Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 195 Chapter 195 Unexpected Situation

Lu Yanchen didn't speak.

Song Yan didn't find it strange either, he had a cold and silent personality, and he always cherished words like gold, so it was perfectly normal for him not to speak.

On the contrary, if Lu Yanchen picked her up, she would be surprised...

Song Yan didn't complain for too long, after explaining what happened briefly, she remembered the reason why Lu Yanchen called earlier, and couldn't help asking: "I almost forgot, Mr. Lu just called me, what's the matter?" ?”

Lu Yan came back to his senses, his eyes sank slightly, and he couldn't believe it... He almost forgot the business.

"Chengcheng suddenly developed a fever and refused to take medicine. He is making a fuss at home now." He briefly explained the matter, and then asked in a flat tone, "When are you coming back? I can't coax him."

I don't know if it is Song Yan's illusion...

When Lu Yanchen said this, his voice was clearly as cold and flat as ever, but she could hear a bit of distress from his tone.

Weird thoughts flashed through his mind.

Song Yan didn't bother to think too much, and when she heard Lu Yanchen's words, she immediately became a little anxious, grabbed her phone and asked, "What? Cheng Cheng has a fever?!"

"En." Lu Yanchen replied concisely,
"How could this be? Wasn't I fine when I went out in the morning? Why did I have a fever? Did I catch a cold or something?" Song Yan became even more anxious when she heard that, and couldn't care about Lu Yanchen's habit of not being talkative. Asked like a gun.

"I didn't catch a cold, the doctor has already come, but he refused to let the doctor examine him, and kept crying." Lu Yanshen said, then raised the phone and turned up the volume.

Song Yan immediately heard the whimpering of the child on the other end of the phone, mixed with a slightly noisy comfort, she couldn't tell what she was crying, but she could tell that it was the voice of Xiaotuanzi, crying again It's making trouble again.

"Young master, you don't need to move..."

"Be good! The doctor doesn't give injections, so don't be afraid, young master... oh!"

"Stop him!"

"Bang - bang -"

I don't know if it was the doctor's or the maid's comforting voice, suddenly there was a loud sound, like the sound of something being pushed to the ground and smashed.

Xiaotuanzi cried even harder...

Even though Song Yan couldn't hear clearly through a mobile phone, she could still hear the commotion on the other end of the phone.

She was even more anxious, and before she had time to say anything, those chaotic background sounds suddenly faded away.

Lu Yan's deep voice came again, feeling a little helpless: "Did you hear that?"

While Song Yan was anxious, she couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth.

...This is my dear father, right?

With his son making such a fuss, the family is clearly in chaos. How can he still be in the mood to continue calling her here?

I even listened to the tit-for-tat exchange between her and Luo Kaige for so long...

A little too calm, right?

Song Yan was a little speechless, but she didn't know that Lu Yanchen was not as calm and composed as he appeared.

Knowing that Xiaotuanzi suddenly had a fever, he rushed back from the company in a hurry and brought the family doctor of the Lu family with him. There was no need to alarm Song Yan, but the sick Xiaotuanzi was so uncooperative and kept arguing with him As soon as Lu Yanchen saw his son's energetic appearance, and the doctor confirmed that it was just an ordinary low-grade fever and nothing serious, he felt relieved, and his attitude naturally calmed down.

If Xiaotuanzi hadn't made too much noise, refused to take medicine, refused to get an injection, or even let the doctor approach, Lu Yanchen would not have wanted to alarm Song Yan.

They had agreed before that Song Yan would help him take care of Cheng Cheng, but it could not affect her normal work.

Lu Yanchen is a person who keeps his promises.

Now that he said so, he naturally wouldn't break his promise easily, but this time it was an unexpected situation...

Maybe the little guy got used to this period of time, Song Yan was always by his side, and suddenly he couldn't see her for a whole day, but he became unaccustomed to it.

Coupled with a sudden fever...

The little guy couldn't help being self-willed for a while, and was crying because he was not feeling well, wanting Mommy to come back to accompany him...

Such a shrewd person as Lu Yanchen, how could he fail to see through his son's narrow-mindedness?He didn't agree at the beginning because he didn't want to indulge Cheng Cheng's capriciousness and nonsense, but he didn't expect him to become more and more noisy, so noisy that Lu Yanchen couldn't bear it any longer, and seeing that the time was about the same, he called Song Yan , Ask her when she can go back.

Song Yan didn't know the inside story, and Lu Yanchen kept talking in detail. She was worried about the little guy's situation, and thought that he had a serious fever and was crying so hard that her heart ached.

"You said something so important earlier! My work here is almost over, I'm going to change clothes, and I'll be right back! You first coax Cheng Cheng, wait for me!" Song Yan couldn't help complaining, and said hastily After saying this, you have to hang up the phone.

"Don't worry, Chengcheng is fine, the fever is not serious." Lu Yanchen heard her nervousness and worry, paused, and calmed down, "There is a doctor watching over here, don't worry, I'll let the driver pick you up."

"No need! Going back and forth will waste time, I'll take a taxi..."

"Don't delay, the car is waiting outside the film and television city, you just come out." Lu Yanchen interrupted her, and said again. "Don't worry."

He spoke calmly...

Song Yan couldn't help rolling her eyes, feeling speechless and depressed.

what happened...

The sick one is obviously Lu Yanchen's own son, and has nothing to do with her.

Lu Yanchen, a father, didn't worry much, and looked calm and composed.

On the contrary, she, the outsider who took care of the child... was so anxious that her eyebrows could not be reached, and those who didn't know thought it was her son who was sick...

This is really... so people don't know what to say.

Forget it.

No matter what, she promised Lu Yanshen to take good care of Xiaotuanzi.

Collecting money from people and warding off disasters was originally what one should do.What's more, Xiaotuanzi is so cute and cute, isn't she worried that he is normal?
As long as the feelings come from the heart, and not the kind of intentional pretending for the sake of acting, naturally there is nothing to be taboo about.

So Song Yan stopped thinking about it, and after hanging up the phone, she went straight to the dressing room.

The makeup photos to be taken today have been completed, and the rest is the post-production work and the work of the retoucher, which has nothing to do with the artist, so Song Yan can naturally leave.

Back in the dressing room, Song Yan changed back to her original clothes in the dressing room, and with the help of the staff, she removed the complicated sideburns and headgear in ancient costumes, and hurriedly combed her hair. There was no time to remove the makeup, so she hurriedly walked outside the film and television city.

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