Lu Yanchen glanced at his son's little face, then at the ointment that Song Yan was holding in her hand, and frowned slightly. Just as she was about to say something, she saw that the little guy had already smiled, and he took the initiative to apply the ointment. His little face moved in front of Song Yan, looking at her eagerly.

That flattering little expression is just like that of a puppy.

If it wasn't for the long tail behind him, Lu Yanchen almost doubted whether he could see his tail flicking desperately behind turned into a small whirlwind...

Song Yan seemed to be amused by his small appearance, she pursed her lips and smiled lightly, then reached out and unscrewed the ointment cap, squeezed out a little light green, slightly transparent ointment, and slowly rubbed it on Xiaotuanzi's skin with a clean cotton swab. on the face.

Xiaotuanzi was not injured in the first place, so he would not feel any pain when the ointment was applied on his face. Coupled with the calming effect of the aloe vera ointment, he only felt that his face was cool and comfortable, so he couldn't help but squinted his eyes. Show a little expression of enjoyment.

"How is it? Is it cool and comfortable?" Song Yanmo forgot the ointment, and seeing the expression on his face, she couldn't help asking amusedly.

"Yeah, it's very comfortable, thank you mom." Xiaotuanzi nodded vigorously, looking very touched.

Song Yan smiled, and was just about to put away the ointment, but suddenly a hand was stretched out from the side, and Lu Yan's calm voice sounded immediately: "Is it so useful? Give me a try."

Song Yan was taken aback, and turned to look at him, only to see that Lu Yanchen took the ointment in her hand straight away, and looked at the instructions on Yaoguan, as if she really planned to try it herself.

"This is medical ointment, not health care. If you are not injured, it is best not to smear on it." Song Yan explained, and then asked, "Is there any injury on your body?"

Lu Yan Shen Wenyan glanced at her, put the ointment in his hand on the coffee table, and stretched out his right hand, "Here."

Song Yan looked down, and saw that the shirt sleeve of his right hand was rolled back, and on the exposed right wrist, there were two or three red scars, which looked like they had been scalded by boiling water, and the edges were slightly red and swollen, although There are no blisters, but it looks a bit serious.

At least, it was much more serious than the spot where Xiaotuanzi's face was red from being wiped with a towel...

Song Yan frowned slightly when she saw it, and couldn't help asking: " did you do this? Did you get scalded by hot water?"

And it looked like it had been scalded for a while without any treatment. A little bit of dark brown scab had condensed on the scar, and the edge was slightly swollen. It is estimated that there was already some inflammation inside.

Lu Yanchen didn't seem to care about it, and didn't take it too seriously, and said lightly: "When I was making coffee before, I accidentally got scalded by the coffee. It's not serious, so I didn't care about it, but now it seems to be a little inflamed? "

"It doesn't seem like it's already inflamed! Why didn't you say it earlier? After being burned, you must calm down and apply medicine immediately, otherwise 80.00% will be infected, don't you know?" Song Yan took a cotton swab angrily, He poked lightly at his wound, and the snow-white head of the cotton swab was immediately stained with a little yellowish water stain.

This is obviously one of the symptoms of watery, slightly inflamed wounds.

Lu Yanchen let her poke it, as if he couldn't feel the pain, he replied without changing his face; "I know."

"I know you still don't care about it? There is water in the wound, and if it drags on for a few days, it will probably suppurate. Don't you feel the pain?" Song Yan secretly rolled her eyes, and her tone became more and more rude.

Lu Yanchen didn't mind either, and said lightly, "It's not that serious, and it's not a serious injury."

Song Yan looked at him with a half-smile: "If it's not a serious injury, then do you still need to apply medicine?"

Lu Yanchen originally wanted to say no, but then he remembered what he said just now, and Song Yan's unfriendly eyes. He paused for a moment, and did not continue to deny it. Thin lips uttered a word briefly and forcefully: "Yes! .”

Song Yan rolled her eyes again in her heart, and then she turned her head and said to the butler beside her, "Please help me get the medical kit, there should be disinfectant alcohol in it."

The housekeeper hastily complied, and after a while came back with the household medical kit, opened the medical kit and placed it on the coffee table.

Song Yan dug out the disinfectant alcohol from the inside, searched again, and found a box of white ointment and a few bandages.

Disinfect first, then apply medicine, and finally tear off the wound patch and stick it on the wound. Three times, five times, and two are done. The movements are extremely skillful and neat.

Except for the slight tingling sensation from the alcohol cotton on the wound, Lu Yanchen hardly felt anything special, and the treatment was over.

He looked down at the wound on his wrist. The two band-aids were stuck together at an angle, just enough to completely cover the wound. Rubbing on the top of the clothes will not make people feel uncomfortable.

Even a small Band-Aid has posted a special experience...

After Lu Yanchen finished looking at it, he put down his sleeves, looked at Song Yan who was packing the medical box, and asked, "Why don't you use your ointment?"

The ointment she just applied to him was taken out of the medical kit, but it was not the one she applied to Xiaotuanzi at the beginning.

"Huh?" Song Yan was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, turned her head, saw the one she had casually placed on the sofa, shrugged her shoulders, and said, "My one is mainly for calming the skin. Although it has anti-inflammatory effect, it is definitely not as good as professional anti-inflammatory The medicine is good, if you have professional medicine, of course use professional medicine, the effect will be better, and the speed of recovery will be faster. Why, is there a problem?"

"It's okay." Lu Yanchen didn't say anything more.

On the contrary, Xiaotuanzi at the side rushed to Song Yan affectionately after hearing the words, and said coquettishly: "However, Chengcheng still thinks that mother's medicine is the most effective. It's cool and comfortable when you wipe it on! It's also fragrant. !"

Song Yan pinched his face amusedly, "That's because your wound is not inflamed, otherwise you would have to use the medicine prescribed by the doctor."

As she said that, her eyes fell on Xiaotuanzi's neck again. The thick gauze had not been removed yet, and the wound healing under the gauze could not be seen.

"The doctor said earlier that the stitches on Chengcheng's neck can be removed. When will you take him to the hospital? Remember to tell me. Last time Chengcheng went to remove the stitches, I didn't accompany him. This time, I will remove them all." , I want to go with him."

After saying this, Song Yan looked down at Xiaotuanzi again, seeing his bright eyes, she couldn't help laughing.

Lu Yan pondered for a moment, then asked, "When do you have time?"

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