When they heard the words "suspend the meeting", the faces of all the leaders were dull, and they almost suspected that they had heard it wrong.

But anyone who has had contact with Lu Yanchen at work, who doesn't know his workaholic nature?
The style of doing things as if the sky is falling and you have to finish the work at hand... Few people can bear it, but they just grit their teeth and hold on.

But Lu Yanchen was able to enjoy it, and maintained the same work efficiency for several years, which made people's scalp tingle, and he was amazed...

But who would have thought that workaholics like Lu Yanchen would sometimes take the initiative to suspend work.

All the people in the video conference couldn't accept it for a while, and they sat staring blankly across a layer of network. When they saw Lu Yanchen's figure really disappeared in the video window, everyone couldn't help being startled and looked at each other.

Since the video communication is interoperable, no matter which party speaks, the other party can hear clearly, and Lu Yanchen's side is no exception.

Therefore, no matter how terrified and curious they were, the branch managers in the video did not dare to speak, for fear of being heard by Lu Yanchen. They winked and made eye contact with each other, with constantly changing facial expressions It fully demonstrated their inner shock and unimaginable.

A workaholic like Mr. Lu can be asked to put down his work...it must not be an ordinary maid!

It must be a woman with a lot of connections, okay?

In this way, Mr. Lu, who has always been unfeminine, is there really something wrong with him?

The Golden House Cangjiao...

Is it true? !
Everyone felt a dreamlike unreal feeling in their hearts. After a round of intense eye contact, their eyes fell on the center of the computer screen, on the video window that belonged exclusively to Lu Yanchen. The gloomy background and the unchanging filming characters in the video are like a tortuous glimpse into the development of things.

At the same time, everyone's ears were erected, eavesdropping curiously and nervously, hoping to catch some unusual sounds or movements to satisfy their curiosity.

And the development of the matter did not disappoint them.

Footsteps sounded from the video, and Lu Yanchen walked to the door of the study, and opened the door with his hand.

The soft and warm light in the corridor shone in, and the light and shadow scattered all over the place, and even the background in the video, which was too dim to see clearly, also became slightly brighter.

Song Yan stood in such a soft light and shadow, shed off the grand and luxurious dress at the banquet, and put on the most common and soft home clothes, half new and not old, a beautiful face washed off the makeup, but The increasingly prominent porcelain white skin is full and translucent, and under the warm light, it almost glows like pearls and jade.

At this moment, she is far from the gorgeous and eye-catching after being well-dressed at the banquet, but she looks real and soft, without any threatening atmosphere, which makes people feel relaxed and friendly unconsciously.

Her eyebrows were stretched, the corners of her bright red lips were slightly raised, and she was holding a tray in her hand, as if she was offering a treasure, and she pretended to be relaxed and said: "I heard from the housekeeper that you are useless for dinner when you come back. I cooked it in the kitchen." Some porridge, would you like some?"

Her tone was very brisk, and the expression on her face tried her best to be natural, as if she had done it casually.

But Lu Yanchen was standing in front of her. At such a close distance, he was much taller than Song Yan. From a condescending angle, it was easy to see the embarrassment in her eyes that she was trying to hide, and the roots of her ears were slightly red. They looked like two little pink jade beads, as if they couldn't get used to this kind of thing.

Lu Yanshen didn't speak for a while.

Song Yan stood at the door with a tray in her hand, looking relaxed, but her heart had already been raised.

She didn't intend to do this at first, but when the housekeeper talked about Lu Yanshen's busy work, she somehow cared...

Thinking about how he helped her a lot today, out of a feeling of gratitude, or perhaps by mistake, she unexpectedly thought of cooking for no apparent reason.

It’s weird.

She obviously doesn't like to cook.

Although she has been living alone these years and has learned some basic cooking skills more or less, Song Yan is born with a little bit of the essence of a good wife and mother, and she has little interest in the fact that cooking, plus she herself I'm not picky about food, and I don't care too much about what I eat. Sometimes I don't even bother to care whether the food is delicious or not, as long as it can fill my stomach. It's completely different from the foodies that are becoming popular nowadays.

When she was the most exaggerated and the least particular, she even ate only steamed buns for half a month to fill her stomach.

It's not that the economy is too poor to afford good food, but that she doesn't care. Whether it's steamed buns, instant noodles, or various delicacies, they are all the same to her, but she has a slight preference.

The reason why many people like to cook is because they like to eat.

Of course... There are also people who just like to eat, but don't like to cook. They are either too lazy or have poor craftsmanship.

But Song Yan is just the opposite...

She is not lazy, and her cooking skills are not bad, but because she doesn't have much pursuit of food, she has no interest in cooking.

But today, for some reason, she suddenly had the idea of ​​cooking, she got into the kitchen and fiddled with it, and because she thought about the reason why she had a stomach problem at the beginning, she finally cooked a pot of porridge by mistake, and she didn't care about it. It's time to eat, but I'll bring it up and send it to the study...

Although Song Yan seems to be very decisive in delivering the porridge, in fact, during the more than an hour of making the porridge, she hesitated several times and planned to give up, or simply thought of letting the housekeeper deliver it, and she pretended not to know... Thinking After thinking about it, I always feel that it is not appropriate.

She cooks on purpose, originally to thank Lu Yanchen for all the help she has given her today, so how can someone else do it for her?

But giving porridge to people at night... With the current relationship between her and Lu Yanchen, it seems too close, and it is even easy for people to misunderstand, and there is a faint feeling of ambiguity.

Song Yan struggled back and forth, and before she could come up with the best solution, the porridge was already cooked. The steaming pot made her stare for a long time, and finally she gritted her teeth and put aside those messy thoughts. Decided to bring it myself...

She thought to herself, anyway, she has a clear conscience, and she is not afraid of being questioned, so she can do whatever she wants, and there is no need to look forward and backward to make people laugh.

But what makes people helpless is that although Song Yan thought so in her heart, when she actually implemented it, she still couldn't help being embarrassed and nervous, holding her breath and waiting for Lu Yanchen's answer.

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