Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 196 Chapter 196 Hidden danger

The staff in the dressing room looked at her back very strangely, holding the props and costumes she had just changed in their hands, and muttered puzzledly: "Why is Ms. Song leaving in such a hurry today? Is there something wrong? "

Song Yan's popularity in the crew is not bad, female artists who are beautiful and don't put on airs are often more popular in the crew, and everyone unanimously misunderstands her background, treats her politely and modestly, A little more flattered favor.

Although it is the first time to join the crew today, it is not the first time that Song Yan has dealt with these staff members in the crew. The previous audition, the subsequent signing, and the report of joining the crew this time, there are quite a few opportunities to get in touch. up.

Therefore, the staff also understood her personality to some extent. She was always polite and considerate in her dealings with people and things.

But this time, Song Yan came and went in a hurry, as if there was something urgent to leave, and she didn't even have time to say hello to others, the staff felt a little puzzled.

It's not that Song Yan is so impolite, it's just that she was a little puzzled, and she muttered once or twice.

A colleague next to him interjected: "Probably so! If you leave in such a hurry, maybe there is something urgent at home. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us. What are you worrying about?"

"Didn't I just mutter something out of curiosity?" The staff member smiled awkwardly, a little embarrassed.

"Curiosity stays in the stomach, don't talk about it." The colleague glanced at her and reminded solemnly, "There are some things that we should not worry about. Get into trouble."

"……I see."

The staff was a little frightened, and they responded muffledly, not daring to argue any more.

Colleagues reminded her that it was a good intention.

Working in a place like the crew, the most important thing is to learn to curb your curiosity, don't ask too much, don't look too much, keep your mouth shut, and do your own thing in peace, so that you can keep your job.

The colleague saw that she understood, nodded and didn't say anything more, turned around and went to busy with his own affairs, but he couldn't help but think of ten minutes ago, when he happened to pass by a remote corner of the flower bed, he faintly heard The sound of a man and a woman talking...

The woman's voice is extremely distinctive, clear but not delicate, and has a unique charm, which can be recognized immediately by those who have heard it.

It was Song Yan's voice.

As for the other man...

The colleague pursed his lips, his face tensed a bit, thinking of Luo Kaige's ugly face, which he saw from hiding in the dark, walking away, he finally managed not to show a strange expression.

As far as she knew, Luo Kaige and Yao Leya were clearly a couple, and they had been in a secret relationship for a long time.

Why now... Yao Leya is nowhere to be seen...

Luo Kaige got involved with Song Yan instead?Hiding in that kind of remote and uninhabited place... What are you talking about?

She didn't dare to go closer to eavesdrop, so naturally she didn't know.

Curiosity worked subconsciously, and as soon as it arose, she suppressed it firmly.

Just as she warned another staff member, there are some things that staff members like them should not care about. If you don't watch or talk too much, just pretend that you don't know anything, and pretend to be deaf... and it's fine.

Thinking of this, the colleague took a deep breath and suppressed all his thoughts in his heart, not intending to show any more.

It's a pity that although she herself doesn't want to cause trouble.

But sometimes, troublesome things will always come to you on their own initiative, and you can't even hide...

The staff member who is not planning to cause trouble at this time, I am afraid that even if she is killed, she would never have imagined that the scene she saw today will cause a lot of trouble in the near future...


Song Yan didn't expect it at all.

The scene where I had a conflict with Luo Kaige was actually seen by the staff of the crew by such a coincidence...

Just see it...

However, the staff did not see the truth, nor did they hear their conversations and conflicts. They just watched from a distance, and then added personal speculation, and once the imagination was processed, the flavor of the matter changed...

Song Yan's thoughts are all on the sick Xiaotuanzi at the moment, and she doesn't even have time to take off her makeup, so how can she pay special attention to the expressions of the staff?
She left the set in a hurry, and as soon as she walked out of the gate, she saw a low-key black luxury car parked not far away, it was the car that brought her here earlier.

The driver did not wait in the car, but stood respectfully by the car door. When he saw Song Yan approaching, he immediately opened the car door for her and waited for Song Yan to bend down to enter before closing the car door. , went around to the cab and sat down.

The vehicle started slowly, turned around, and left the film and television city.

Along the way, Song Yan didn't say much, holding the phone restlessly, fidgeting and wishing she could fly back to the apartment with her wings.

The driver also seemed to know that she was anxious. After leaving the speed limit lane of the film and television city, the speed quickly increased, and he drove steadily but quickly in the direction of the Rongya Club.

The original [-]-minute journey took only about half of the time, and the vehicle drove into the parking garage of the clubhouse and stopped steadily.

After getting off the car, Song Yan went straight to the elevator and went upstairs. As soon as she opened the door, she heard a loud bang in the room, followed by Lu Yan's sullen voice: "Lu Shaocheng! You have you had enough?!"

Although the voice was not high-pitched, there was deep sullenness in the tone, with a man's usual cold and icy breath, and it was so cold that it made people's scalp numb and their hearts jump.

Soon the sound of a child whimpering and crying could be heard in the room.

Why did the father and son quarrel?

Song Yanxin was caught up, and she couldn't care less about anything else. She casually threw her bag on the cabinet in the entrance, kicked off her high heels, and rushed into the house barefoot.

"Miss Song, why do you..." The housekeeper happened to come out of the room, holding a tray in his hand, and there were some small and unknown pieces on the tray, the edges were extremely sharp, and there was a sharp cold light.

Seeing Song Yan rushing towards her, the housekeeper was taken aback and almost missed her. Before he could speak, Song Yan rushed into the room like a gust of wind, and pushed the door open. Not even a trace of his back was left behind.

"Cheng Cheng!" She blurted out an exclamation.

The butler's unfinished words got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't help but stare, with a silent expression on his face, "..."

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