Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 604 The Gentlest Person in the World

"Actually, I think every girl once had a dream, dreaming that she was a princess, right?"

"So I had this inspiration."

"Actually, the dream of being a princess mostly stayed in childhood, because when I grow up, I know that I am not a princess, but just an ordinary person."

In the past, Xu Qingzhi had such a simple dream even in a high-pressure study environment.

Everyone said that she was a genius and a model of a famous lady, but they didn't know that all the achievements she got were accumulated step by step with her sweat.Those people didn't know how much effort she had spent to get to that point.

At first, she thought evasively, if she were a princess, wouldn't she need to learn these things she didn't like?
However, the facts told her that it was impossible.

Later, Yu Yanchen told her with actions, Xu Qingzhi, you are not a princess, but a clown.

So, when she saw Xiao Zhuan, she seemed to see her former self.

Maybe now she is trying to become confident and strong, but a long time ago, after her father died, she faced a desperate situation, and she was as timid and cowardly as Xiao Zhuan.

"I thought, at least, I'm going to tell this girl, whether it's with my mouth or my work."

"I want to tell her, no matter what you look like, in your world, you are the most beautiful princess."

After Xu Qingzhi finished speaking, she slowly put down the microphone.

However, the audience once again fell into an eerie silence.

Especially the sensual female contestants were moved.

Growing up to now, who has not felt inferior and abandoned himself?
"It's a really good idea." Sue Luka is a woman who is as rigorous as Ster Lee. In terms of rigidity, the two can be said to be on par, but now, she showed a shallow smile, " Our magazine is for all women, including young, old, beautiful, disabled, etc. I think our magazine needs people like you who can discover all the beauty."


There was an uproar on the stage.

Is Sue Luca offering an olive branch to No. 19?

You know, as a designer, if the design can be published in the well-known "Anken" magazine in the country, it will definitely be a harmless thing!

For a moment, the contestants immediately began to envy, envy and hate.

After all, this is the first person invited by a guest.

Xu Qingzhi was flattered: "Thank you for your evaluation, I will continue to work hard."

She knew that she belonged to Ster Lee and could not be poached!

Of course, it was definitely not because she saw the gloomy eyes of Ster Lee!

"That..." At this time, Xiao Zhuan made a weak voice, "I have something to say, may I ask... is it okay?"

The model naturally spoke, and the host enthusiastically handed over the microphone.

It's just that an introverted person like Xiao Zhuan would take the initiative to speak, Xu Qingzhi was a little surprised.

"Actually, I don't have much to say." Xiao Zhuan stumbled, saying that she was not nervous would be a lie, but she blushed and encouraged herself to say it with great courage, "I want to thank my designer."

"Because of my physique, I have been a little fat since I was a child. Although others didn't tell me about it, they always laughed at me secretly. I was not reconciled, so I wanted to lose weight, but not only failed, I even got myself into the hospital. "

"Later, I got depression."

"Because of the drug problem, I became more and more obese, and I was ridiculed more and more. I became sensitive, afraid of meeting other people's eyes, afraid of other people's words, and if it was not for lack of money at home, I would not participate in banking Hui's model audition. When I was selected, I was so scared that I even regretted it, but now, I am so glad that I was selected."

"I thought that I was so fat and I couldn't walk. The designer who got me would definitely dislike me. But no, she has been working hard to teach me the steps, smiling and encouraging me to work hard, and always being gentle. Tell me, it's okay, we can do it. I thought it was all just a phony lie, but I saw her eyes and I knew it wasn't."

"She is gentle, kind, and powerful. I don't see any contempt in her eyes. Her feelings for me are sincere and gentle."

"So I thought, I have to work hard and try to be... her qualified partner."

When he said this, Xiao Zhuan was already sobbing.

"Thank you, No. 19. If it wasn't for you, I might have run away, and I might not be able to stand up. In short, I would never step on such a stage in my life."

And I will never know in my life... She also had such a courageous and beautiful time.

For Xiaozhuan, Xu Qingzhi is a ray of light in her boundless dark life.

She has only one idea.


Fortunately, I came, fortunately, I met you.

I am your partner, even if it is just this once, but in order not to embarrass you, I will try my best to go on the road ahead.Be a beautiful and strong girl worthy of your designs.

Xiao Zhuan put down the microphone, her tears couldn't stop falling, and she couldn't wipe them clean.In the end, she didn't wipe it off, let the tears fall, and even put on makeup.

It was a bit funny to look embarrassed like this, but no one laughed at the scene, so Xu Qingzhi hugged her again.

She clung to the other's ear and said softly, "Come on."

Your future will be bright and bright.

Everyone kept quiet tacitly, and no one disturbed the atmosphere of the scene.

Someone has already recorded the video and posted it online.

The heat is quietly expanding.

[I'm the one who watches the live broadcast all the time, I swear, after seeing this episode, I actually cried. 】

[I cried so much that I called my father and mother, and my roommate thought I was cheated by a scumbag. 】

[This is a live broadcast, there is no editing component, even if there is a script, I don't believe it, because I can feel the model's feelings even through the screen, and feel the tenderness brought to her by the 19th. 】

[This dress is not designed for the competition, it is a gift specially given to Xiao Zhuan on the 19th. 】

In addition, some people made long comments.

[I cried, because I experienced long-term school violence in school, and I also became a depression patient.However, my family didn't understand me, and even felt that I was too fragile.I always thought it was my fault, I was too bad, but now, I understand, I am not a clown, I am my own princess, so I should not bow to those who laugh at me. 】

[I am also fat like the model, even fatter than her, and I have been ridiculed countless times since I was a child.Because of this, I feel inferior and introverted. I thought that I was rejected by everyone and no one could accept me, but now I understand that there will be gentle people who will accept my existence. 】

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