It has to be said that Song Liguo's worry is justified, after all, the reputation of the paparazzi in the entertainment circle, even if not in the circle, is well known.

Song Yan also considered this when signing the contract.

However, unlike Song Liguo who was desperate for face, Song Yan didn't think it was a bad thing after careful consideration.

Pregnancy before marriage is extremely damaging to a girl's reputation, and it is even more serious for a female star, and it may even ruin an artist's future.

But Song Yan is different.

When the artists in the circle are interviewed by the media and asked why they want to be an artist, they often find a fair reason for themselves.

For example, in order to pursue the dream of acting, I like acting, I like to communicate with fans and so on.

These reasons sound high-sounding, and each one is very classy.

What some of them said may be true, and there are indeed some outstanding entertainers in the circle who really like acting. They regard acting as a lifelong pursuit and devote all their efforts.

For such a diligent and solid artist, even if they are not their fans, few people will hate them.

People who are willing to work hard are respected wherever they go.


Artists like this are only a very small number in the entertainment industry, too few to mention.

For the vast majority of other celebrities, no matter how pleasant their words are or how sincere and serious they are in front of the camera, in the final analysis, their real reasons for entering the entertainment industry are the same.

As simple as only two words, fame and fortune.

That's it.

The pursuit of fame and fortune has almost become the survival instinct of everyone, but different people choose different methods, and their pursuit of desire/desire and power also varies in depth.

Some people are indifferent to fame and wealth, while others love vanity.

Different choices give rise to different destinies, which are then intertwined to form the world.

The entertainment industry is the most famous and well-known Vanity Fair. It has a radiant stage, a glory sought after by thousands of people, and intrigues and intrigues. Naturally, there are dirty, sinister and dark.

It's like an arena where blood can't be seen, and it's like a huge meat grinder.

Countless people scrambled to get in, stepping on other people's bodies to climb up, and they themselves were stepped on by others.

In the end, those who successfully climbed to the top will gain both fame and wealth, while those who failed and fell to the bottom will lose their bones.

This is the entertainment industry.

It's not so much Vanity Fair.

Rather, it is actually a condensed version of the world of the jungle.

However, unlike ordinary artists, Song Yan chose to enter the entertainment circle at the beginning, neither for the pursuit of dreams, nor for wanting to be sought after by thousands of people, but simple and rude four words, making money, living,
In fact, she has no dreams or obsessions about acting, and she never thought that she would become a star.

On the contrary, rather than becoming an entertainer, she hopes to inherit her mother's previous career and become a pianist.

Her biological mother was born in a scholarly family, and her grandparents were both university professors. They were not top-notch wealthy, but they were extremely well-known.Her mother is a famous pianist. Although she has passed away for many years, many people still hear Song Yan's mother's name even today.

Song Yan has learned piano from her mother since she was a child, and has dabbled in various musical instruments.Perhaps influenced by her biological mother's interest, Song Yan also inherited her mother's musical talent, and the room was filled with various awards from childhood to adulthood.

She should have followed the road of music smoothly as her biological mother hoped, from one city to another, from home to abroad, and finally walked up to the palace, proudly picking up the ladder, with a bright future .

In terms of Song Yan's talent, such a future is not far away, and can even be foreseen.


Such a future has been abruptly cut off...

When Song Yan was ten years old, her grandfather and grandmother's family were suddenly involved in a car accident when they were going out, and both of them passed away.

After hearing the news, the mother was extremely sad. I don’t know whether it was because of the sudden shock or her health was not good. In addition to the grief, she became ill and suffered in the hospital bed for more than three years. The endangered rescue, finally passed away.

The year her mother died, Song Yan happened to be 14 years old, and she was still in junior high school. She was innocent and had all the good expectations for this world.

So she never expected that less than half a month after her mother passed away and was buried, her father Song Liguo would grandly bring back a pair of strange mother and daughter. Before her mother's bones were still cold, she said to her as if nothing had happened——

This is your future new mother and your younger sister, who will live together in the future, you must get along well with them!
Song Yan's mood at that time can almost be described as a bolt from the blue.

And her life, from that time on, took a complete turn.

Li Huilan, as the stepmother of a mistress, has an illegitimate daughter herself, and Song Yan, the daughter of her original partner, naturally becomes an eyesore.In the beginning, Li Huilan's attitude towards Song Yan was not bad in order to act for others to see, but after Song Liguo handed over the power of the family to her, Song Yan's various treatment began to plummet.

From the reduction of pocket money, to the inferior quality of daily necessities, to the change in the attitude of the servants...

Li Huilan took it step by step very patiently, and did it impeccably.

And Song Liguo didn't know whether he was really careless or ignored it on purpose, but he didn't care about it, as if he didn't know it at all.

Song Yan's music lessons, which she insisted on since she was a child, were suspended, and even the piano specially customized for her by her mother was sold casually. Occupying Song Yan's piano room and turning it into a new cloakroom for her clothes...

Everyone can feel how perfunctory and disgusting such reasons are.

It's not that Song Yan didn't object and stop her, she even quarreled with Li Huilan several times, but what she got in return was Song Liguo's indiscriminate scolding, and she was still powerless in the end.

The place where she and her biological mother had the most memories disappeared after all...

Together with that piano, the certificates and trophies she had acquired since she was a child, and many good memories, were also contemptuously discarded.

From then on, Li Huilan blocked and found fault openly and secretly, so that Song Yan never had the slightest chance to get in touch with piano and music, wasting her great talent.But Song Xuewei was just the opposite. Li Huilan spent a lot of money to train her, and she just turned from an illegitimate daughter who was not on the stage to a famous lady.

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