Take a quick look, sure enough, a good design can move the face of Cold Bread!
In any case, the 6 of No. 8.0 can be said to be a new high, successfully replacing No. 25 and reaching the top of No.1.

Xu Qingzhi looked at Xia Ying unintentionally, and as expected, although there was a mask covering her expression, it was not difficult to see the girl's indignation.

She sighed, but said nothing.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon came the final link.

Another contestant returned to the contestant's stage, Xu Qingzhi stood up from her seat, and walked towards the scoring stage.

It's her at last.

What kind of answer she can give everyone... Everything depends on the present.

Soft lights fell down, illuminating the stage.

With the melodious sound of the violin, someone walked out of the curtain.

At that moment, the audience seemed to be quiet.

Even the barrage on the screen disappeared.

Everyone looked at the model on the stage in unison.

Let me ask, how would a person who is fat and out of shape wearing designer clothes and walking awkwardly on stage be treated in normal times?

The audience will laugh heartily, and just find it funny, especially after watching the previous surprises, they feel that this person is a mere imitation.

And at this moment, everyone is aware of it.

no, I can not.

Because Xu Qingzhi (No. 19) changed everything.

Many people have imagined the scene of the No. 19 model, and many people were ready to laugh, but now, they all shut their mouths.

The women on the stage wore fluffy skirts, like wedding dresses, or dresses specially presented for princesses.It is fluffy and soft, like the petals of a blooming flower.It is light and close-fitting, and it is obviously the most bloated design, but it is properly tied around the waist with a bow, which draws out the arc of the waist.

The model's original bucket waist, under this method, looks slimmer.

The models on the stage are like Cinderella, stepping on beautiful crystal slippers, covering their bodies with the night sky dotted with bright stars.

Every step of her is very cautious, but she looks a little clumsy because of nervousness, but all of this is not abrupt, it will only remind people of Cinderella who was transformed into a dress by the fairy godmother. Will the girl in the skirt and the crystal slipper be like this, cautious and apprehensive, yet excited to see the prince soon?
Perhaps, this model is not good-looking, even a bit bloated, but now, everyone has forgotten her flaws.

What they saw was not to mention a clumsy princess.

That's it.

When the music stopped, everyone woke up like a dream.

The catwalk ended without them noticing.

Xu Qingzhi was the most responsive. She walked onto the stage slowly and stood beside Xiao Zhuan.

Xiao Zhuan, who had completed a catwalk, was obviously a little tired, but her eyes were shining brightly.

Because she didn't miss the expressions of the audience, they were astonished, but they didn't have the familiar ridicule.

"I...I..." Xiao Zhuan stumbled, "I, did I succeed?"

Xu Qingzhi nodded, and she gently hugged this maybe a little fat, but exceptionally outstanding girl: "Yes, you succeeded."

Xiao Zhuan blinked, as if tears were about to fall.

But she held on, she couldn't cry, she couldn't embarrass her designer...

Watching the interaction between the two in the live broadcast room, the online audience came back to their senses.

[I woke up, at this moment I don't know how to express my feelings. 】

【Me too……】

[It can only be said that I used to have no hope for the 19th, but now, I have changed my mind. 】

【What are you still hesitating about? ?Is it because the model walks badly or the skirt doesn’t look good? !Brush me up! ! ! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly ! ! 】

[Oh my god, I was almost stunned by the beauty of this dress, isn't this the princess dress we most wanted to have when we were young?I cried! 】

【Now I only regret that I didn't sign up for Yinhui's audition, maybe I will become a model and be drawn on the 19th. 】

[Wake up upstairs and stop dreaming. 】

Every little girl has a princess dream, and Xu Qingzhi's white princess dress seems to perfectly fit their childhood imagination.

[To be honest, at the beginning I felt that Ster Lee was too picky in his evaluation of No. 25. There is no truly perfect design in the world, and the degree of fit is just a fantasy.But the appearance of No. 6 made me understand a little bit, and now, the performance of No. 19 made me completely understand that there is really such a thing as fit. 】

[+1... This dress is very good-looking, and if a beautiful woman wears it, it will definitely look good too.But I think that the most suitable model will always be this model, because this dress was born for this model. 】

[The model is Cinderella, who was Cinderella before, and the number 19 is the fairy godmother, making her Her Royal Highness. 】

There are countless such remarks, and almost everyone agrees with this idea.

Seeing Xu Qingzhi on the stage, Star Lee's eyes flickered, she smiled slightly, and then wrote down her score.

It seems that my vision is not wrong.

Some people are born for this.

"People who create art often need empathy, which allows them to create the most perfect art. And you have this thing, congratulations, number 19."

All the judges showed their score cards.

Xu Qingzhi, No. 19, with an average score of 7.7.

Perhaps not more than the highest score, because in the eyes of the judges, the dress still has some blemishes and defects.

It's not the perfect dress, but when it's on the model, it's perfect.

Xu Qingzhi got her own score, she bowed, and the audience applauded.

"Although the ratings are printed out, I still want to ask a question." The judge Lan Lanshan said, "I like this dress very much. I think no girl should be able to refuse this dress. This is a genuine princess dress. "

"But why would you want to create this dress?"

After all, it might be difficult for ordinary people to associate fat people with princess dresses.

"Yes." The referee Sue Luka also said, she was the one who gave the highest score in the audience, "Everyone knows that I am the editor-in-chief of "Anken" magazine, and on this dress, I saw the incomplete I am also curious about the aesthetic feeling, what inspired the author?"

"I asked Xiao Zhuan, who is my model, what kind of clothing she likes the most." Xu Qingzhi thought for a while, and said, "She hesitated for a long time, as if she didn't know how to answer, and then I asked her, do you like princesses? ."

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