The status and treatment of the two seem to be completely reversed.

After that, the scandal six years ago ruined Song Yan's reputation, and she was kicked out of the house by Song Liguo.

Li Huilan took the opportunity to suppress Song Yan, making Song Yan's situation even worse. She had no education and no background, and she could hardly find a decent job. The financial situation was so embarrassing that even eating was a problem.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for Song Yan to pursue her dreams leisurely like other girls.She is busy doing odd jobs to earn money, and even has to think about where to live every night. Under the heavy pressure of life, various problems come to her face, which makes Song Yan exhausted and makes her grow quickly.

The delicate and ignorant young lady of the past disappeared, replaced by the stronger and persevering Song Yan.

She began to deal with all kinds of troubles with ease, and when no one knew, she secretly began to investigate her unexpected pregnancy that year.

There were too many doubts about that matter, and something was wrong everywhere.

She found out some of the truths that were deliberately hidden, but she was not puzzled. Instead, as the truths surfaced, more and more doubts followed.

Just a question of artificial insemination, there are countless mysteries hidden in it.

She found out that she was a mother carefully selected by others, but she couldn't find out why she was selected...

She knew that she was conceived artificially, but she didn't know who the other party was...

How was she designed?
Why did her name appear in the private hospital's secretly destroyed materials?
And that free donation contract...

She had obviously never seen this document, and she didn't even know about it at all, but her autograph appeared on the contract in black and white!
What's going on here?

When Song Yan found out about this, she was taken aback.

The signature font is so similar to her own writing habits!Even if it is just a blurred copy, at first glance, it is exactly the same as her own signature...

If Song Yan hadn't been [-]% sure that she had never signed this kind of document, and her memory was intact, she would have almost suspected that she had lost her memory and accidentally forgot what she had done.

But this is obviously impossible.

That's why Song Yan felt even more unbelievable, and even had a feeling of fear...

Since it was impossible for her to sign the gratis donation document, what happened to the "autograph" on it?

Is it possible...

Did someone intentionally imitate her writing habits, forge her signature, and then, without her knowing, sign the donation contract forged or on her behalf? !
And Song Yan was tricked into being pregnant, and it was after that contract was signed...

After carefully considering the cause and effect, Song Yan's mind flashed, and she couldn't help but come up with an unbelievable guess.

Could it be that someone deliberately signed the contract for her to make the other party think that she was willing, so she was selected for artificial insemination.

As far as Song Yan herself was concerned, she didn't know anything at the time, she was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end, and she didn't know anything about what was going on behind the scenes. She didn't know anything until the child in her belly was two months old. Suddenly I found out I was pregnant...

Don't know who the father is.

I don't know where the child came from.

Song Yan was so stimulated that she couldn't believe it, but she couldn't explain it clearly. She was confused and confused. This made the scandal that completely changed the direction of her life six years ago happen naturally... …

Thinking about it this way, it seems that everything that doesn't make sense can be explained.

But Song Yan felt more and more creepy.

If the truth behind the scenes was as she guessed, then the origin of everything came from that inexplicable donation contract!

For this contract, Song Yan investigated for a long time but failed to find the real original.

It was only in the destroyed internal documents of the hospital that a copy of the contract was found, and it still used informal means.

Being able to impersonate her and sign a name that can almost be faked means that the mastermind behind the scenes has a good understanding of her writing habits...

It was someone next to her!
Because only those who are close to her have the opportunity to understand her writing habits, and get her handwriting to imitate and impersonate.Other distant people can't even make the first move.

Because of this, Song Yan felt a chill in her heart.

When she was totally unaware, there was a man with ulterior motives lurking beside her, who plotted secretly, set up tricks step by step, and finally pushed her into the abyss little by little, almost beyond redemption...

It’s okay if you don’t know it all the time, after all, the ignorant is fearless.

But after suddenly realizing it, the strong fear and sense of danger really made people feel creepy...

This is like a person who walks with his eyes closed and can't see anything around him, so naturally he doesn't feel so scared, at most he just stumbles.

But once she opened her eyes, she found that a ferocious and vicious ghost was closely following behind her, and her pointed nails were just about to grab her neck. No matter how fearless people are, they will be frightened and covered in cold sweat in an instant.

Song Yan felt this way at the time, she was terrified and terrified...

She wanted to find out who this "spirit" was hiding beside her with ulterior motives, but she was shocked to find that the clues had been cut off all along.

She thought of many ways and tried hard for countless times, but in the end she still got nothing.

It's like being trapped under a glass cover.

The invisible resistance that came from nowhere, forcibly stopped her, making her clueless and unable to continue to investigate.

It was at this time that unexpected changes appeared.

Because of an accidental coincidence, Song Yan was spotted by someone from Huaxing Entertainment Company, and her manager, Meng Yang, took the initiative to approach her, enthusiastically persuading her to sign a contract in the entertainment industry.

Needless to say, Song Yan finally agreed.

Not long after she formally signed the contract, Song Liguo learned about it from nowhere, and called Song Yan for the first time in six years, ordering her to immediately terminate the contract and not allow her to enter the entertainment industry.

Song Yan refused without thinking.

Song Liguo was furious because of this, and cursed on the phone, but Song Yan hung up the phone without hesitation, and didn't even want to answer.

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