Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 148 Chapter 148 Mishearing the Corner (2)

Both of them are known as Bai Fumei.

However, Song Xuewei chose to be modest on the surface and publicize in secret, while Yao Leya didn't bother to hide it. She showed her identity from the first day she entered the entertainment circle, and put on a look that was not easy to mess with.

The same Miss Qianjin, and also in the same entertainment industry, Song Xuewei and Yao Leya naturally knew each other, and the relationship was still good. At least on the surface, they were good girlfriends, but in private, they were kind of sincere...Only they knew.

Song Xuewei entered the entertainment circle for the sake of becoming famous. She wholeheartedly wanted to build a good reputation and ensure her identity value, so she deliberately behaved elegantly and modestly in all aspects, creating a perfect image that was completely inconsistent with her.

But Yao Leya is just the opposite.

She is not short of money, nor does she care about fame. She has only one purpose in entering the entertainment industry, and that is to come here to have fun when she is idle and bored.

So she is not restricted by the rules of the entertainment industry at all, she is very willful in doing things, she can do whatever she wants, the company she belongs to can't control her at all, and doesn't even dare to control her, so she simply regards her as an auspicious When things are up, she can do whatever she wants...

Therefore, Yao Leya lived unscrupulously in the entertainment industry, filming as soon as she wanted to, and getting bored halfway through the filming, so she left without thinking about the consequences.

Anyway, her family is rich and powerful, so if any troubles arise, someone will come forward to settle them.And she doesn't care if she can be famous, she doesn't even care about her fans.

But even so, Yao Leya is still popular.

She has a strong background, and the company strongly supports her. Various precious resources have been smashed one after another, and she has been sent to a top-tier coffee position, which is not far behind Song Xuewei.

In the end, the young lady of the Yao family didn't buy it at all, and continued to do her own way, and even directly performed a magic operation, destroying the popularity that the company gave her in a matter of minutes...

What is her operation?

Not only Song Yan has heard of it, most people in the entertainment industry have probably heard of it...

During the time when Yao Leya was the most popular, the company she signed with spent countless efforts and manpower to create her screen image, deceiving many passers-by to become fans of her, even the media reporters almost believed it.

Unfortunately, the good times don't last long.

Once Yao Leya came back from a vacation abroad, her fan group got the news from nowhere, and happily gathered a lot of people to the airport to pick her up. The scene was very grand, and naturally attracted Media reporters used to shoot.

As a result, during the pick-up process, the fans were so excited to see their idols that they pushed and crowded them, which not only seriously affected the order of the airport, but also made the scene very chaotic.

Yao Leya herself was surrounded by the crowd and couldn't move. Even though there were bodyguards working hard to protect her, in the chaos of the crowd, one of the fans didn't hold the camera firmly, and suddenly bumped into Yao Leya's face, leaving a piece of cheek Bruised, almost saw blood...

Yao Leya immediately exploded with anger, and as soon as the young lady's temper exploded, she immediately ordered the bodyguards to do it!She hit the fans around her one by one, punched and kicked them until they couldn't get up!
She felt sorry for her face, and because she was annoyed by the fans, she was injured, so she ordered the bodyguards to beat him on the spot to vent her anger, without considering the consequences at all.

Things just got worse like this, the bodyguards obeyed her orders and acted mercilessly.

Dozens of fans were injured, half of them were seriously injured, some had ruptured internal organs, some had broken hands and feet, some had bloody heads, some were even beaten to the ground, and were beaten by other panicked people. People stomped to the point where they almost died...

Among the crowd who picked up the plane at that time, there were still many media reporters present, so the news was immediately reported, causing an uproar in an instant.

Yao Leya's popularity and reputation fell to the bottom all of a sudden, from the quasi-first-line status to the [-]th-line status, almost all fans left, but increased a lot of black fans. Yao Leya hated this incident, and countless angry netizens demanded to call the police, accusing Yao Leya She is required to bear criminal responsibility for injuring others.

For a long time, clamoring "Yao Leya goes to jail" and "Yao Leya get out of the entertainment circle" has almost become the main theme in the entertainment circle.

It's a pity that the anger of netizens and fans is still useless after all...

The Yao family was rich and powerful, so they directly used the money to solve this trouble, and even forcibly covered up the news.

After this incident, apart from the fact that Yao Leya's reputation was not as good as before, she had almost no loss, and she did not pay any legal liability price. Instead, he didn't dare to provoke him, so he had to stay at a respectful distance.

And with the passage of time, the incident of "violently beating fans" that once caused a lot of noise gradually faded away, and there was no news at all.Yao Leya herself also fell silent, and she didn't make any troubles anymore, so that until now, people inside and outside the circle have almost forgotten her...

That's how it is in the entertainment industry.

Netizens have a great sense of forgetfulness. No matter how vigorous the news once was, or those celebrities who are popular all over the world, they will eventually be forgotten in the passage of time, as if they never happened or did not exist...

But then again, Yao Leya is not a quiet and restrained person.The reason why she became quiet and seldom showed up was because she somehow fell in love with a male star, Xiao Xianrou...

That is, today's quasi-second-tier artist, Luo Kaige!
Luo Kaige is only 25 years old this year. In the entertainment industry, he is definitely young and vigorous. He has a very outstanding appearance. He is nearly 1.8 meters tall, with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. His facial features are three-dimensional and handsome, and his temperament is cold and arrogant. The kind of high-cold male god who resists.

He used to be a fashion model. After entering the entertainment industry, he quickly became popular because of a dreamy school idol drama. For some reason, he was fascinated by Yao Leya. Since then, he has devoted all his heart to him. Almost stalking, chasing after...

Yao Leya herself is rich and powerful, with an extraordinary background, good looks, temperament and figure. It is no problem to be a star, and she can be regarded as a goddess among Bai Fumei.

Luo Kaige is pursued by such a well-qualified Bai Fumei, and loves him to death. This really satisfies a man's vanity!Even if he has no feelings for Yao Leya, just because of her status as a daughter, Luo Kaige is still happy to have a relationship with her, and by the way, he can use her aura to gain more resources and benefits for himself...

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