Seeing that Xiaotuanzi was very close and trusting to her, the housekeeper respected her a little and called her Miss Song politely.

But no matter what, she was always an outsider.

It's different from the serious Lu family like Lu Yanshen and Xiaotuanzi.

If it was something beneficial and harmless to the father and son, the housekeeper could listen to her and do what she wanted, but he would definitely inform Lu Yanchen before and after the event and obtain his consent.

This attitude alone is completely different from the butler's obedience to Lu Yan and Shen's father and son.

Song Yan herself actually noticed this difference, but she didn't take it to heart, thinking that it was all normal.She is not from the Lu family, so why should the servants of the Lu family treat her as their master?

Isn't this Yue Zu acting on his behalf?

On the contrary, the polite and distant way the housekeeper treated her made her feel appropriate.

Neither too close to make people feel uncomfortable, nor too cold to make people feel uncomfortable.Not too far not too close just right.

She has nothing to complain about either.

Because Song Yan didn't think that she would live in this apartment forever, it was only temporary.

When Xiaotuanzi's injuries are healed and her spirit is almost stable, she will naturally move out of the apartment and return to her original place of residence. Whether she will meet Lu Yanshen and his son in the future is a question, so why bother? Think so much?

It's as if ordinary people live in a hotel temporarily outside, and they don't care about the private affairs of the hotel owner's family.

It is fate to meet by chance, but if you know that there is no fate, there is no need to think too much about it.

Not only Song Yan, but the housekeeper actually thought so too.

Although he wouldn't treat Song Yan as a servant of the Lu family and boss her around.

But to put it bluntly, the housekeeper at most regarded Song Yan as an employee hired by Lu Yanshen, but the job content was a little special, and there was not much difference in essence.

So politeness is there, but respect is unnecessary.

For some things that Song Yan occasionally ordered, the butler himself had a judgment in his heart, and he would only do it when he felt it was appropriate, and there was no need to do it if it was not appropriate.And no matter whether he does it or not, he will definitely report it to Lu Yanchen, and he will never make decisions without authorization.

And this, Song Yan actually didn't know.

Of course... even if she knew, she probably wouldn't care too much.

As long as she didn't have any bad intentions, and she was doing what she was supposed to do honestly, she would naturally be upright and not afraid of the shadow, so why should she care about whether the housekeeper reported or not.

She didn't even care about this, how frank and frank...

It was also because the butler noticed her attitude that his feelings towards her gradually improved. Otherwise, at the very beginning, the butler was actually very dissatisfied with her and even a little defensive, always feeling that she was secretly doing nothing good. idea.

It is not the first time that Lu Yanshen has received a report from the housekeeper, but before that, he has never expressed any opinion on it. After listening to it, he nods at most, and does not say a word of extraneous words, nor does he ask the housekeeper to Stop reporting like this.

So from the housekeeper's point of view, he naturally thought that he was actually a little worried about Song Yan, so he didn't ask him to stop reporting, but continued to stare at her vaguely like now...

But now, Lu Yanchen suddenly asked him to stop this kind of reporting, and even asked him to follow Song Yan's arrangement, and do whatever she wanted to do.

The implication is that she seems to have full trust in Song Yan, and she is not worried that she will do something out of line.

This is... what does it mean?
Lu Yanchen himself is not so easy to trust people...

As a person in power who has been in power for a long time, it is almost a common problem to be too suspicious.As the saying goes, "Don't doubt when employing people, and don't use when doubting people." On the other hand, "You should be suspicious when employing people, and use when you are suspicious." In fact, it is more in line with the mentality of the superior.

Without true 100% trust, proper suspicion and handles are more suitable for controlling and leading others.

With Lu Yan's cold and indifferent personality, let alone outsiders, he might not trust even the members of the Lu family, otherwise he would not be alone, and rarely had anything to do with the family members except for work. other connections.

The only person who can make him completely let go of his heart, without a trace of his thoughts, is probably his own son, Cheng Cheng.

And now... it seems... there is another Song Yan.

But why?
Song Yan, what can she do?

An insignificant little entertainer, if she hadn't been lucky enough to save the young master's life, she would never have had the chance to care for the Lu family even in her life.Not to mention making the young master trust and rely on her, calling her mother over and over again...

If it is said that the young master is young and ignorant, it is still understandable.What about the young master himself?
Why did he... suddenly trust this woman?
The butler was puzzled.

He is a private butler who has received professional butler training from abroad and holds a certificate. His professionalism and loyalty are absolutely guaranteed.According to professional quality requirements, it is not up to the housekeeper to ask or question matters decided by the employer. He is not even qualified to ask.

The butler himself is also strict with himself. He has worked and served the Lu family for decades, and has almost never made any mistakes. But this time, he couldn't control himself. He struggled and hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't help being tactful. questioned...

Fortunately, Lu Yanchen was not the kind of bitter and tricky person, and he was not angry at the housekeeper's opinion. He just glanced at him lightly, without explaining, "Just do as I say."

But the housekeeper was a little startled, and immediately lowered his head deeply, not daring to say anything more, "...Yes."

At this moment, there was a sound of light footsteps, and the people in the living room turned their heads to look at the same time.

Song Yan was walking out of her room with a green aloe vera ointment in her hand. She originally wanted to go to Xiaotuanzi's room, but when she turned around and looked up, she saw that the father and son were already sitting on the sofa in the living room. There was a butler standing beside him.

"You guys came out? Just in time, I found the ointment, let Chengcheng rub some on it first." Apparently, the short period of time when she went back to the room to look for the ointment, Song Yan had already adjusted her mood, and the expression on her face returned to normal. , took the ointment, walked to the sofa in the living room, and sat down beside Xiaotuanzi.

But actually.

After so much time, the red marks on Xiaotuanzi's face from being wiped with a towel have subsided a lot, and the color has also faded, leaving only a little pink mark on her fair and tender face. It really doesn't look like a serious problem .

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