The little guy didn't speak, but the little hands holding her cheeks on both sides didn't let go, and still kept the posture of touching her forehead.

This posture is very intimate, Song Yan can almost smell the fragrant and soft milk smell on the little guy's body, I don't know if it's because of the milk he drinks before going to bed every night, or the smell of his special milk-flavored children's body wash ...

It's very fragrant and smells very good.

It is a smell that makes people feel soft after smelling it.

Song Yan lowered her eyes slightly.

Xiaotuanzi was originally lying in her arms, with his head up and close to her forehead.

Looking at it from Song Yan's point of view, you can just look at his upturned nose tip, light red lips as soft as petals, and slender, curly eyelashes that flutter slightly like black swallowtail butterflies, delicate and cute.

A soft little bun face, the soft flesh on the cheeks is slightly pouted, smooth and flawless, it looks white, soft and easy to pinch, even the fine fluff is invisible, and the skin has a lovely glow Little blush.

Obviously he has such a soft and white appearance, but at the moment he has a serious face, with a rather serious expression, as if he has encountered some important event, abruptly revealing a kind of cute contrast like a little adult.

Song Yan was almost amused by his small appearance.

Although she didn't know what he was doing, Song Yan, who didn't get a response, was not in a hurry, and let him hold her cheek and press it to her forehead intently, waiting patiently.

She didn't wait too long, maybe only a minute or two...

Xiaotuanzi let go of her hand, and left her forehead. She frowned and looked at her seriously, and said, "Mom, your forehead is a little hot, do you have a fever?"


Song Yan was stunned for a moment, then stretched out her hand to touch her forehead inexplicably, "No, isn't the temperature normal?"

Xiaotuanzi shook his head seriously, "No, it's a little hotter than usual, I can feel it."

He spoke so seriously that it didn't look like he was talking nonsense.

Song Yan also believed it, shrugging her shoulders slightly, "Maybe she sweated a little during the nightmare, and her body temperature rose a bit. It's okay, this is also a common situation, don't worry." Seeing Xiaotuanzi frowning He looked very worried, so he comforted him.

"But..." Xiaotuanzi wanted to say something else.

"It's nothing to worry about. I feel pretty good, and I don't feel any discomfort. I'll take a shower later, wash off the sweat on my body, and my body temperature will be normal." Song Yan touched his little head, nonchalantly He smiled and said, "Leave me alone, take care of yourself first. Would you like to take a bath with me?"

She did sweat a lot, and now the forehead was dry, but she still felt a little sticky on the back of her body, and the pajamas stuck to her skin with moisture, which made her feel really uncomfortable.

It's better to take a shower... You can't go to the set with a sweaty body, that's too careless.

Song Yan thought about it, and looked at Xiaotuanzi with a bit of teasing and joking. Although he didn't sweat, he slept in the same bed with her, and she didn't mind if he wanted to take a bath together. ah……

Just soak your body in hot water.

After soaking comfortably, go back to bed and sleep in the cage, feeling happy.

Of course, this is just Xiaotuanzi's own enjoyment. Song Yan can take a bath at most, but she doesn't have time to sleep with him back to sleep.

She still has to rush out to the set.

Xiaotuanzi, who was still frowning with small eyebrows and looking worried, after hearing Song Yan's words of taking a bath together, his tense little face flushed red all of a sudden, he was at a loss and seemed a little embarrassed, lowered his head and shook his little head quickly.

Don't, don't, don't—

A few big characters of rejection seemed to be written on his flushed little face.

"Really don't want it?" Song Yan couldn't help looking at his expression, and couldn't help but want to tease him, "Don't be shy, it's not the first time, I haven't seen anything on your body?"

"Mom~" Xiaotuanzi quit when he heard this, his little face turned into a pig's liver, and he raised his head annoyed and ashamed, staring at her with puffy eyes, like a little toddler with furred hair cub.

Song Yan turned her head and let out a "puchi" laugh.

She still laughs! !

Xiaotuanzi suddenly became angrier, and his face turned even redder...

Song Yan actually didn't lie, she did help Xiaotuanzi take a bath after living together for so long.

And not once or twice, but many times.

Because the wound on Xiaotuanzi's neck hadn't healed yet, it was wrapped in gauze all the time, and the doctor specifically told him not to touch the water, so for Xiaotuanzi, how to take a bath became a big problem...

The little guy who seems to have a good temper and soft temper is actually not easy to serve.

He has always been very repulsed by people touching his body, especially intimate contact like taking a bath, every time he will be tossed upside down...

Before he learned to walk, he was unable to support himself, and had to be helped in the bath.

And the only helper he could accept was Lu Yanchen.

However, Lu Yanshen was usually too busy with work and was away from home for two or three days. Sometimes he didn't even have time to come back to see him for a week. Naturally, he didn't have time to bathe him every day.

Xiaotuanzi has always loved cleanliness since he was a child, and even has a little cleanliness. If he doesn't take a bath every day, he will never go to bed.

When he was unable to support himself and Lu Yanchen was not around... the arduous task of bathing him naturally fell on the head of the housekeeper and servants.

Xiaotuanzi couldn't accept this, and resisted fiercely every time. All his usual quietness and introversion became hysterical at this time, and he wouldn't stop until he was exhausted. It's choking.

This kind of life lasted for two or three years, and even those servants with high professional quality couldn't help but change their color slightly when they took a bath and went to bed at night, and their faces were bitter.

Xiaotuanzi himself was also very uncomfortable, worse than the servants, and went to bed almost every night with an extremely depressed and bad mood.

Until he grew up gradually and learned to walk, he gradually gained a certain ability to take care of himself.

This kind of thing that was no less than torture to himself or to the servants ended completely.

Since then, let alone a housekeeper... Xiao Tuanzi never let anyone take a bath for him, including Lu Yanshen, he has always taken care of himself independently.

Until some time ago, Xiao Tuanzi was accidentally injured, and the wound happened to be on the side of his neck, a place he couldn't care about.

It will take at least one or two months for the wound to heal, and it cannot be easily touched by water.

The problem of how to take a bath just popped up again...

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