Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 144 Chapter 144 The Picky Man

Lu Yan watched her movements deeply.

Seeing that she had wiped off the alcohol cotton, she quickly picked up the tube of ointment, unscrewed the cap, squeezed out a bit of light yellow ointment, and hung it semi-solidified on the mouth of the tube.

Song Yan naturally wanted to pick it up with her hands, and planned to put the ointment on her fingertips first, and then apply it to the wound.

This is also the normal behavior of most people when applying ointment...

However, seeing Lu Yanchen's eyes, he couldn't help frowning, feeling a little unhygienic.

Song Yan didn't wash her hands specially before applying the medicine, and there was no special disinfection on her fingertips, so she just used her hands to apply the ointment, which inevitably seemed a little unhygienic.

Ordinary people may think it’s nothing. Anyway, the bacteria are on the hands and can’t be seen by the human eye, so just wipe it on.

Even Song Yan herself thought so.

But Lu Yanchen seemed unable to accept this.He is still a bit of a clean freak, and he is extraordinarily serious and serious about certain things, almost nit-picking.

"Don't move, don't use your hands."

He frowned slightly, preventing Song Yan from directly touching the ointment with her hands.

Then, under her unexplained gaze, she searched in the medicine box and found a small package of medical cotton swabs that had not been opened. Wound infection."

Song Yan was stunned, and took the cotton swab with some dumbfounding, "Isn't it..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound was automatically silenced under Lu Yanchen's gaze.

Well, cotton swabs are cotton swabs...

Not too far.

Song Yan shrugged her shoulders, not willing to argue with Lu Yanchen on such a trivial matter, so she lowered her head and took some medicine with a cotton swab, and wiped it on her burned arm.

——Is this the head office?

After Song Yan finished applying the medicine, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Lu Yanchen, her eyes clearly revealing such a meaning.

When Lu Yanchen saw this, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and she didn't say anything, but after a "huh", she reached out to take the used cotton swab in her hand, and threw it into the trash can.

Song Yan smiled, put down her rolled up sleeves, quickly packed up the bowls and spoons, piled them on the tray, and picked them up together.

"Okay, the medicine is on, and the porridge is finished, so I won't disturb your work, I'll go out first." She said with a smile, then turned and walked out the door.

Lu Yanchen didn't stop her either. He stood still and watched her leave the study, and closed the door thoughtfully. The footsteps gradually faded away and soon disappeared.

He stood there for a while, stretched out his hand to caress his stomach, felt the comfortable feeling of fullness, was a little dazed, and then walked back to the desk, turned on the computer, and continued to work.

However, this time, for some reason, he couldn't regain the feeling of being fully concentrated before, instead, he frequently lost his mind, and his work efficiency plummeted...

On the contrary, Song Yan was in a pretty good mood, with a slight smile on her face, and even couldn't help humming a little song when she went downstairs with the tray.

As soon as she walked downstairs, she saw the butler standing not far away, with a rigid face tensed, and the brows seemed to be furrowed all the time, forming a deep crease between the brows, which set off the The stern face became more and more rigid.

Before, when Song Yan was carrying the porridge upstairs, the housekeeper followed her all the time, but he didn't follow her up the stairs, and stopped at the stairs, standing straight without moving, with his eyes always looking upstairs.

Seeing Song Yan coming down with a relaxed expression humming a ditty, the housekeeper froze for a moment, his eyes slipped from her smiling face to the empty bowls and chopsticks in her hand...

His face, which was always staid and calm, unexpectedly showed an expression full of astonishment uncontrollably, as if it was inconceivable.

"Miss Song...Young master, have you used porridge yet?" He couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Song Yan went down the stairs and asked without knowing it.

The expression on the butler's face was even more incredible, he couldn't hold back for a while, and murmured: "Young Master never drinks porridge...how could..."

Song Yan heard his words with sharp ears, and she was stunned with a smile, showing a disbelieving expression.

Does Lu Yanshen never drink porridge?
No way……

How did she see that he was drinking happily, not forcing himself at all?
When cooking porridge before, she deliberately cooked it in a slightly larger portion than her own appetite, which was enough for one person to drink.I thought that if Lu Yanchen didn't like it, she could keep it for herself to drink, but unexpectedly, Lu Yanchen poured one bowl after another, and the whole pot of porridge went into his stomach, and it seemed that he still couldn't get enough...

Don't like porridge?It doesn't exist at all, okay?

Song Yan thought so, but seeing the unbelievable expression on the housekeeper's face, she shrugged, but didn't say anything, and went into the kitchen with a tray.

The butler stood where she was, looking at her back with a complicated face, her eyes were indescribably weird and subtle...


After the opening ceremony of the film crew, the actors joined the crew immediately, ready to officially start filming.

The schedule is very tight.

After all, it is difficult to estimate the amount of money invested for every extra day the stage is set up for the crew. Neither the crew nor the artists can afford to delay this time.

The time of reporting on the first day is very important. Under normal circumstances, the agent will negotiate with the crew and then pass it on to the artist.But any agent with a little sense of responsibility will not hold back the artist at this time, and most of them will inform in advance.

It's a pity that Song Yan didn't have such good luck.

Although she has her own manager, it's almost the same as not having one. Instead, she has to guard against the other party's stabbing at all times.

Until after nine o'clock in the evening, Song Yan did not receive a notification call from Meng Yang, so she had no way of knowing the exact time when she would join the team to report tomorrow.

She very much suspected that Meng Yang did it on purpose, and when she was about to call the crew to inquire, Meng Yang's phone call came in.

Song Yan looked at the name displayed on the phone screen, raised her eyebrows and connected, "Hello?"

"Join the group at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, don't be late! You find a way to get there, I'm very busy here, I don't have time to take care of you, and don't call me, I don't have time to answer. That's it, hang up!"

Meng Yang's attitude was still the same, the only difference was that his tone of voice was particularly blunt today, his voice was tense, as if he was nervous about something, and he almost said a few wrong words in the process, and He changed his words temporarily, and pulled it back abruptly.

This kind of tone makes people feel very uncomfortable.

But Song Yan could guess what he was nervous about, she couldn't help but sneered in her heart, she replied lightly and hung up the phone.

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