As the most developed economic capital in China, Beijing has a nationally famous film and television city in the entire Tianze District.

Although located in a remote suburb, the environment does not appear backward at all.

The entire film and television city includes sixteen large-scale classical film and television shooting bases of different dynasties and different characteristics, and three super-large modern studios, with a total area of ​​40 square kilometers, although it is not as good as the real "film and television capital". "Lucheng, but it is also famous.

On average, dozens of production crews shoot here every day, and various stars emerge in endlessly. At the same time, it also drives the media reporters to gather together, and fans come to support from time to time. It seems to be bustling all year round.

At the same time, this is also the place where Song Yan often hangs out when she is playing a role. She spends more time here than at home.

Sometimes, in the morning, she still played the hated little vixen in the urban emotional drama, and she was filming the scene of being beaten by a group of people under the sun. In the afternoon, she changed her clothes, and she became the acerbic and sarcastic drama in the costume drama again. The brain-dead female cannon fodder, using clumsy and disgusting calculations to set off the kindness and intelligence of the heroine...

Song Yan was not born in Banke. When she first entered the show business circle, she knew nothing about acting skills. She didn't even know how to stand. She was scolded bloody by the director every time.

Thanks to Song Xuewei and Meng Yang trying their best to pick up all kinds of messy characters for her, including ancient and modern fantasy, no matter how best they come.

Most of the time, Song Yan even played more than a dozen different roles in a week, and the scenes were very few. The speed of appearance was fast, and the speed of receiving lunch was faster. It was purely arranged by Song Xuewei to disgust her...

However, Song Yan's ignorant acting skills have been substantively tempered in these messy roles. Under the ridicule of others and the director's swearing, she has been polished and matured bit by bit, and finally integrated into her. something you really master.

No matter how difficult the process is, how big will be the final harvest.

If it weren't for this experience of being severely suppressed and tortured by Song Xuewei, even if Song Yan had the best qualifications and had not been tempered, she would still be just a clumsy stone. gem?

For this point, Song Yan would like to thank Song Xuewei for suppressing her. There is nothing better than this.


On the first day an artist joins the group, the registration time is nine o'clock in the morning.

Song Yan got up early in the morning, packed up her odds and ends energetically, said goodbye to Xiao Tuanzi who had just gotten up sleepily, put on her hat and mask, and was ready to go out.

The location of the film and television city in the outskirts of the city is too remote, there is no direct bus, and Song Yan doesn't have a special bus to pick her up like other artists, so she naturally needs to prepare a bit in advance.

She originally wanted to take a taxi there by herself, but before she left, the housekeeper told her that the car and driver had been prepared for her, and they parked in the garage downstairs waiting to pick her up.

This was something that Lu Yanchen ordered and arranged last night, and it was just to thank her for the porridge she personally cooked last night.

Song Yan was flattered for a moment, and originally wanted to refuse.

But the reason given by the butler couldn't be rejected - the location of the film and television city was too remote, and it was indeed very inconvenient without a car to pick up and drop off, and there were basically no taxis there, all of them were private cars.If Song Yan insisted on taking a taxi by herself, how to get back at night would be a problem...

After Song Yan finished listening, she couldn't refute.

In the end, he accepted Lu Yanchen's kindness and drove to the film and television city.

She went out early, and fortunately there was no traffic jam on the road, and the journey went smoothly. It was less than eight o'clock when she arrived at the main entrance of the film and television city.

It's time for breakfast.

After checking the pass, the vehicle slowly drove into the urban area. As far as the eye could see, the city made of steel was replaced by antique eaves tiles in the blink of an eye.

The timing was very clever. Last night, the crew for the night scene had finished work, and the crew for the daytime filming hadn't started yet. Even the extras who had always gathered in the film and television city hadn't come out yet. There are few people, and through the thin morning fog, one can vaguely see one studio after another not far away, like giant beasts, quietly crawling on the ground.

Song Yan has seen this kind of scenery too much, so she is naturally not as shocked as the others. She just looks at the scenery slowly passing by outside the car window with a kind of emotion in her eyes.

If there is no accident, she will stay in this film and television city for several months.

The filming of movies and TV series is not like most people imagine, it is filmed episode by episode.

In order to save investment and time as much as possible, the director usually prepares a studio first, asks people to build the scene, and then shoots all the scenes that will be used in the script in one go. After making sure that there are no omissions, Only then will people be asked to dismantle the scene and continue to build the next one...

Of course, it was impossible for the crew to wait while the scene was disassembled and rebuilt.

Therefore, most scripts will rent several or even a dozen studios. Before the official shooting starts, people will build many scenes. When there are some reshoots or scenes that require on-site shooting, the crew will leave the film and television city and go to other suitable shooting locations.

Of course, this location is also pre-determined.

Because the shooting process is mainly based on scenes, the scenes assigned to artists to shoot every day are naturally chaotic.It is impossible for the same scene to appear only once in a TV series, and many of them are interspersed scenes.

So it often happens that the actors are still filming the sweet scene of you and me in the morning, and it directly becomes a life-and-death hostile scene in the afternoon, which is a very severe test for the actor's own skills and emotional transformation.

The filming locations of "Imperial Power" in the film and television city are mainly concentrated in the scenic spots of the Han Dynasty. There are more than 20 large, medium and small studios of different types that have been leased. The plot scene in the studio has already begun to be built.

Until today, when the production is officially ready to start, many shooting scenes have almost been set up, and only some finishing work is left. It can be seen that the crew's schedule in this aspect is very precise, and I wish I could not waste a day.

It's no wonder...

After all, the rental price of this kind of studio in the film and television city is not cheap, and the fees are calculated by the hour.

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