The same is true for Song Liguo.

He didn't believe a single word Xie Yihe said, he just felt that the other party was deliberately concealing it and playing tricks in front of him.

It's just that now, it's him who asks Xie Yihe, not Xie Yihe who asks him...

So no matter how dissatisfied he was, Song Liguo didn't want to show anything, but his face darkened slightly, and when he was about to say something, he received a dark look from Song Xuewei, signaling him not to be angry.

It doesn't matter if Xie Yihe refuses to say it now, isn't she still there?

She is the lead actor of the crew, she will start filming in the future, and she will have a long time dealing with Xie Yihe!If there is really something hidden, she will find out sooner or later, there is no need to rush.

Looking at Xie Yihe's current appearance, he almost refuses to admit it. It's useless to break the casserole and ask the truth, but it may offend others. It's better to pass this paragraph first and take it slowly later.

There is no need to worry about being preempted by others, because whether it is Xie Yihe or the producer, the rhetoric to everyone is the same.

Song Liguo is not stupid, of course he can think of things that Song Xuewei can think of.

Previously, he was just dazzled by anxiety, but after calming down a bit, he also agreed that what Song Xuewei did was right, and there was really no need to offend people now.

So let's skip that for now.

Song Liguo stopped asking questions, Xie Yihe's expression softened a little, and the tense atmosphere quickly dissipated.

The two chatted casually about other matters, and when the atmosphere really calmed down, Song Liguo took the initiative to raise the issue of Song Yan's role.

Of course, he didn't ask directly, but made a detour, and asked with a smile as if inadvertently: "By the way, Director Xie, I overheard Xuewei mentioning that the roles in your crew are very important. It seems that the second female role in the company was handed over to a newcomer? Is there such a thing?"

Xie Yihe froze for a moment, his eyebrows twitched unconsciously.

In fact, this question is not difficult to answer, and it does not involve the internal situation of the crew. In addition, the opening ceremony has passed, and the arrangement of the role actors has been disclosed to the media long ago. There is really nothing to hide.

Although Song Liguo is not a direct investor of the crew, he is the major shareholder of Huaxing Entertainment, and Huaxing Entertainment... itself is one of the largest investment companies of the crew.

It seemed normal for Song Liguo to ask about the character actor.

But the bad thing is that he is not only a shareholder of the investment company, but also Song Xuewei's biological father...

Xie Yihe has personally experienced Song Xuewei's intense reaction to the role of the second female lead.Now her father suddenly brought up this question again, after the opening ceremony.

Even though he wasn't sure what the intention of Song Liguo's question was, Xie Yihe couldn't help but "thump" in his heart, and glanced at Song Xuewei beside him out of the corner of his eye.

He suspected that Song Xuewei was still not reconciled to this role, and it was difficult for him to show up, so he invited her father, Song Liguo, out.

However, Song Liguo's status is not ordinary!As a director, on the premise of being soft on people, you can't be too tough on investors.

So Xie Yihe could only nod his head, "That's the case. However, the artist who played the second female role can't be regarded as a newcomer. She has debuted for two years. She has played many types of roles before, and her acting skills are not bad. The assistant director and editor-in-chief are very satisfied."

The implication is that it was not he alone who decided to play Song Yan, but most of the crew agreed.

Song Liguo frowned when he heard the words, he didn't seem to agree, and said: "Even if you have some acting skills, you are still a little-known artist after all, and it's almost enough to play a trick! Give the important second female lead to this kind of person to play the role." , is it a bit too risky?"

"Hehe, although there are risks, they are not as serious as imagined. We have also carefully considered them. President Song doesn't need to worry too much."

Hearing his tone, Xie Yihe's bad premonition seemed to be confirmed, and he wanted to change the topic with a haha.

Song Liguo was not as he wished, frowned, and said in a lukewarm tone; "Really? I don't think so, Director Xie and you guys are too optimistic! How could a little-known little artist Playing an important role, in case the performance goes wrong, if something goes wrong, who will bear the responsibility and loss? Isn’t this risk big enough?”

Xie Yihe rolled his eyes in his heart, and couldn't help but slander: Is he a professional, or is Song Liguo a professional?
He knows the risk of a fart!
A businessman who runs a company, a layman among laymen, does he know how the crew works?Do you know how the roles are chosen?Do you know which artist is suitable for which path?

He didn't know anything, but dared to say that the role he chose was not good in front of him as a director?Too risky?
Get the fuck off!
Song Liguo thought that he had spoken in a very tactful and polite manner, and even Song Xuewei, who stood aside and listened with pricked ears, didn't feel that there was anything wrong.Because both father and daughter are used to centering on self-feeling, they think it is appropriate, but they don't really consider it from the standpoint of others.

Even because of the selfishness and arrogance in his bones, no matter how polite and euphemistic he said on the surface, he couldn't hide the feeling of domineering, and Xie Yihe's ears felt even more unpleasant.

Because of the role of the second female lead, Song Xuewei had already had an attack in front of him once, which made Xie Yihe very unhappy. In the end, because Song Xuewei had a misunderstanding and took the initiative to ease her attitude, Xie Yihe reluctantly endured it.

But now, Song Xuewei seems to have regretted the original easing, and it is not easy for her to come forward. Instead, she pushed her father Song Liguo out, for the same thing...

No matter how good-tempered Xie Yihe was, he couldn't stand her changing her mind again and again, and slipping around like a fool.What's more, Xie Yihe's temper is really not good.

Hearing Song Liguo's sarcastic tone, Xie Yihe's eyes turned cold, and the smile on his face faded by two points.

"Then what does Mr. Song mean now? He thinks the risk is too great and he doesn't agree to let that artist play?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"Director Xie, I'm also thinking about everyone's interests. After all, the investment in this drama is not small. The company has invested so much money in it, so naturally I don't want to add some unnecessary risks for nothing. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, No one can bear the responsibility, don't you think?"

Song Liguo spoke unhurriedly, raised his eyelids slightly, and there seemed to be a sense of oppression in his eyes.

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