After Xu Qingzhi left the western restaurant, she met Ai Wen who was coming towards her.

When he saw her, there seemed to be surprise in his eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses, and then he smiled softly: "Am I moving too slowly? Sorry, it took a long time on the phone.


"Xu Qingzhi shook her head, "I can't wait anymore... Do I want to go back now?" "Well, according to the meaning of the boss, I will send you back after I send you to eat."

"Ivan said.

Xu Qingzhi's eyes were clear, and she laughed rather self-deprecatingly.

Sure enough, everything was to prevent her from escaping?Should she sigh with emotion, she never thought that one day, she could make Yu Yanchen so "worried"?Xu Qingzhi raised her eyes and met Ai Wen's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

This extremely shrewd assistant, both in appearance and personality, seemed to be able to see through everything about her, which also made her feel a strong sense of discomfort: "Then please send me back.

"After Xu Qingzhi finished speaking, she quickly got into the car.

Ivan didn't say anything, just sat in the driver's seat in silence, and stepped on the accelerator.

The two of them kept quiet along the way, until the car stopped in front of the villa, and when Xu Qingzhi was about to get out of the car, the man stopped her: "Wait a minute, Miss Xu.

She paused and turned her head strangely.

She saw Aiwen's hand reaching behind the driver's seat, and took out a beautifully packaged small paper box from it, with a beautiful bow tied on the top with a soft blue ribbon.

"After I made the call, I saw a cake shop on the side of the road, so I bought it for you on my own initiative.

As Ivan said, he passed the cake box in his hand, "The taste is your favorite cappuccino, I think it will make you feel much better."

"Xu Qingzhi's brain was in a daze. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, but instinctively stretched out her hand, and took the heavy cake box.

"As an assistant, I need to remember everyone's preferences, I hope five years later, I remember correctly.

"Ivan smiled at her, then closed the car door and stepped on the accelerator.

The departing black car left only a trail of gray exhaust.

—— Ai Wen's behavior was too strange, even if Xu Qingzhi had doubts, she had to put these things aside for the time being.

Because it won't be long before the third round of SUMA will start.

During this period of time, Yu Yanchen has not come back, and Xu Qingzhi has also maintained a state of seclusion that does not talk to anyone.

On the day before the competition, with Xiaojiao's help, she sneaked out of the villa again.

This time the competition was held in Nanshi, and it took three hours just to fly.

She got on the plane with Steer Lee, but on the plane, Mrs. Lee inadvertently mentioned what happened a few days ago: "A few days ago, that guy from Eseria suddenly called me and asked about your business." , It seems that I still want to see you, but I refused.

"Xu Qingzhi didn't say a word, she naturally knew that the "you" they were talking about was Ah Zhi, not Xu Qingzhi.

It was just Mrs. Li's next sentence that made her body stiffen in the blink of an eye.

"By the way, before hanging up the phone, he asked me if I knew Xu Qingzhi.

’ She looked up in disbelief.

Mrs. Li didn't change her face: "I still fooled the past, he should have no doubts.

"Hearing this, Xu Qingzhi's expression gradually recovered, and then a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Also, if she really recognized herself, Eseria would not have said such things in the western restaurant back then.

In his eyes, Ah Zhi is Ah Zhi, and Xu Qingzhi is Xu Qingzhi.

How could a woman who couldn't pick up a violin and was decidedly musical trash be a match for his muse?I'm afraid that the sudden mention of her was just to prevent the two of them from being too similar in back, worrying that she would insult his reputation as a goddess.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Mrs. Li took a deep look at her: "I know about the matter between you and Eseria, but please remember, whether you are Ah Zhi or Xu Qingzhi, you have nothing to do with that man. .

""I don't want our cooperation to go wrong because of outsiders.

"For a while, Xu Qingzhi couldn't tell whether Mrs. Li was comforting her or warning her.

Her eyelids twitched, and the slender fingers that landed on the armrest curled up slightly.

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was only a calm and firm look in her amber eyes.

"I understand.

"She has long been abandoned by this group of people, and she will never affect her future because of them.

Nanshi is a city famous for its beautiful scenery. Although it is a scenic spot, it is not the tourist season right now, so the flow of people is not high, which is just right for holding competitions.

Originally thought that SUMA would only do design-related competitions peacefully, but when it came to the competition site, Xu Qingzhi realized her ignorance.

In front of a villa at the foot of the mountain, six contestants were standing at the door.

Not long after, a surprised female voice sounded: "House together?" The one who spoke was the familiar An Xiaona, although she had a bad temper, which made her popularity unsatisfactory.

But its own strength is relatively outstanding, and for this reason it has successfully entered the top six, even ranking No.2.

"Yes, camp.

The staff nodded, "But don't worry about safety, the guests and staff will also stay here, and you players will be allocated rooms in units of two, and the combination can be allocated by itself."

After a night of rest today, the game will start tomorrow.

"Can't you apply for one by yourself?" "An Xiaona's face darkened, "I'm a clean freak, and I don't like living with other people.

"However, the staff told her categorically: "No.

""Why do we have to group? ""SUMA's rules, if you don't want to, you can leave directly.

"Because of this, An Xiaona's complexion became even worse.

It's just that this is SUMA after all, and it's not a place for people to play tricks.

No matter how much dissatisfaction she has, she can only swallow her anger aggrievedly.

After all, no one wants to be kicked out of the game so easily.

Tomorrow is the time for the competition. The third round of competition is different from the traditional second round. The content of the third round is often determined randomly, so the content of the competition can only be known tomorrow.

Right now, the contestants need to arrange their rooms.

The villa has four floors, the first floor is a public place, the second floor is where the staff live, the third floor is for contestants, and the fourth floor is for guest judges and others.

It's not that there is no money, and a group of people squeezed into a villa. After all, the investment method Yu Yanchen, SUMA will not be so poor no matter how you look at it.

It's just that this is a remote scenic spot, and the accommodation conditions are often unsatisfactory.

The working group also searched for a long time before finalizing this satisfactory place.

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