The more artists involved, the greater the trouble.

Let them modify the original work schedule one by one, and re-do the fixed-makeup shooting... Although they will not refuse directly, they will definitely inevitably have some delays and complaints.

But the crew can't say anything...

Because this extra filming work was originally caused by the crew's mistakes.Artists are dissatisfied with this, and they can only admit it.

The assistant director got a headache when he thought about it, so he just put aside those things and dealt with Song Yan in front of him first!
"Song Yan, it just so happens that you are still here, and the photographer has already contacted you. Look... If you don't have any other important matters today, why don't you come over with me to take a few more shots? It's better to go first Get this thing over."

The assistant director looked at Song Yan earnestly, and his tone was not to mention how gentle it was, it was full of discussions.

But that's normal...

After what happened at the opening banquet, few people in the crew dared to offend Song Yan forcefully.

Song Yan twitched her lips speechlessly, recalling her recent work arrangements.

It really doesn't matter anymore.

Because ever since she and Song Xuewei fought many times and abruptly snatched the role of the second female lead from her, there has been no news from Meng Yang...

She was completely indifferent to her, and never arranged any work for her again.

Even Huaxing Company seemed to have no such person as Song Yan. After half a month, Song Yan did not receive a single call from the company. She was happy and relaxed, so naturally she would not take the initiative to go to the company.

In Huaxing Company, Song Liguo is at the top, Song Xuewei is at the middle, and Meng Yang and others are at the bottom.

For Song Yan, even if it's not a dragon's pool or a tiger's lair, it's definitely not a good place to be.

If she didn't know in her heart that Song Liguo would never let her terminate the contract easily, and before she had enough confidence and capital, she wouldn't even have to think about terminating the contract, Song Yan would have long wanted to leave the company.

And now...

I don't know what Song Liguo is thinking.

After calling the crew's opening banquet, he never came to her again, nor called her, and the whole person fell into complete silence, without a sound.

Song Yan originally thought that after Song Liguo found out that she was in contact with Lu Yanchen, he would definitely approach her unceremoniously and order her to match the Song family.Unexpectedly, Song Liguo's reaction was beyond her expectation. It seemed that she had no intention of this at all...

However, Song Yan didn't think this was a good thing.

Based on her understanding of Song Liguo, his current silence cannot be because he suddenly found out that he is unwilling to use her anymore. On the contrary, it is very likely that Song Liguo suddenly discovered that she has a bigger Taking advantage of the value, so I don't know what plan I'm making, so I keep silent for the time being, and just accumulate strength!
However, Song Yan is not afraid.

there is always a solution to a problem.She didn't believe it anymore, how could she fall into the hands of the Song family's father and daughter again and again?

Not to mention the company.

She also has no way to terminate the contract early, and if the company wants to make trouble for her, she can only see the tricks and make sure that she will not suffer.

But now, it's actually a good thing that the company doesn't care about her.

It's better than giving her some disgusting job...

"Song Yan? Song Yan..." The assistant director's voice suddenly came from next to her ear, interrupting the thoughts in Song Yan's mind.

When she came back to her senses, a smile naturally appeared on her pensive face, "Huh? What's the matter?"

"You still ask me what's wrong?" The assistant director looked at her helplessly, a little amused, but there was a trace of surprise hidden in the depths of his eyes, "What were you thinking just now? The expression on your face was so serious, I felt a little bit amused." scared……"

The assistant director said half-jokingly, but there seemed to be a hint of temptation between the words.

This kind of temptation is not aimed at what Song Yan just thought.

It is aimed at the leakage of the set makeup photos of the crew this time.

After all, they were talking about this matter just now. In the middle of the conversation, Song Yan suddenly showed such a serious expression. From the perspective of the assistant director who didn't know her inner thoughts, he would naturally think that what she was thinking and the makeup photos were leaked related……

But he was not very good at asking directly.

That's why there was this tentative tone.

Song Yan knew that the assistant director had misunderstood as soon as she heard it, and it was impossible for her to tell him what she really thought of just now, so she smiled and replied lightly: "I'm sorry, I thought of some family matters temporarily, and I was a little distracted gone."

Things at home?
The assistant director choked.She said so, and it was obviously a private matter.

It was even more difficult for him to ask.

Song Yan didn't want to talk too much, and she changed the subject with a smile: "I happen to have nothing else to do today, so let's make up the make-up photos first, so as not to be too busy later. Has the crew's photographer arrived yet?" ?”

This is business.

The assistant director came to his senses all of a sudden, and he didn't care about any personal matters. His fat face suddenly beamed with joy, and he nodded quickly: "We're here, we're here! The make-up artist is already waiting at the studio. There are new styling props, you can go there now, and you can put on makeup immediately, let's hurry up, let's make a quick decision!"

"Ha ha……"

Song Yan was amused by his last sentence, and she also felt that it made sense, so she nodded: "Alright then, let's go there now?"

"Okay, okay, let's go."

The assistant director didn't expect her to agree so readily, so he nodded happily, and walked to the studio with Song Yan.

Along the way, Song Yan asked casually: "Apart from me, are there any other actors who want to make up makeup photos today?"

The assistant director replied: "There are also a few artists who play supporting roles here, and they happened to be filmed together, but the main role is you, and there is Dong Fei."

"Teacher Dong is here too? That's a good deal for me. I can take this opportunity to ask seniors for advice." Song Yan said with a smile, half politely half joking.

Dong Fei is not a very well-known actor, and he has never even been on the first line, and has been hovering around the second and third lines all year round.

But in the show business circle, he is a very important old artist.

All the roles he played are supporting roles. He has played supporting roles for a full 30 years since he debuted for 30 years. He has been dubbed by countless netizens as "thousand-year foil" and "green leaf professional".

However, among the supporting roles he played, there are many legendary characters who are more classic, deeper and more influential than the protagonist.
The acting skills are real, a real old drama.

He has won more than ten "Best Supporting Actor" awards in the industry alone...

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