Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 147 Chapter 147 Mishearing the Corner (1)

This sound is really nice...

The young staff member thought blankly, before he had time to think rationally, his body had already moved subconsciously.He stretched out a hand and pointed in the direction not far away.

"Thank you." Song Yan smiled, thanked politely, and walked in that direction.

The studio has a large area, and there are many kinds of sundries piled up. Coupled with the quaint scenes that have been built, people walk in it and disappear at the wrong eye, which is quite a hide-and-seek feeling.

It wasn't until Song Yan's back disappeared that the guiding staff suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes widened suddenly, and he slapped his head: "Oh! Who was that woman just now? I don't even know her, so why did I just give it to her?" Guiding the way? It’s broken, it’s broken...it’s better not to have an accident..."

As he said that, a distressed expression appeared on the staff's face, and he looked around, but couldn't find Song Yan.

He gritted his teeth, still worried, and was planning to temporarily put aside the work at hand and go to the place where the artist reported, but unexpectedly, before he could make a move, the staff on the other side had already greeted him. The young man can only run over to deal with the work first, and at the same time, he secretly prays that nothing will go wrong...


Song Yan followed the guidance of the staff and walked all the way to the registration place.

It was a prefabricated prefabricated house temporarily built in the studio, with a row of more than a dozen rooms arranged in a neat row. It looked similar to the kind of house that migrant workers lived in on the construction site, and the environment was very simple.

To put it bluntly, this kind of movable house is built with a few boards, square and square, with reserved door and window openings. As long as glass windows and wooden doors are installed, it can barely accommodate people.

Because it is easy to use and cheap, this kind of mobile home is very common in filming locations, and most of them are used to provide temporary resting places for artists, directors, staff, etc., as long as there is an open space, they can be built until the scenes in the filming After shooting, the movable board can be dismantled and used in the next shooting location. The value of reuse is quite high.

But now, these prefabricated houses have been taken out one after another into small single rooms, with different sizes, and the doors and windows have been installed. Through the glass on the windows, you can even see that the curtains have been hung in the house. , The privacy is good, but the wall panels and door panels are relatively thin, and the sound insulation effect is relatively poor.

People make random noises in the room, but they can be heard clearly outside...

Similarly, it is basically impossible to get a good night's sleep in this kind of room without wearing soundproof earplugs.

At this moment, as soon as Song Yan walked over, she saw notes pasted on the doors of different rooms, which indicated the purpose of the rooms, such as "equipment room", "recording room", "video room"...etc. .

In addition to the rooms used for filming, there is another row of separate houses a few meters away, which is the lounge for the actors. There are also notes on the doors, some of which are written with the names of different actors, representing This rest room is for the actors, but some of them are public, which means that all the actors can go in and use it, including extras.

Song Yan used to rest in this kind of common room when she was playing tricks in the crew before. The environment inside was not very good, and there were too many people, so she could barely sit for a while.

But this time, the situation is completely different from the past. Song Yan doesn't need to squeeze into the waiting room with a group of extras like before. The crew will definitely prepare for her, and she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

As soon as she walked past the door of a lounge, a sullen and restrained low voice suddenly sounded, reaching Song Yan's ears.

"Can you stop making trouble! Can you see the occasion?!"

It was a strange man's voice, as if he was arguing with someone, the voice was full of anger, but it seemed to be heard by others, the voice was low, and it came from nowhere.

Song Yan followed the sound subconsciously, and saw that the windows of the lounge beside her were not completely closed, and the curtains inside were also slightly opened.Standing at Song Yan's position, one could just see the scene of swords being drawn into the room...

I saw two young men, a man and a woman, standing in the center of the lounge, facing each other, but separated by a full meter, as if they were confronting each other.

Both of them are about 25 or [-] years old. The man is slender and handsome, and the woman is slim and sweet. The picture of facing each other looks very seductive, and the appearance of men and women is average.

It's just that the expressions on the faces of the two people don't seem to want that to happen...

The man's face was slightly flushed, blue veins appeared on his forehead, his well-trimmed eyebrows were almost twisted into two caterpillars, and his hands hanging by his sides were also clenched tightly, as if he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his stomach .

But the woman opposite him was full of grievance and jealousy, her eyes were wide open, like an angry beast, raging with rage, but there were tears on her cheeks, her makeup was crying, her hair was messy, and her lining With a distorted expression, he looked extremely embarrassed.

As soon as Song Yan saw the faces of the two of them clearly, her eyes stopped involuntarily, her heart was full of surprise.

These two people...she knew each other.

They are all actors of the crew, and their popularity is not bad. Not only has Song Yan seen it on TV, but she also met them face to face at the opening ceremony.

It's just that at that time, the atmosphere between them was still very harmonious, and there was no tension at all at the moment.

Of course, it's far from being as close as it is now...

That man was the actor who played the male number three in the crew. His name was Luo Kaige. He was a newcomer in the entertainment industry. His traffic popularity was not very high, and he could reach the edge of a second-tier artist.

However, the woman standing opposite him...the identity is a bit special!

Her name is Yao Leya, and she is also an artist, but she is not well-known, not even a third-tier or fourth-tier actor. This time, the role she plays in the crew is just a little girl next to the male No. a little.

But what is special about Yao Leya is that in addition to being an artist, she is also a real Bai Fumei, her family is very rich, and she is the precious daughter of the chairman of the Yao Group.

The Yao Group is a large enterprise at the same level as the Su Group of Su Muchen's family. It is even higher than the Song Family, but it is almost on the same level now.

Although the Song family and the Yao family have no commercial cooperation, the relationship between Song Xuewei and Yao Leya is still good.

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