Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 139 Chapter 139 It's Not Easy

Lu Yanchen didn't respond for a long time, as if he was stunned.

Song Yan was relaxed on the surface, but actually waited for his reaction with a heart. The longer she waited, the more anxious she became. She mistakenly thought that Lu Yanchen was unwilling to accept her abrupt behavior, and the energy that was originally suppressed in her heart dissipated all of a sudden...

She twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, "Uh, well, if you don't want to eat, then..." Forget it.

Before she finished speaking, Lu Yanchen suddenly interrupted her, "You made this yourself?"

His eyes fell on her hand. There was a medium-sized brown casserole on the tray. The lid was tightly sealed, and the inside of the pot could not be seen at all, but the unique fragrance of porridge could not be concealed by the lid. It stayed, and came out one by one.

Lu Yan's eyes darkened unknowingly.

My stomach, which didn't feel hungry at first, also became empty and uncomfortable after smelling this simple but alluring aroma...


Song Yan was taken aback, then nodded, "Want to eat?"

Lu Yanchen didn't answer, but his eyes fixed on the casserole clearly revealed his thoughts.

Song Yan was a little funny, so she said, "If you want to eat, go in, what are you doing standing at the door?"

Lu Yanshen came back to his senses, turned sideways to make way for her, and at the same time turned on the headlights in the room.

With a soft "click", the crystal lamps and lighting strips on the ceiling of the study room were all lit up in an instant, and the whole room changed from dark to brightly lit.

Almost blinding the computer screen, the eyes of a group of people in charge staring at the video window to peek...

Song Yan didn't think there was anything wrong, she walked into the room with the tray in her hand, looked left and right, and found a round table of the right size by the window, and two round chairs that looked very bookish and comfortable. It seems that it is prepared to drink afternoon tea and relax.

She walked over naturally, put the tray in her hand on the round table, and carefully lifted the lid of the casserole.

The milky white hot air diffused with the sweet porridge fragrance that permeated the nostrils. Gently and domineeringly, it got into the tip of Lu Yanchen's nose and gradually permeated the whole room.

Of course, you can't drink porridge directly in the casserole. It looks weird and it's inconvenient to drink.

Song Yan prepared very well, she brought all the bowls, chopsticks and spoons, and even prepared a few snacks to go with the porridge. When the heat in the casserole dissipated a little, she lowered her head and poured the porridge one spoon at a time. to the bowl.

Lu Yanchen looked at the woman who was concentrating on her preparations, her eyes darkened imperceptibly, and she walked over calmly.

"The jujube and millet porridge I made is not very good. Don't dislike it. I heard from the butler that you don't like sweet food very much. I just put a little rock sugar to taste. You can try it. If you really don't like it, just forget it." Now, don't force yourself..." Song Yan said in her mouth, but her hands kept moving, scooping the rice porridge into the porcelain bowl with a spoon.

Thick and milky millet, red dates cut into fine shreds and sprinkled evenly in it, the red and white colors are interlaced, the color is extremely clear and beautiful, accompanied by small goji berries, the appearance is so good that it is amazing.

Red dates are sweet, and millet is also slightly sweet, so the porridge cooked has a sweet but not greasy aroma, refreshing and refreshing, very attractive to the appetite.

Even if he hasn't really tasted it, just looking at the appearance of this bowl of porridge, Lu Yanchen seems to be able to imagine the soft and luscious taste, the taste must be very good, and he can tell that it was carefully boiled over a low fire.

He doesn't drink porridge very often, because he thinks it's troublesome to drink, wastes time, and doesn't feel full.With Lu Yan's heavy appetite, even if he drank a large bowl of thick porridge, he would feel hungry after a while. It would be better to have a serious meal after tossing and turning.

But at this moment, looking at the bowl of porridge in front of him, whether it's because it looks good or the person who cooks the porridge is special, Lu Yanchen has a rare interest in drinking the porridge slowly, and his empty stomach is getting more and more porridge. It's hard.

He looked at the bowl of porridge quietly, and after a while, he turned to look at Song Yan again.

Song Yan was wearing simple and loose casual clothes and an apricot-colored apron. Her jet-black hair, loosely tied into a ponytail, hung casually on her shoulders. A few strands of hair slipped down, making her cheeks pale and tender, and she was very gentle. .

She lowered her head, all her attention was on the bowl of porridge.

From Lu Yanchen's perspective, one can just see that her earlobes are as delicate as jade, the bridge of her nose is delicate and straight, her eyelashes are long in the shadow of the lamp, her silhouette is picturesque, and her neck extending from the skirt is white and slender, beautiful Like a swan, it is noble and meticulous.

From the first time he saw her, Lu Yanchen felt that she was a truly beautiful woman from head to toe, with no flaws on her body.

No matter if you consider it purely from the aesthetic point of view, or judge it with a man's aesthetic point of view, you can't deny that she is good-looking, as delicate as a jade carving, and as delicate as a flower...

When you are amazing, you have amazing beauty.

Gentle and gentle beauty.

No matter what kind of beauty it is, it can make people's hearts sway.

Lu Yan looked at her deeply, and suddenly felt an unbearable emptiness in his stomach. Before he could react, he felt a slight light in his palm, and Song Yan stuffed a porcelain spoon into it.

"Don't be dazed, sit down and eat, cold porridge is not good for the stomach."

Song Yan put the porridge bowl on one side of the round table, raised her head while speaking, just in time to see the slightly raised arc of Lu Yanchen's lips, which was light and faint, but suddenly softened the cold iceberg aura, The whole person seemed to soften a lot all of a sudden, and it was extremely moving.

Song Yan's eyes widened slightly, and she even forgot to put down the porridge spoon in her hand.

If she remembered correctly, this seemed to be the first time she... saw him smiling so softly and kindly?
Song Yan's first reaction was to touch the phone, subconsciously wanting to take a picture and save it.

For many years, with an iceberg face, President Lu, who is as cold and unattainable as the top of Mount Everest, can actually show such a soft and non-chilling smile. It is really... not easy!

She can't wait to take more than a dozen photos and record a video to record this unprecedented scene.

Of course……

Song Yan's nonsensical idea is just an idea, after turning around in her mind, it is impossible to actually implement it.

She didn't have the guts to hold up her mobile phone... and tap on Lu Yanchen's face...

I'm afraid it's almost the same if I don't want to live.

Who doesn't know that what Lu Yanchen hates the most is being in the mirror, several leading companies in the media industry dare not offend him easily, let alone Song Yan alone.

Lu Yanchen also quickly restrained his smile, sat on the round chair, stared at the porridge bowl in front of him with dark, emotionless black eyes, with a calm and solemn expression.

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