Song Liguo looked at her sullenly for a long time, then nodded.

Song Xuewei looked at Su Muchen next to her with some embarrassment, bit her lip, and then turned around and walked towards the director.

Su Muchen stood aside, and naturally heard what the father and daughter said, frowning for a while, his eyes were complicated and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Song Liguo didn't care about this son-in-law at the moment, he kept staring at Song Xuewei, saw her squeeze into the crowd with difficulty, and went to Director Xie to say something.

Director Xie still looked impatient at first, and waved his hands not wanting to hear what she had to say.Song Xuewei was not angry, but moved closer.

The people crowded together densely, with shadows and voices chaotic.

Song Liguo couldn't see what Song Xuewei was doing for a while, and felt slightly anxious, so he pushed Su Muchen, "Go and help Xuewei, protect her! Go!"

Su Muchen had no choice but to walk over, and squeezed to Song Xuewei's side after wasting his time, but she seemed to have already talked with Director Xie.

Director Xie frowned slightly, his expression was not good, but he still nodded to Song Xuewei.

Song Xuewei immediately showed a smile on her face, "Then I'll wait for you."

Xie Yihe nodded, turned around and squeezed out of the crowd, "Please make room, if you have anything to say later, I'll talk to the producer about something."

The people around were not willing to refute his face, so they gave way reluctantly.

Su Muchen lowered his head and asked Song Xuewei, "Why did you tell the director? He agreed?"

Song Xuewei replied in a low voice: "I didn't say anything, the director owes me a favor, so I agreed."

Su Muchen didn't know how credible these words were, but since Song Xuewei said that, there were a lot of people around him talking, so he didn't want to ask too many questions.

Su Muchen didn't say anything more.

On the other side, the director and the producer didn't know what to say, so the producer nodded slightly and raised his voice to greet the investors, large and small, who refused to leave, and invited them to go to the rest area together.If you have anything to say, let's sit down and talk together.

For such words, some investors were not satisfied, but some readily agreed.The producer ignored the crowd's noise and walked directly to the rest area. When the others saw it, they hurriedly followed, lest they would be overtaken by others.

Most of the crowd dispersed at once, and the people who had surrounded the director followed suit.

Only then was Xie Yihe able to escape, wiped off his cold sweat, and then walked over.

"Thank you, director. My father is over there, let's go first." Song Xuewei said politely, pointing to Song Liguo standing next to the inconspicuous small balcony, looking forward to it.

The three walked over together.

"Director Xie, I've admired you for a long time. I'm really sorry to ask you to come when you're so busy!" Song Liguo privately despises people in the entertainment industry, but on the surface he still does a good job. When he saw Xie Yihe walking over , then took the initiative to greet with a smile.

"Where, Boss Song is the one who came to our opening ceremony with all kinds of opportunities every day. We are really flattered!" Xie Yihe also smiled, said politely, and shook hands with Song Liguo again.

The two exchanged a few compliments back and forth, and the atmosphere became familiar.Song Liguo skillfully asked about Lu Yanchen, his face was full of sighs and regrets, and he said that he was unprepared, and he was really taken aback...

While talking, he looked at Xie Yihe intentionally or unintentionally.

Xie Yihe knew what he wanted to ask. He had heard enough similar words just now. He rolled his eyes in his heart, but his face had a sympathetic expression, and he said bluntly: "Isn't it? Who can understand the Lu family's mind? Accurate? I also received a phone call from my secretary not long ago, saying that Boss Lu is interested in our crew and wants to come over to take a look, and asked if it’s convenient for us... Oops, I almost didn’t scare me out of anything!"

"So that's the secretary who called you personally?" Song Liguo was astonished, his face full of disbelief, and at the same time he looked at Xie Yihe secretly with a subtle look, and he really couldn't see what was wrong with him. It's so special that I ran into this kind of shit luck.

Lu Yanchen's personal secretary... what level is that person?
Let alone a small director, even if Song Liguo came forward to contact him personally, there would be no way to find him, otherwise he wouldn't need to inquire about the news so obliquely.

Xie Yihe only pretended that he didn't see the jealousy and unwillingness in Song Liguo's eyes, nodded, and said with lingering fear: "Yeah, I couldn't believe it at the time, I almost thought who was joking with me! Only later did I find out that it was true .”

"Then what did the other party say?" Song Liguo asked impatiently.

"I just said that Boss Lu wanted to come over temporarily and asked us if it was convenient... He didn't say anything else." Xie Yihe shook his head, his tone was very calm, and he didn't seem to intend to hide or lie.

In fact, he said the same to other investors, and there was nothing to hide in the total of two sentences on the phone.

Unfortunately, not many people believed his words.

Everyone thought he wasn't telling the truth, didn't believe it was that simple, and even suspected that he was hiding some important news, so they surrounded him and refused to let it go.

What can Xie Yihe say?
There was no use in explaining, and when he told the truth but was treated as a lie, he almost couldn't help cursing.

"..." Song Liguo was very disappointed when he heard the words, and he couldn't help showing suspicion in his eyes.

Similar to those suspicious investors, he also didn't believe Xie Yihe's words in his heart, narrowed his eyes slightly, and remained silent for a while.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Song Xuewei hurriedly interrupted and asked, "So, the director, you don't know the reason why Mr. Lu came here suddenly?"

"I don't know." Xie Yihe shook his head again, and said with a wry smile, "What's on that guy's mind... No one dares to ask."

It's true...

Wherever Lu Yan wanted to go, who would dare to ask him what was on his mind?
Song Xuewei didn't really care much about this matter, she just glanced at Song Liguo's face, and had to ask: "Didn't you personally send Mr. Lu into the reception room? He didn't explain his purpose to you?"


Xie Yihe denied it completely, and Song Xuewei had nothing to say, her brows furrowed slightly.

In fact, many people present could see clearly that after Xie Yihe and the producer invited Lu Yanchen into the reception room, they did not stay there for too long.

It's barely been 2 minutes...they all exited together.

What can you do in 2 minutes?

I can't even say a few words, let alone other things...

So neither Xie Yihe nor the producer actually lied and concealed it, if they said there was none, there would be none.It's just that other people's expectations of them are too high, and it's very difficult to accept that they have failed for a while.

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