.

In the past few years, it has almost faced bankruptcy due to poor management.

Then, because the military hospital in Ningcheng was too remote, it took advantage of the terrain to turn things around.

"Dean Gu, did a female patient come over last night?" A Jin cut to the chase.

Several people had already boarded the elevator, Dean Gu was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

"You're talking about the emergency department that was transferred three hours ago, right? Yes! That's why I rushed to the hospital."

Mo Junzhe, who had been silent all this time, finally asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"Acute renal failure." Dean Gu basically didn't hide anything.

In a place like Chang'an Hospital, the daily number of patients is almost fixed, and the sudden appearance of a major emergency alarmed him, the dean, so there was basically no need to keep it secret.

He thought for a while and organized his thoughts in his mind.

"When he was sent here, he was already fainted, and he seemed to be dying. The emergency department took a lot of effort to save him, and he is still awake."

"Acute renal failure?" A Jin silently memorized the name.

Mo Junzhe looked calm, as if he hadn't caught any surprises.

"At the age of 30 or [-], not many people suffer from acute renal failure."

"It's rare. Usually it's caused by taking inappropriate medicine or external force... It's really rare for a sudden attack like this patient."

Dean Gu is over seventy years old, and he has seen quite a few human cases.

At this time, after careful analysis, it is also deeply strange.

While speaking, several people had already reached the inpatient floor.

Dean Gu pointed to a room ahead, "That's over there. I heard that visits are allowed. After all, the patient's condition is not good, so I don't worry about her running away."

Someone was guarding the door.

There was a figure sitting outside the corridor, wearing a wide-brimmed hat on his head, who seemed to be a little uncomfortable waiting, and fumbled in his pocket, as if wanting to smoke a cigarette.

It was only a short while before I heard approaching footsteps.

"Mr. Zhao." Mo Junzhe stood beside the chair and greeted him.

The man called Mr. Zhao got up slowly, and the moment he saw Mo Junzhe, his eyes almost lit up, "Mr. Mo, you are here."

"How are the people inside?"

"Before you said hello, saying that someone might try to save her recently. We are all on guard on weekdays, but we didn't expect that she had sudden kidney failure this time, and had no choice but to send her to the hospital. But don't worry, we will definitely More people will be deployed to protect."

Mo Junzhe looked in through the window of the ward, and sure enough, he saw the woman lying on the bed.

In fact, Feng Yinyin has been in a coma, and has not woken up until now.

"We have checked with the doctor again and again. It is indeed a sudden illness. I am afraid we need to pay more attention to it..." That Mr. Zhao couldn't help but want to smoke. He touched his pocket with his fingers, thinking that this is a hospital, and finally stopped. down.

The corridors are exceptionally quiet.

Mo Junzhe seemed to be thinking about something, but he didn't speak for a long time.

On the contrary, Ajin asked Feng Yinyin about the situation before and after the onset of the disease, for fear of missing something.

"So before she got sick, she had normal dinner?"

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