Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 173 Chapter 173 Ending the Curtain (1)

Dong Fei saw what his ex-wife was thinking, and while feeling chilled, he felt he had nothing to say.

He finally agreed to the conditions put forward by his ex-wife's parents.

Even though he knew it was unreasonable, but as his ex-wife’s parents said, after all, their daughter has accompanied him through so much, and the grievances and sufferings he has suffered are too numerous to list...

Even now, everything has changed, but Dong Fei is not willing to do things too badly just because of his past affection.

So he gave up most of the properties under his name, and only made one request, which was divorce.

Whether his ex-wife herself or his former father-in-law and mother-in-law originally agreed to this request.

It's just that no one expected that the subsequent things would develop step by step to the point of irreversibility...

First, the divorce was exposed by the media.

Then there were doubts and speculations from netizens, and the pressure of public opinion came to the fore.

Although his ex-wife's parents said they did something unconscionable, they didn't want to bear the reputation and consequences of such a thing.They feel that they have lived their whole lives and are about to go into the coffin. They must not ruin their reputation for the rest of their lives because of an unfeminine daughter.

Their family is a scholarly family.

If others knew that they raised a daughter who cheated in marriage and was restless in the house, what would others think of them?Then why don't you poke the spine behind your back and point your fingers?
This is something the old couple are absolutely unwilling to accept!

Even if - their own daughters did such disgraceful things, a large part of the reason was instigated by themselves, they would not admit it.Instead, he subconsciously attributed the fault to his daughter, feeling that what he did was out of good intentions...

Anyway to the end.

Out of selfishness and to preserve their family's reputation, the old couple came up with an outrageously wrong trick.

It is to try every means to instigate his daughter to put all the charges of cheating on Dong Fei, and to act first is the best!

Although this method is extremely selfish, it is undeniable that it is indeed very effective.

The old couple knew Dong Fei's character very well, and knew that he missed his old feelings and would not easily break up with them. So, relying on Dong Fei's soft-heartedness and concern, they acted unscrupulously in front of the media and poured pot after pot. The dirty water poured on Dong Fei desperately.

The effect is expected to be very good.

Dong Fei really didn't open his mouth to clarify, and kept silent to the outside world, as if he had acquiesced.

Seeing this, the old couple finally felt relieved...

There are many bad things in this world, the first time you do it, you still feel uneasy, but the more times you do it, the more you gradually get used to it.

don't even think about it...

If there is a first time, there will be a second time, and a third time... continuously.

Like a rolling round stone, it slides down the slope all the way, completely uncontrollable, until it slides all the way to the abyss.

This is the case with Dong Fei's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

The first time to smear Dong Fei was to clear his reputation, and to act first...

The second time to slander Dong Fei is to cover up his guilty conscience and to fulfill the last lie...

the third time……

the fourth time……


For the umpteenth time.

They will always have new reasons, and they lie to themselves that they are forced to do nothing. After saying this last time, they will never mention it again!

But when the next time comes, they will have other reasons and continue to walk down blindfolded.

Repeatedly, endlessly.

Lies are a very difficult thing to get rid of.

As long as one lie has been told, it is inevitable to use two, three... countless lies to cover it up.It's like snowballing, getting bigger and bigger, and even forgetting the reason and purpose of lying in the first place.

In particular, the lie that the old couple instigated their daughter to tell was not only faced by one or two people, but also by media reporters who were eager to look at them, as well as countless netizens and audiences.

Once something is negligent, or where a flaw is exposed, the doubts and public opinion that rush to their faces are enough to crush them to pieces...

They already had no choice but to bite the bullet and go on.

If, at the beginning, the lies told by Dong Fei's ex-wife and his father-in-law were justifiable, then later on, when they became a habit of telling lies, almost even he himself was almost ashamed. After believing fabricated lies and illusions...

Their continued slander and slander against Dong Fei turned into greed and unwillingness.

They are no longer satisfied with the huge amount of property that Dong Fei handed over to them, they just feel that it is far from enough-they still want more!It's better to be inexhaustible...

However, Dong Fei already felt cold towards them and felt that he was doing his best, so he naturally didn't want to continue to be taken advantage of, and he would no longer be able to support their family unconditionally like before when they were not divorced...

The old couple were very unhappy about this.

Especially after learning that Dong Fei got married again and had a new wife, this unwillingness was magnified to the extreme...

Perhaps it was Dong Fei's forbearance and concession time and time again over the years, which fueled their arrogance to turn black and white;

Or be dazzled by strong unwillingness;

The old couple once again made a wrong choice, even more outrageous and vicious than the countless previous mistakes.They actually instigated their daughters to sell their pity on the Internet to guide public opinion, to attack Dong Fei's innocent and pregnant current wife...

Even his unborn child was not spared, abused, humiliated, smeared, cursed...

The old couple had already done the same thing countless times, and they didn't take it seriously because Dong Fei didn't pursue it, but they never thought that what they did this time was actually trampled on. Reaching Dong Fei's bottom line not only provoked an unprecedented counterattack from him, but also made the old couple themselves and their daughter taste the bitter fruit that had not been seen for a long time.

Dong Fei finally tore his face apart. Not only did he disclose all the secrets and evidence to the public, but he also sued his ex-wife's family in court for defamation and extortion, demanding that they admit their mistakes, apologize publicly, and compensate him for being slandered over the years. The resulting economic loss...

Such a request is actually not too much, on the contrary, it is reasonable, but for the ex-wife's family who have been going smoothly for many years and have never imagined that they have today, it is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, or even a catastrophe...

You know, Dong Fei is an entertainer by profession. Even though he is not well-known in the entertainment industry, his financial income in all aspects is very high. What's more, when the scandal broke out, his career was on the rise. During this period, all aspects of treatment are on the rise...

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