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Chapter 174 Chapter 174 Ending the Curtain (2)

In the end, because of a false scandal, Dong Fei's personal reputation was severely damaged, and his career development was also forced to stagnate, falling instead of rising.

In the month just after the cheating scandal broke out, Dong Fei lost three endorsements, a variety show, and a new drama that was in preparation for filming. His personal loss was as high as nearly ten million yuan.

Not to mention that after that, the rumors of the scandal intensified, almost all of Dong Fei's work was forced to suspend, and even other artists in his own studio were also affected. unimaginable...

What led to this loss was the scandal of Dong Fei's derailment.

And this scandal is fictitious, it was spread from the mouth of Dong Fei's ex-wife's family, and then intensified, out of control, and finally caused irreparable losses to Dong Fei himself in terms of economy and reputation.

In other words, the family of Dong Fei's ex-wife is the real culprit, and all subsequent losses were caused by their malicious rumors.

As long as Dong Fei can produce enough evidence, he has sufficient reasons and rights to ask them to compensate him for all economic losses, make a public apology, and restore his reputation...

Let's not talk about the latter for now.

Although it is embarrassing to apologize publicly, as long as you can spare your face, it is not impossible.

But the former... has to compensate Dong Fei for the economic losses caused by the scandal...

For his ex-wife's family, it was a disaster!
Where are they going to find so much money?

Even during the divorce, Dong Fei's ex-wife got most of the property under his name. The amount was indeed high, but it was far from enough...

It's not even enough for Dong Fei to lose half of the economy...

Dong Fei's ex-wife's family has been formally torn apart by taking his ex-wife's family to court, and all the evidence he prepared is extremely sufficient, and there are almost no doubts for rebuttal.

The outcome of this lawsuit is already evident.

Dong Fei successfully won the lawsuit.

However, the ex-wife's family expressed dissatisfaction with the judgment and appealed on the spot, but the judge directly rejected it on the grounds of conclusive evidence. The trial result was announced in court, requiring the ex-wife's family to make a public apology and restore Dong Fei's personal reputation. Proportional compensation for his economic losses.

For Dong Fei's ex-wife who directly spread rumors and slandered her and was involved in malicious extortion and extortion charges, the judge even sentenced her to several years in prison, which can be described as merciless.

His ex-wife collapsed on the spot in court. She regretted not saying anything at the beginning, and desperately begged Dong Fei to admit her mistake. Even her parents were frightened, her face was pale and trembling, and she couldn't even utter the words of begging for mercy...

Dong Fei's ex-wife was not the only one who was going to be sentenced to prison, her parents were also involved.

However, because the old couple are too old and suffer from many diseases, and most of the rumors and malicious slanders are spread, their daughters come forward in person and cry to the media as the parties concerned, but the old couple themselves just Crying about being pitiful in front of the media did not involve too many rumors...

Taking into account all the above factors, the judge finally did not sentence them to jail directly, but suspended their sentence for two years. Compared with their hapless daughter, it can be said that they barely escaped a catastrophe.

But even so, the verdict was enough to scare the old couple out of their wits...

They are not people who do not understand the law, and they naturally know that many of their actions are illegal, and there will be no good end after being exposed.

But even so, they still did it because they were very confident and thought they could handle Dong Fei's character. They never thought that he would tear his face and sue himself in court.

Therefore, when this day really came, the old couple were not only dumbfounded, but also too regretful...

If they had known that Dong Fei had such a ruthless heart, they would not have dared to be so arrogant, and would have restrained themselves.

But it happened that Dong Fei's repeated forbearance and concessions indulged their greed and made them gradually get used to making progress, time and time again, each time was more excessive...

In the end, Dong Fei turned his face overnight and sent them to court directly.

After a lawsuit with an obvious ending, not only will their reputations be ruined, but even the money and benefits they have obtained before will be spit out again, and even... they will be punished by prison...

Such an ending was too cruel, and it made the old couple who had always felt that they had the chance to win completely unacceptable, and they almost went crazy after being hit...

In the eyes of many people, their family of three may have deserved it.

But if you just look at the results and think about it from another angle, it is Dong Fei who seems to have been wronged all the time who has the most advantage and wins the whole thing.

The beautiful Jedi counterattack not only allowed him to successfully wash away his stigma, but also earned him a well-recognized reputation of "valuing love and righteousness". They are all improved by more than one grade than before.

at the same time.

He also logically divorced his ex-wife, married a young new wife, and became a father smoothly. It can be said that he is proud of his spring...

Even the property he gave to his ex-wife at the beginning of the divorce was eventually reclaimed in the name of compensation for losses, even more than the original.

To put it bluntly, Dong Fei not only didn't suffer any loss in this scandal, but instead made a fortune.

With each rise and fall, even his career as an artist has been pushed to a new peak, his family and career are both happy, and there is nothing he doesn't like...

In some people's eyes, he was a blessing in disguise, and his kindness and kindness eventually got a good return.

But there are also some people who scoff at this statement, and don't believe that Dong Fei came to this point by accident.

Because looking at the development of the whole thing, from the perspective of conspiracy theory, Dong Fei is undoubtedly the biggest beneficiary, and many people have begun to doubt... Could this whole thing be directed by Dong Fei at all?

Although this kind of speculation is somewhat ruinous, it is also unbelievable.

But carefully consider the succession of the whole thing, all kinds of changes... This seems to be a very unreliable suspicion, but it seems to be really possible...

What is true and what is false, whether it is a human or a ghost, disputes have always existed.

Until now there is no exact answer.

It's just that the only piece of scandalous black material about Dong Fei finally ended with him winning the lawsuit and clearing it up.

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