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Chapter 161 Chapter 161 The Assistant Director's Attitude

Song Yanmei narrowed her eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

If the leak of the makeup photo involves all the actors in the crew, regardless of the leading role or supporting role, regardless of the fame of the actors, everyone has a share, then it proves that this incident is indeed an accident, not someone deliberately targeted .

but if……

Everyone else's makeup photos were fine, but only her role photos were leaked.

That proves that this incident was not an accident.

But someone came after her!
Song Yan had to figure this out before she could make subsequent arrangements.

The assistant director had a surprised expression on his face when he heard this: "Of course not! The leaked makeup photos this time are a whole set, not only you, but also Xu Han, Song Xuewei, and several other important supporting actors. It's inside."

Is that so...

The emotion in Song Yan's eyes relaxed slightly.

The assistant director gritted his teeth and continued: "I don't know which son of a bitch is behind the scenes. There are too many leaked photos! Moreover, our crew will use them for the next publicity. The director and producer are very angry. I have no choice but to temporarily contact the photographer to reshoot."

Seeing that the assistant director's expression changed with anger, the veins on his forehead twitched violently.

Song Yan didn't know what to say for a while.

He could only frown slightly, concentrating on his eyes.

Although it didn't seem that someone was targeting her this time, it's actually not uncommon in the entertainment circle that the internal information of the crew was leaked like this.

It doesn't matter if the media candidly take pictures, or the competitors secretly play tricks.

There will always be people who, out of self-interest or for some reason, don't mind using shady means.

It's not surprising to see more.

Song Yan was silent on the face, but she was not panicked in her heart, but gradually calmed down.

She still has confidence in Xie Yihe.

It is precisely because things like this are common in the entertainment circle, Xie Yihe has been in the circle for so many years, among other things, he must have experience in dealing with such things.

The same goes for the assistant director.

After the initial anger and panic, the director team should soon come up with a solution, so that Song Yan, a small artist, won't have to worry about it.

So after Song Yan calmed down, she didn't say anything, she silently looked at the assistant director who was still angry, and waited for his future arrangements.


The assistant director didn't stay immersed in the anger all the time, and quickly restrained his anger. His fat face was full of seriousness and seriousness. Compared with his usual smiling and Maitreya-like expression, he looked a lot more majestic.

He sternly said to Song Yan: "This time, the make-up photos were leaked because of the unfavorable supervision of the crew. The director's team is already investigating one by one to see who did it. They will definitely not be able to escape in the end!"

This is actually a statement.

After all, the leakage of makeup photos not only damages the interests of the crew, but also is a troublesome matter for the artists involved.

And this kind of trouble is caused by the unfavorable supervision of the crew itself. According to common sense, the crew should really give the actors a reasonable explanation.

Of course.

There are also some production crews who don’t think so carefully when faced with the same thing, or the members of the director team have different temperaments, and only regard the artists in the production crew as ordinary employees, or even tools to make money... so they disdain to give them Confess or explain, just start investigating on your own.

Fortunately, Xie Yihe, the director of the drama "Imperial Power", is not such a person.At least... not on the surface.

Xie Yihe has a smooth temper, and he has a good way of dealing with people. Even his old partner, the assistant director, and others are also quite sophisticated. He would not do such contemptuous and offending things, but would take the initiative to give an explanation.

But then again... Such expressions and confessions are only enjoyed by some relatively well-known artists in the crew, and other small stars don't even have to think about it.

If Song Yan hadn't invested 3000 million yuan in the film crew, she would be considered a moderate investor. With her own fame and status, she might not be qualified for such a statement, let alone the assistant director coming to talk to her in person. said……

Regarding this point, Song Yan's heart was as bright as a mirror, but she didn't see it through. After listening to the assistant director's words, she nodded slightly and said politely: "Assistant director don't need to worry too much, I can understand, after all No one wants this kind of thing to happen, and the loss is one."

"Who said it wasn't."

Hearing what she said, the assistant director secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed helplessly.

"It's just that now is not the time to let go of the investigation. The most urgent thing is to find a way to recover it as soon as possible! To avoid causing greater losses in the future." Song Yan frowned slightly, and continued.

Anyway, she invested a lot of money in this crew...

The interests of the crew are directly linked to her own interests.Even if it's not for anything else, just for the money she invested not to waste in vain, Song Yan sincerely hopes that the crew can make a decision as soon as possible to recover the loss.

This is undoubtedly on point.

The assistant director nodded again and again, deeply sympathetic: "That's right, the director and I both think the same way, the investigation can be left to others to do it first, the most important thing is to fill in the gaps in the publicity, so that no one can take advantage of it. "

Song Yan nodded, but did not speak.

The assistant director didn't continue this topic. After all, apart from being a temporary investor of the production team, Song Yan's main identity is also an artist. Some internal matters of the production team are not suitable for her to talk about.

Song Yan herself was aware of this, so she didn't rashly follow the assistant director's words.

After skipping this one, the assistant director quickly brought the topic back to the original place, frowning and said helplessly: "It was supposed to arrange for all of you to re-shoot as soon as possible, but because of the sudden incident, the crew couldn't make it ahead of time." Arrangements and preparations. Xu Han, Song Xuewei, and several other artists happen to have other work arrangements today, so they won't be able to spare any time."

The work of an artist is not something that can be transferred at any time.The work itineraries of many big-name artists are even drawn up and arranged several months in advance. Unless there are some changes in the middle, they will not be easily changed, so as not to affect other follow-up work processes and affect the whole body.

The reason why the assistant director is so headache and helpless is also because of this.

The make-up photos were leaked suddenly, no one could have predicted it in advance, so naturally there was no way to ask the artist to make preparations in advance, a sudden change would be like an abrupt addition to the schedule that the artist did not have, and it was really difficult to deal with it's trouble...

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