Once such an idea came out, Song Yan's heart skipped a beat.

Oops, what should I do if I feel a little swollen...

She looked down at Xiaotuanzi obediently lying in her arms again, and seeing his bright eyes looking at her, and the expectant expression on his little face became more and more obvious, she couldn't help but rub her forehead a little.

"Uh, my nightmare..." Song Yan racked her brains for a while, but couldn't think of any too scary plot for a while, so she just made up a random one.

"I dreamed that Cheng Cheng was going to school alone, and on the way, I met a big and fierce snake, chasing you..."

"Snake?" Xiaotuanzi asked with a question mark on his face.

"Yeah, just like in a horror movie, there is a giant snake as big as a building, and it can breathe fire from its mouth." Song Yan exaggeratedly said in a tone that frightened children.


Xiaotuanzi blinked, looked at her silently, and said nothing.

But I couldn't help but slander in my heart.

How can a snake grow as big as a building?

Moreover, snakes are cold-blooded animals, and their bodies are cold, so how could they breathe fire?

Did mother treat him like a three-year-old and deliberately made up a story to scare him?


So should he pretend to be frightened?
Or tell his mother that he doesn't think snakes are scary at all?
Xiaotuanzi, who was only five years old, was struggling in his heart seriously, his little eyebrows were furrowed, and his little face was slightly wrinkled.

How did Song Yan know that there are children who are naturally bold and not afraid of snakes in this world?

She substituted her own time when she was a child. She still remembered that when she was young, she traveled to the mountains with her parents. A snake with green patterns suddenly sprang out on the way, which made her cry. She even dreamed of herself for several nights. Being chased by a snake...

The feeling of fear and fright in her childhood is still fresh in her memory.

It's really scary.

But in fact, the snake she saw when she was a child was not scary, not even a poisonous snake, but a cauliflower snake that was often seen in rural fields and fed on frogs and insects. Strictly speaking, it was still a beneficial animal. .

Cauliflower snakes are actually very timid and weak in attack, so they won't bite at all.

So in the eyes of adults who know this kind of snake, a fat and long cauliflower snake jumping in front of them is almost the same as a big meal delivered to the door for free. You can grab it and send it to the kitchen.

The taste is pretty good...

But for the young Song Yan, that sight was scary.

She was born in the city since she was a child, and she usually has to go to the zoo if she wants to see small animals. Where has she seen a live snake with her own eyes?
So I was frightened naturally, and had horrible nightmares for several days in a row.

In her childhood memories of smooth sailing, there are very few things that can make her sad or sad, but the incident of encountering a snake while traveling is almost a shadow of her childhood...

Has been lingering.

Even now, Song Yan has grown up and is still very afraid of snakes.

As soon as she saw that soft, cold mollusk, she couldn't help but sweat on her back, exaggeratedly, even the goosebumps all over her body stood up, and she wanted to back three feet and run away.

She is so afraid of snakes as an adult, if you think about it, Xiaotuanzi must be more afraid than she is at such a young age.

That's why Song Yan temporarily made up such a frightening dream, and said it vividly, trying her best to describe the horror.

But obviously... she didn't describe it successfully enough.

Even if she described the giant snake in her dream as an exaggerated giant python that swallowed up half of the city with a single mouthful of blood... Xiao Tuanzi's heart remained unmoved, and even... a little bit like laughing .

"...I saw that big snake kept chasing you, you kept running, and suddenly fell down with a plop! The big snake jumped up and wrapped you up, and it was about to eat you, so I was very anxious ! This anxiety, I woke up."

Song Yan finished telling the whole story vividly, then looked down at Xiao Tuanzi, who silently looked at her with big eyes in her arms, and asked expectantly, "How is it? Isn't it scary and scary?"

Xiaotuanzi: "..."

What to do?He kind of wants to laugh...

However, he felt that if he really laughed, his mother would be furious!

Maybe I won't sleep with him in the future...

Well, bear with it, hold it tight.

Xiaotuanzi quickly calculated in his heart, made a very smart decision, nodded vigorously, opened his eyes wide and sincerely said to Song Yan: "Yes, it's really scary!"

Song Yan was instantly satisfied, her eyes were bent.

Although there is a faint feeling in my heart that something is not right...

But seeing the little guy's "nervous" eyes wide open, looking at herself as if he was very scared, she was still a little proud, and felt that she had a talent for storytelling, so she reached out and touched his crotch The little head smiled and comforted: "Don't be afraid, it's just a dream. The things in the dream are fake and don't exist."

"With mother here, Cheng Cheng is not afraid."

Xiaotuanzi nodded, and said sweet words with a serious face, but in his heart he felt that the last sentence was too true!
Doesn't it just don't exist?
But it doesn't matter, as long as mother is happy.

"Our Cheng Cheng is really brave and good~." Song Yan was so coaxed by his words that she smiled, and couldn't help rubbing his hair again, caressing his forehead with her fingertips inadvertently, and suddenly paused, "Huh?" ? The temperature seems to have dropped?"

Surprised and surprised, she hurriedly stretched out her hand, and pressed the palms of her hands against Xiaotuanzi's forehead in turn, feeling his warmth.

Xiaotuanzi obediently raised his head to be stroked by her, without moving.

Song Yan tried it twice, and felt that the temperature test on her hand was inaccurate, so she simply lowered her head, pressed her forehead against the little guy's forehead, felt it carefully, and immediately a smile appeared on her lips.

"The fever is really gone! Great..."

Before going to bed last night, she took the little guy's temperature on purpose, and the number displayed by the thermometer was still slightly high.

She was still a little worried at first, but she didn't expect it to be true, as the private doctor said, there was nothing serious, the temperature dropped after sleeping, and now it has returned to normal.

Song Yan breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart, but she didn't notice that Xiao Tuanzi, whose forehead was touching her, frowned slightly.

She let go of her hand, and was about to back away, but she didn't expect a pair of tender little hands to suddenly reach out and gently hold her face, preventing her intention to back away.

The little guy's serious voice rang in his ears: "Mom, don't move yet!"

Song Yan was stunned for a moment, but she really stopped, and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

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